Lin Ke stretched himself and slept comfortably. After sleeping all the way, the dark circles under his eyes magically disappeared.

"Where is your friend?" Lin Ke asked

"Ahem, don't worry, I'll find another friend and then go find her."Tang Zichi said to Lin Ke

"Oh, yes, now that you mention it, how many of us are going together this time?" Lin Ke asked curiously.

"Including you and me, there are four of us." Tang Zichi said to Lin Ke

"Four people! Not bad, not many, I thought you would have a lot of people!"Lin Ke shook his head slightly when he heard that there were only four people. He thought it was some"big group" activity, but it turned out to be only four people!

"How many people do you think there are?" Tang Zichi said speechlessly.

"There must be ten or eight of them, right?" Lin Ke said with a grin,"Alas, I waited in vain!"

"……What are you looking forward to?"Tang Zichi complained speechlessly.

And there are ten or eight...I suspect you were expecting a silver party! ?

"Ahem, I just discovered that following you seems to make me see a lot of high-quality girls! I can get to know more girls so I can get rid of being single!"Lin Ke said with a smile

"You are a rich second generation, your family owns a mine, are you still afraid of not being able to find a partner?" Tang Zichi looked at Lin Ke speechlessly and said

"I'm not one of those rich second-generations who likes to show off their wealth and enjoy eating, drinking and having fun. I'm just an ordinary person with a little money.

Besides, I hope to find true love! I need the resonance of the soul, do you understand resonance?" Lin Ke looked at Tang Zichi with contempt.

"Ah, yes, yes! You are right!"Tang Zichi nodded.

Tang Zichi's perfunctory attitude made Lin Ke laugh, and he couldn't help but hit Tang Zichi a few times.

"Okay, okay, we're almost there." Tang Zichi begged for mercy, and the angry Lin Ke let him go, then looked up and said,"Hiss~ This house looks familiar."

""Hmm?" Tang Zichi looked at Lin Ke suspiciously when he heard what Lin Ke said, then rang the doorbell.

After a while, a beautiful figure came out of the house and opened the gate of the yard.

"Hehe! Long time no see!"Li Ai smiled and greeted Tang Zichi.

"Li Ai!?"Lin Ke said in surprise

"Hmm? Lin Ke!" Li Ai turned her head and was also a little surprised:"Why are you here! ?"

"Why can't I be here!" Lin Ke rolled his eyes and said,"Xiao Chi is my friend."

"He is my friend too!"Li Ai said.

They looked at Tang Zichi.

"Well, I am your friend."Tang Zichi nodded, you are all right.

"This is really a coincidence!" Lin Ke laughed out loud

"Have you known each other for a long time?"Tang Zichi looked at the two curiously, trying to find out some gossip from them.

"Don't look at me like that! He and I just have a bad fate!" Li Ai crossed her arms and said with some disdain.

"……Can you speak more normally? What do you mean by a bad fate?"Lin Ke's eyes twitched and he said with a black line, then explained to Tang Zichi:"She is my sister."

"Not a love sister? Not a foster sister?" Tang Zichi asked.

"……"Lin Ke's veins popped out slightly:"No! A very serious kind of sister!"

"No! You are a pervert!" Li Ai looked at Lin Ke with disdain again.

"You want to die!" Lin Ke shouted at Li Ai

""What do you care?" Li Ai retorted

"Stop it! I have a headache....I didn't expect your relationship was so bad!"Tang Zichi felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, but I don't know why I can't suppress my emotions when I see her."Lin Ke waved his hand and said

"Me too! Perverted brother!"Li Ai said to Lin Ke

"……You're not done yet, are you?" Lin Ke said angrily

"I'm curious, are you related?...Lin Ke, have you done anything perverted?..."Tang Zichi was very curious and gossipy, and he also noticed that although Lin Ke and Li Ai quarreled, they seemed to have a good relationship.

"Well...There is no blood relationship. Lin Ke shook his head slightly and said

"He has done a lot of perverted things!..."Before Li Ai finished speaking, Lin Ke covered her mouth and said harshly:"I advise you to be kind!"

Tang Zichi smiled helplessly and said:"Okay, okay, we should set off, so that Xiaoxia won't wait too long."

"Xiaoxia? You mean that Xiaoxia, right?"When Li Ai heard what Tang Zichi said, she slapped Lin Ke's hand away and looked at Tang Zichi and asked

"Well! If there is no second Xiaoxia in Hualan City, she is the one," Tang Zichi nodded and said

"Xiaoxia asked you to go to the Quartz Plateau!" Li Ai looked at Tang Zichi in surprise:"I didn't expect you to be so generous!"

"This is called a wide network of contacts. Lin Ke corrected Li Ai and said

"Get out of the way!" Li Ai looked at Lin Ke with disdain.

""It's OK. After meeting Xiaoxia a few times, we got to know each other. And this time she also asked me to go to Quartz Plateau together. The reason is the same as yours, it's too boring to be alone." Tang Zichi said to Li Ai with a smile.

"Oh?! Are you lonely? Li Ai, you don't have any feelings for Tang Zichi, do you?"Lin Ke's eyes lit up when he heard Tang Zichi's words.

"I am indeed very interested in Xiao Chi! Li Ai nodded seriously.

"!!!"Tang Zichi and Lin Ke looked at Li Ai in horror.

"What! I'm not interested in that!" Li Ai crossed her arms and said,"Xiao Chi is my rival! My goal is to defeat Xiao Chi!"

"Oh~" Tang Zichi and Lin Ke both breathed a sigh of relief

"Hey, hey, hey! What do you mean? Li Ai was suddenly unhappy.

""Ahem, okay, okay, let's go! I'm afraid Xiaoxia has been waiting for too long!" Tang Zichi said hurriedly, turning around and walking towards the Hualan Gym.

Not long after, they arrived at the Hualan Gym, and Tang Zichi saw Xiaoxia standing outside waiting from a distance.

"Xiao Chi! This way!"Xiao Xia looked around and soon saw Tang Zichi and his group coming over. Then she stood on tiptoe and waved to Tang Zichi.

"Xiaoxia!" Tang Zichi came over and said to Xiaoxia:"These two are my friends, Li Ai and Lin Ke"

"Hello, Xiaoxia! Li Ai and Lin Ke both smiled and nodded to Xiaoxia.

"Hello! I am Xiaoxia!"Xiaoxia smiled and said,"Then let's get ready to go!"

"Well, has the car arrived?" Tang Zichi asked

"We are here, waiting for you." Xiaoxia nodded and said,"Let's go, follow me."

Xiaoxia led Tang Zichi and the others to the special car sent by the alliance.

""Driver, let's go!" Xiaoxia took everyone to the car and said to the driver.

""Okay!" The driver nodded and started the car.

Let's go! To the Quartz Plateau!

【The official book test will start tomorrow! Brothers! Go for it!!! I hope I can come back to life! 】

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