Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 102: glowing backpack

"But..." Chen Xin closed her mouth as soon as she said two words, and looked forward with some fear.

Xiaolu passed another wave of missiles, and Chen Xin also came back to her senses.

Ao Feng sighed, stood up, and took all the elves outside the path back to the poke ball: "If you are not afraid of them, they will not look for you, you will not use your super power to protect your brain, then they will not find you. Can I still interfere with you? I really don’t know what to say about you, let’s go, let’s go.”

"Da Duck, don't run around!" Before they had gone too far, a familiar female voice entered the ears of the two, and at the same time a Duck also ran in front of them.

He picked up the Duck and saw that Duck was in the air and his feet were still swaying. Ao Feng couldn't help but compare him with his Duck, and found that Duck was still a good one. Smart, or at least honest, doesn't run around.

soon. The girl with orange hair came to the two of them, followed by the two teenagers behind her.

"Xiaoxia, this is your Duck Duck." Ao Feng handed Duck Duck back to Xiaoxia.

"Thank you," Xiaoxia hugged Duck Duck in her arms, "don't run around in the future, it's very likely that I won't be able to find you in this ghost place."

"Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang." Ao Feng and Chen Xin nodded to the two of them.

"Aofeng, are you lost too?" Xiaozhi asked, seeing that the two were still on their way at this time, Xiaozhi naturally thought that the other party couldn't get out just like himself.

Ao Feng twitched the corners of his mouth: "I originally planned to spend the night here, but someone was actually scared, so we can only hurry at night."

"Ah!" At this time, Xiaoxia suddenly screamed, waving her hands constantly, "Bug, worm, go away!"

Ao Feng was helpless, why are these ghost-type elves so haunted? He gave Xiaolu a wink. Xiaolu understood and beat the elf away.

"Get out of here quickly." Xiaoxia woke up and understood what was going on, so she said timidly.

"Xiaozhi, you are still here." At this time, another person came over with a coo.

"Xiao Mao!" I don't know if it was because I had a natural conflict with Xiao Mao, and when I met Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi became like a cockfight.

Xiao Mao showed some disdain on his face, and mocked: "You guys are not lost, right? Haha, as expected of Xiao Zhi's style, but why are you here, Ao Feng?"

"Che, aren't you here too?" Without giving Ao Feng a chance to speak, Xiao Zhi answered directly.

"I'm the same as you? It's because I forgot the time to conquer the elf, and it's delayed until now. With my coo, how could I get lost here." Xiao Mao raised his chin.

Ao Feng felt that this guy was purely petty, but seeing him like that was indeed a little uncomfortable: "This Gu Gu is yours?"

"Uh, cough cough." Xiao Mao scratched his head embarrassedly, "Don't demolish my stage, it's borrowed."

"Borrowed Gugu?" Xiaozhi's head filled with question marks.

"There are a lot of ghost-type elves in this forest. They like to trick people. They often create some illusions to make people get lost in it, and Gugu's ability to see through can break the illusion effect, so it will not have any effect." Chen Xin explained. .

Xiaogang tapped his fist on his palm: "I remembered, it turned out to be here, no wonder it is like this."

"I won't play with you, it's getting late, I don't want to spend the night in this forest, my car is still waiting outside," Xiao Mao waved his hand, "Ao Feng, do you want to come with me?"

He shrugged: "No need, illusion is useless to us." After speaking, Ao Feng pointed to the path beside him.

"It's really convenient for you, then I'll go first. The Kanto Conference failed to meet you, and I will definitely defeat you in the future!" Xiao Mao compared his fists and turned to leave.

"Let's go too." Ao Feng shook his head and smiled, speechlessly seeing Xiaoxia screaming again, she could only ask Xiaolu to help her drive out the ghost-type elves, hurry up and leave this place, or I don't know if Xiaoxia will be frightened out of trouble. Come.

This forest is not big. After about two hours, Chen Xin found that the navigation could be used normally, and it was always out of the area that ghosts could interfere with.

"It's almost here." Ao Feng yawned and went straight to find a place to do it, with Xiao Lu also beside him.

"There are no ghost-type elves within my perception range." Xiaoludao.

"Let's rest here, we'll be on our way tomorrow morning." After Ao Feng finished speaking, he went to look for the branches. He didn't stay by the fire. It was very cold at night, especially in a place with a lot of humidity like a forest.

When Aofeng came back, the floor was covered with blankets, and Xiaozhi and the others also planned to rest here, but just as Aofeng put down the branch, a mechanical claw grabbed it.

"Pika!" Pikachu, who didn't respond, was immediately caught.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted, hurriedly chasing after him. The others were also surprised and followed behind Xiaozhi. Ao Feng put the backpack on, the elf egg was still inside, if something happened while he was away, it would be too late to regret it.

Even though Ash and the others responded quickly, their claws moved faster, and they were nowhere to be found when they got into the bushes.

Xiao Zhi didn't care about the thorns in it, he went straight in and opened the bushes to look for it.

Ao Feng grabbed him and said, "Calm down!"

"But my Pikachu..." Ash said anxiously.

"It's so dark here, what can you find by blindly searching?" Ao Feng covered his head, not understanding why someone would target Xiao Zhi's Pikachu, and he didn't seem to see any difference." Xiaolu, come and search."

Xiaolu nodded, he was still very reliable, closed his eyes, the wave guide sense was turned on, he swept away, and soon found the target: "This way!"

"Follow!" Ao Feng said after Xiaolu ~www.readwn.com~ Rockets? "In about a minute, the group found the culprit, a combination of a man, a woman and a meow.

"Damn, it's you guys again, give me back Pikachu!" Ash said angrily.

He pulled Xiao Zhi, who was about to rush up, to him again. There was a lawn between the two sides. Seeing their unhurried appearance, he knew there was a problem: "Team Rocket is so blatant in grabbing the elves?"

As soon as Ao Feng opened his mouth, he blocked the other party's opening remarks, and did not give the other party time to answer: "Xiaolu, earthquake!"

Taking a step forward on the path, he punched the ground, and the ground suddenly vibrated, a large piece of turf fell, and three large holes appeared on the ground.

"Ah, our trap!" Musashi's eyes widened.

"Chen Xin, come on!" Ao Feng didn't plan to hold back, so Xiao Lu and Ha Kelong rushed over.

Pikachu was locked in a hood, and being immune to electric shock was naturally a form of protection, and he didn't have any scruples when he did it.

Taking advantage of this gap, he used the Bone Thorn to get close to him, and he knocked the Rockets out in a few clicks. He didn't even have a chance to fall under the dragon's breath, and he turned into a star.

In his hand, he turned the bone stick a few times, put it at his side, and dragged the transparent cover that closed Pikachu with one hand.

"It's amazing!" Ash exclaimed, taking Pikachu from Xiaolu, "Pikachu, are you alright."

Aofeng gave Xiaolu a thumbs up, Xiaolu smiled and walked back to Aofeng.

"Ao Feng, your backpack is glowing." Chen Xin reminded.

Ao Feng took a look, isn't it, his backpack is glowing from time to time, and it is very obvious in the dark.


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