Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 116: Shi Yu vs Ao Feng

After Feng Wang left, Aofeng felt that the induction between himself and the waveguide was disconnected again. Aofeng was a little depressed, and he didn't know when he would be able to use the waveguide next time. With this experience, he is more eager to control the energy in his body.

Ao Feng is not someone who complains about others. After a little depression, he began to formulate his training plan for Emperor Yan. Emperor Yan was separated from Ao Feng most of the time, and Ao Feng made a phased training plan for Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan has mastered a lot of skills, but they are only at the level of mastery, and he is still far from mastering them. Ao Feng chose a few skills for Emperor Yan to focus on practicing. The learning is too complicated, and the energy is scattered, and the power that each skill can exert is far from reaching the extreme, let alone super-level performance.

In addition, Ao Feng also told Yan Emperor the training method to improve the quality of flames, and put a gravity ring on him to facilitate exercise.

Ao Feng originally wanted to put a restraint ring on Emperor Yan, but gave up after thinking about it. Now that Emperor Yan's strength was almost caught, and the energy intensity was restrained by the restraint ring, the danger was greatly increased.

After arranging the training methods and procedures, Emperor Yan, Ao Feng and the others rested together for a night and then left. If there was no summon from Ao Feng, the next meeting would be after the results of this stage of training were reflected. And the elf hunter was also taken away by Miss Junsha, who was notified by Ao Feng.

Although he is very envious of Emperor Yan's recognition of Ao Feng, Ke'er and Shi Yu have no other ideas. If there is a disagreement in their attributes, they will not talk about it. There are times in life. They are still very clear.

"Shi Yu, let's have a game." After lunch, Ao Feng said to Shi Yu.

"Ah? Me?" Shi Yu pointed at himself, a little stunned. That day, whether it was the unilateral suppression of the Ironclad Shell after the evolution of Xiaolu Mega or the powerful explosion of the Fossil Pterosaur, Shi Yu was a little afraid to fight against Ao Feng.

Ao Feng smiled and said, "It's not that you are Ke'er, she is not a trainer. You can't do it like this. Be confident. The strength you burst out that day is also very strong, come on."

Facing the favorable conditions given by King Ho that day, Keer and Shiyu both gave him the right to choose, and he was still very grateful. For Shiyu's situation, he naturally wanted to help, and it was a reward. And the best way is to fight, and you learn far more in actual combat than verbal instructions.

"Oh, that's fine." Seeing that Ao Feng insisted on fighting against him, Shi Yu would definitely not be able to just avoid him, so he agreed.

"One-on-one, my side is a single-headed dragon." Following Ao Feng's words, the single-headed dragon jumped up in front of Ao Feng and raised his head to face Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's elf didn't take in the elf ball either, and directly said to Acorn Fruit beside him, "Acorn Fruit, please!"

Both sides are the initial form of the elf. From this point, Ao Feng did not take any advantage. The single-headed dragon was born not long ago, so it can be said that he is still a little weak.

"You go first." Ao Feng's eyes went directly to Shi Yu.

"Okay, acorns, grass, use the seed machine gun!" Shi Yu was habitually wanting to use field skills, but thinking of Ao Feng's previous instructions to him, he immediately changed his tune.

As for Shi Yu's reaction, Ao Feng nodded secretly, not bad, although he was still used to it, he was already changing: "Single-headed dragon, dodge, take two steps to the left and then jump forward!"

The single-headed dragon has not been trained for a long time. The position of the elf can be judged by the smell, but it is not so good for the energy-type long-range attack on the nose. Now the single-headed dragon is far from the ability to listen to the voice. Ao Feng can only give direction out.

Naturally, the single-headed dragon completely trusted Ao Feng's words. After a few light jumps, a row of glowing seeds flew past him.

"Shi Yu, why are you so stunned!" Ao Feng kept an eye on Shi Yu's state during the battle, and immediately shouted when he saw his appearance.

Shi Yu was startled and quickly came back to his senses. It was the first time he saw the elf easily dodging the attack completely relying on the trainer's instructions. Generally speaking, the trainer issues instructions to use the skills, and then the elves determine the attack method and how to dodge by themselves.

Like Ao Feng, it is not only the trust and reaction speed of the trainer of the Elf team, but also the accurate judgment of the trainer. Shi Yu was a little stunned in shock.

There is also a reason for the single-headed dragon. Not being able to see things makes him very dependent on Ao Feng, so the problem of trust is naturally not a problem.

"Staying in a daze is a big taboo. With your daze skills, Acorn Fruit has already displayed other follow-up attacks. If your opponent counterattacks while you are in a daze, you should just wait to lose." Ao Feng Having said that, the single-headed dragon is ready to attack.

A dragon-shaped wave emerged from the single dragon and landed in front of the acorn fruit. The powerful attack punched a big hole in the ground, making Shi Yu's face change.

The single-headed dragon shifted his skills under Ao Feng's behest. This battle was mainly for guidance, and it would be meaningless to end the battle quickly.

At this time, Shi Yu also saw that Ao Feng was helping him again, and shook his head to get enough energy: "Acorn fruit, do it again, seed machine gun, cover attack!"

This time, Shi Yu is much smarter, and Acorn Fruit's execution ability is also quite good. The seeds are no longer connected to form a straight line of attack, but spread out, covering most of the area.

The two attack methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The front attack power is higher, but it requires faster launch speed and timing control ability. The second attack rate is higher, but the attack power is not reflected~www.readwn.com~ Seeing the seeds falling from the sky like raindrops, Ao Feng did not panic at all, nor was he in a hurry to issue an order, and the single-headed dragon just stood there quietly.

"After!" Ao Feng's eyes flashed, and he shouted when the seed was about to fall on the single-headed dragon.

The single-headed dragon was already ready to move, waiting for Ao Feng's order, quickly retreated, dodging the seed's attack.

"Right, left, back again!" Ao Feng shouted one after another, the single dragon also moved frequently, dodging attacks again and again, Shi Yu and Ke'er were dumbfounded.

Judgment is nothing. When the seeds reach the ground, the distance is already a bit large, and it is not difficult to dodge one or two seeds. But the difficulty lies in the continuous movements and the speed of the single-headed dragon's reaction, which is almost the same time that Ao Feng speaks the command.

He shook his head again, Ao Feng had already told him before, so naturally he couldn't be stunned at this time. While the single-headed dragon was still dodging the attack, he seized the opportunity to launch an attack: "Acorn fruit, energy ball!"

After a short period of charging, a green ball of light flew out from the top of the acorn fruit.

"Single-headed dragon, Fang of Fire, front left!" Ao Feng still shouted when the energy ball was about to approach. A single dragon could not see the position of the energy ball, so Ao Feng had to grasp the timing of launching an attack.

The seed rain formed by the seed machine gun has stopped. The single-headed dragon opened its mouth, and its teeth surrounded by flames bit the energy ball. After a stalemate for a while, it shattered the energy ball.

(Everyone should have seen the announcement. Here is a reminder. If I change stations, I will say it here in advance. If I can’t find this book, friends who still want to read this book can go to Zongheng in a few days. Look, I'll turn around as soon as possible.)


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