Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 136: Hinoki Gym

Juniper Town, Juniper Gym.

"Is there anyone?" Ao Feng and Ke'er walked in the gym and looked around. Although it is an insect-type gym, the trees here are very well planted. As the habitat of insect-type elves, there are not many people along the way, but a few elves can be seen from time to time.

"The gym is open, so the trainer should be here. Where did you go?" Ao Feng scratched his head and looked around.

"Who? Ouch... oops!" A shout came from the tree. Before Ao Feng could react, the voice seemed to be flustered. With a normal sound, a young man with purple hair fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts!" the boy cried while covering his butt.

Ao Feng looked at the young man: "You are A Bi? Why did you run up the tree?"

The boy paused for a while before standing up: "Yes, I'm Abi, the gym trainer here, you are..."

"I'm an elf trainer. I'm here to challenge the gym. I made an appointment yesterday." Ao Feng felt that this young man was very unreliable.

Abi patted his head, raised his head and said, "Yes, I remembered, are you ready? My worm-type elf is very strong, you must listen to the saying that the worm-type elf wins the world. Let's go."

"I've never heard of it, I'll find out after the competition." Ao Feng was helpless, as expected of the owner of the Insect Gym, and he valued the Insect Elf so much. It is not surprising that he should have made up this sentence himself. Yes, Ao Feng still felt some disdain.

"Okay, then let's see Zhenzhang!" Although Ao Feng didn't show the disdain in his heart, the sensitive Abi still found some clues, and his tone became a little rude.

"The following will be the Hinoki Gym Challenge. The number of elves is limited to three, and all the elves are incapacitated. The game is over, and only the challenger can replace the elves." After confirming the agreement of both parties, the referee announced, "The game begins!"

"Go, ball of thread!" Bi released the elf first.

"Ball of Strings, a Pokémon with spinning silk, it will shoot silk threads from its mouth to build a nest, wait for its prey without moving, and walk freely no matter what wall it encounters." It was the voice from the picture book in Kerr's hand.

Ao Feng hesitated for a while, and his fingers bounced back and forth on the Poke Ball around his waist, and finally stopped on a Poke Ball: "Come on, Dumb Beast!"

The Insect Gym is not a very strong gym on CD, and Aofeng didn't intend to send out Fossil Pterosaurs and Paths from the very beginning. If it ends too easily, it will be boring, and it will not play the role of exercise. So Ao Feng chose the new general he had just conquered.

The dumb beast that appeared on the field also curled up into a ball, as if it was still sleeping. In a daze, he opened his eyes, turned slightly and locked onto the ball of the line, shook his head and stood up.

"Dumbly beast, use boiling water!" Dumbly beast, who was still standing in place and looked confused, immediately opened his mouth, and a jet of hot water shot out, heading straight for the ball of string.

"It's so fast!" Abi was surprised at the speed of the dumb beast's reaction and the speed of the skill launch, but he reacted immediately, "The ball of thread, dodge!"

Hearing Abi's words, the ball of thread immediately spit out a silver thread and wrapped it around a branch on the side. Then, as soon as it was retracted, the whole body flew into the air and left its original position. It's just that A Bi's judgment was a little slower. Although the boiling water didn't hit completely, at least half of its power was applied to the ball, and the impact made the ball sway back and forth in the air.

"The string ball, use the spinning wire to trap the dumb beast!" Seeing that the string ball had successfully 'taken off', the dumb beast could not lock the position of the string ball to launch an attack, so he pointed at the dumb beast and shouted.

It was the first time that Aofeng had seen such a fighting style. No wonder he had to plant so many trees. It turned out to be to facilitate the movement of the string ball. It was difficult to hit with a small range of skills.

Abi also took advantage of the slow movement of the dumb beast, relying on the super-high maneuverability of the string ball in the air to restrain the dumb beast. I saw the ball of thread quickly spit out a thread of silk around the tree trunk, and at the same time released another continuous silver thread, which stuck to the dumb beast, and then quickly circled around the dumb beast. In a blink of an eye, half of the dumb beast was covered with silk threads.

"Dumb beast, use your mind power to catch him!" Ao Feng knew that he couldn't drag it any longer, otherwise he would become more and more passive.

"Ball of string, use the poisonous stinger!" Bi also knew that he couldn't drag it on, otherwise he would have to be caught by the dumb beast, and he would lose the first game, so he might as well hurry up and attack now.

Just as a pink brilliance appeared around the dumb beast, the ball of thread had already reached the back of the dumb beast, and the first two spider legs had turned purple, and stabbed towards the dumb beast fiercely.

The dumb beast was in pain, and the thought power it had just displayed was suddenly broken, revealing a painful expression, and at the same time, purple bubbles appeared on its body.

"Double Beast, think again!" Ao Feng frowned. He didn't expect such a small ball of string to have such a strong attack power, and the Dumb Beast was poisoned.

"Ball of string, pull up the dumb beast and fall to the ground!" The attack on his side was good, and Abi would chase after the victory.

The spider silk wrapped around the dumb beast shrank, and immediately pulled up the dumb beast that was exercising its mind power, and fell to the ground with a flick in the air.

"Moo..." The dumb beast let out a low cry~www.readwn.com~ Both eyes flashed, and the pink light spread out instantly, covering the entire field.

The dumb beast that was quickly falling to the ground just now floated up, and the ball of thread that was 'flying' in the air was fixed in the air.

First bound, attacked, and thrown to the ground, the dumb beast finally became serious, a little anger flashed in the originally dazed eyes, and then there was a loud bang, and the ball of thread was smashed to the ground. The enormous force caused a spider-shaped pothole to appear on the ground.

"Line ball!" A Bi, who thought he could win this match, didn't expect the situation to suddenly reverse. Seeing the struggling line ball through the smoke, he shouted worriedly.

"End him, use boiling water!" The dumb beast has already landed on the ground, his eyes fixed on the ball of string, the surrounding power has been withdrawn, leaving only the power to limit the ball of string, no matter how hard the ball of string struggles break free.

Hearing Ao Feng's order, the dumb beast didn't stop its thought power immediately, but slowly weakened its power, and at the same time transferred the flow of energy, and accumulated boiling water in its mouth.

Not only Abi, but also Ke'er Aofeng was surprised. He didn't expect the dumb beast to do this. Aofeng couldn't help but sigh: "What a powerful control force!"

This is similar to pseudo-combination skills, both control two skills at the same time, but the method of application is different. Dumb beasts also have advantages in this regard. After all, they have super power attributes, and their innate spiritual power is strong, but when they are used without guidance, this talent is amazing.

The final result is self-evident. In the end, the ball of thread did not break free from the gradually weakening control of the dumb beast, and was killed by the boiling water that was charged by the dumb beast.

(It will be updated before the class during the lunch break, thank you for your support!)


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