Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 142: metamorphosis

"Master Xiaoqian, you're here so early today." Miss Joy smiled when she saw Xiaoqian walk into the Elf Center.

Xiao Qian coughed twice in embarrassment. Although it's no secret that she is Lu Chi, it's still very embarrassing to be teased like this. What Ao Feng expected was similar to the reality. The battle would always end at noon, and then he could find the Elf Center in the evening, otherwise Miss Joy would not have said that.

Fortunately, Miss Joy did not continue to make fun of her, she took the Poké Ball handed over by Xiao Qian and put it on the tray in the hands of Happy Egg, then took out the Poké Balls that were originally on the tray and handed it to Ao Feng and Ke'er. : "You came back just in time, the elves are all back to health."

"Thank you, Miss Joy." The two ended up with a Poke Ball. As soon as the elf **** arrived, one of them opened in Ao Feng's hands, and a small elf appeared on the ground, looking around with its head held high.

Ao Feng frowned. Before he could say anything, Xiao Qian spoke first: "Hey, is it this cutie? You can actually subdue him."

"Do you know this cutie dog?" Ao Feng was curious. Could it be that this dog has a good background? Seeing the appearance of Xiao Qian and Miss Joy, they were all surprised by the appearance of this catty dog.

Xiaoqian nodded: "Yes, this catty dog ​​came from the Junsha family. We met him when he was a child. Although a kind of elf looks similar, it is still easy to recognize from the point of view of behavior and personality. ."

Miss Joey said, "And this catty dog ​​has a lot of background. I know from Junsha that the parents of this catty dog ​​are champion-level elves, and they are quite powerful. He also inherited great power. However, this child has been spoiled since he was a child, and his own strength is not weak. When encountering a battle with few failures, he has developed such a reckless character, ignoring Junsha's orders at all, and in the In the army, it is very important to obey orders. It is also because of this that Junsha sent this catty dog ​​here, hoping to find a trainer who is suitable for him."

"Then how did I meet him in the forest? It's a long distance from Manjin City." Ao Feng asked.

Miss Joy smiled slightly: "With the temperament of this catty dog, it is definitely impossible to stay here for a long time, not to mention whether he can take it or not, even if he can stay still, it will cause enough trouble for me every day. Trouble. At first, many trainers tried to contain him, but they all failed, and finally they just put him in the forest."

"It seems that your strength is very good. If you can subdue this catty dog, he can be regarded as finding a trainer that suits him." Xiao Qian glanced at Ao Feng, as if to see what was special about him. place.

Ao Feng laughed and shook his head: "It would be great if it was really like this. To subdue it is to subdue it, but he doesn't listen to me at all. Maybe I can't be his trainer."

"The elf that has just been conquered always needs a certain break-in period, maybe it will be fine after a while." Xiaoqian stepped forward and patted Aofeng on the shoulder, "Let's have a battle, maybe the situation will change after the battle. ."

Ao Feng didn't say anything else. After waiting for a while, I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore in a few days: "Master Xiaoqian, do you still have a elf?"

"Uh." Xiao Qian paused and scratched her head, "I only brought these few elves out today."

"Hehe, please wait a moment, your elf will recover soon." Miss Joy waved to the two of them and went to work, leaving the three of them sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Xiaolu, please watch over him." It's not good to let the Katty dog ​​run around outside, if he gets into trouble, it will be bad, so Ao Feng called Xiaolu out and stared at him.

Xiaolu appeared beside Ao Feng, and the Poke Ball returned to Ao Feng's hand. He nodded to Ao Feng: "Got it."

"This Lucario..." Xiao Qian carefully observed the patterns on Xiaolu's body, plus the golden light that burst out when Xiaolu came out, she has been determined to be a shining elf, and it doesn't give people the feeling of temperament. In the same way, when walking, he is very calm. Suddenly it seems nothing, but if you feel it carefully, you will feel a powerful feeling.

Xiaolu and Aofeng have been practicing martial arts for so long, and they already have the demeanor of a martial arts master. Although it is still only in the realm of ordinary elf, its strength should not be underestimated. After traveling abroad for such a long time, Xiaolu has achieved a high level of control over himself, and the child's temperament will only occasionally play in front of Ao Feng.

Ao Feng smiled and stared at the back of Xiaolu, revealing a gentle look: "He has been by my side since I started traveling." He just said this one and did not go on, but the memory in his mind has already been surging. The travel time is not very long, but the experience is more than the previous ten years combined. The number of partners gradually increased, and so did his relatives.

From the first time I left home to now, I have been busy training and thinking about various things. There is really very little leisure time like now, and the opportunity to be recalled and recollected is only now until now.

Seemingly sensing something, Xiaolu turned his head, his gaze met Ao Feng's gentle gaze, and his gaze softened. Needless to say, with just one look, they understood everything the other was thinking.

The Catty dog ​​walking in front turned back ~www.readwn.com~ to look at Xiaolu and Aofeng, something flashed in his eyes, something in his heart was touched. But he turned his head suddenly and continued to move forward.

Xiaolu still has tasks to do, and followed the Katee dog around, while Ao Feng was still in a trance, while Ke'er watched Ao Feng's profile and fell into silence with him.

The elves around him, the elves who worked hard at home, passed through Ao Feng's mind one by one, their struggles, their past. Ao Feng suddenly felt that he was stupid. He had been thinking about Giratina for a while, was it really necessary? Compared with the divine beast and the super divine beast, the strongest and most suitable partner and brother are by his side.

Xiaoqian smiled bitterly. She didn't expect that a sentence would end the topic that had not started yet, but from their gaze, she already understood. It is the luck of their lives to meet in life, or, in other words, they are destined to be part of each other's life.

She also likes her elf very much, but to this extent, it's still out of reach for her. He suddenly felt that Katie was very lucky. He met such a trainer and worried about him. If Katie's temperament did not change, he might really be kicked out of the team by Ao Feng. Will the dog regret it.

There seemed to be some special changes in Ao Feng, and Xiao Qian, who had come from the past, saw it at a glance. Although she didn't know what Ao Feng was thinking, she knew the result and Ao Feng had been promoted to the elite level.

I remember seeing his age when he showed the elf picture book just now. He was only under twelve years old. Such talent is really a bit scary. It was not because of his strength that he was promoted, but the process of his mind, which caused him to advance in advance when his strength was not reached.

Unique. These four words appeared in Xiao Qian's heart.


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