Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 144: air interception

Xiaolu, who was standing beside Ao Feng, quickly stretched out his hand to fish, grabbed the thing, glanced at it, and handed it to Ao Feng.

In the end, he looked up and down. This is a small transparent box with a cube, half the size of a palm. There is a red gemstone in it, in the shape of an ellipsoid. It looks ordinary and nothing special, but it is suspended in the middle of the box, and it is not connected to the world.

He raised his head and faced the sun for a moment. The gemstone was opaque, but it reflected a dazzling brilliance from the middle position.

"Huh? No, when did that thing appear!" Ao Feng, who was observing the gem, suddenly shrank his pupils. He didn't know when a huge airship appeared in the sky. It should be far away from the ground. Only the size of a small car. There are also dense black dots around the airship. You don't need to think about it to know that it should be an aircraft. I don't know who it is. It can be seen that there is no fire erupting in the air, it should be a battle.

Rewind time to ten minutes ago.

The airship shuttled through the clouds, with high-tech cover, and the invisibility achieved made them avoid most of the sight.

"Report boss, there is an object approaching quickly!" The airship controller quickly operated on the virtual keyboard, a red dot appeared on the big screen, quickly locked and zoomed in, and the appearance of a person and a elf appeared on the big screen. presented. There is a big R on the clothes of the controller. No doubt, this is the Rockets, and the one who can be called the boss is Sakagi.

Sakagi's face was gloomy, and he was thinking about countermeasures. He knew the speed of the people coming, and it was almost impossible to get rid of him at the speed of the airship: "How did the people in the alliance get the news so quickly?! Hmph, since you can't avoid it, let's talk directly. Well, but before that, give him a present."

The figure of one person and one elf flashed an orange light in the air, and it was a fast dragon flying at high speed. It was not difficult to catch up with the airship when the fast dragon that circled the earth in about sixteen hours was flying at full speed. In the alliance, with such a powerful fast dragon as a partner, the first person that comes to mind is naturally the champion of Kanto, Long Shidu.

Looking at the display on the wrist, the two points were getting closer and closer, but dozens of missiles and rays appeared on the head. Kuailong whispered, signaling Du to hold on, followed by a sudden drop in his figure, spinning in the air. Just dodged the attack, another acceleration, and stopped in front of the aircraft.

"Sakagi, come out and talk." The airship had stopped, and withdrew invisible, Du stood on Kuailong's shoulder and said coldly.

"I don't know why the dragon envoy stopped my airship?" A circular hole appeared on the platform at the front of the airship Sakagi. Sakagi appeared on the elevator and asked with a smile.

Du ignored Sakagi's hypocritical expression at all, and snorted coldly, "If you know what to ask, hand over your things and you can leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"Haha," Sakagi laughed, "You are indeed a talent to be a champion at such a young age, but do you think you want to intercept us by yourself?"

"I'm alone? When did I say I'm alone?" Du smiled, and then, aircraft flew over, tightly surrounding the airship.

Sakagi's expression changed. He didn't expect the alliance to be so generous this time, sending so many people to do an interception operation.

"Yulongdu, I don't know what you're looking for, you're looking for the wrong person." Sakagi's eyes turned cold, he knew that this time the action was much less fortunate.

Du is still unmoved: "Don't pretend, although I don't know who you are in contact with, but the thing has been located by us, it's on you, take it out, it will save us effort, in case It's not good to destroy the airship and crash it." This is a blatant threat, hand over things, or the ship crashes.

Seeing Sakagi's eyes flashing, Du smiled again: "Don't think about running away, with our positioning ability, no matter where you run, you will be found, and if you run away, your Rockets can disappear. "

Sakagi's body froze, and he quickly thought about countermeasures. He couldn't understand why he was still located after special treatment. He couldn't even find it in Giratina. How could the people in the alliance find it? If he didn't have a way to locate it, how would he know that something was being carried by him?

But he can't believe or listen to Du's words. Whether it's true or not, if he doesn't hand over things, the Rockets may really suffer disaster.

Is there a way to position the ferry? Of course not, this is just what he said casually, he has no idea where things are. It is said that it is also a gamble on Sakagi. It is better to bet right. It doesn't matter if you gamble wrong. He only came when he got the exact information~www.readwn.com~ and learned about the actions of the Rockets.

"Hmph, I'll give you something." Sakagi escaped from his arms and escaped a cube-shaped transparent box with the red gemstone suspended in it. But when he was about to throw the gem out, the airship suddenly shook. I wonder if it was a coincidence that Sakagi didn't grasp it firmly, and the gem just fell.

Du was startled and was about to go down to chase, but was stopped by a desert dragonfly: "Lord Dragon Envoy, this is not very good, let it return to nature."

"Go down and look for it!" Du knew in his heart that this gem must never fall into the hands of others. Once found by someone with bad intentions, it would be a disaster.

"How can it be that simple, don't even think about getting what I can't get!" Sakagi's eyes were gloomy, and dozens of flying machines flew out of the airship, and there were dozens of flying Pokémon. Everyone stopped.

Sakagi returned to the airship, and a burly man was already waiting by the elevator: "Boss, everything is arranged, Xiaofeng has arrived."

"Good job, if you get it back, I'll give you and Xiaofeng a big credit!" Sakagi's mouth curled into a smile, how could he be unprepared for the alliance? For today's interception, he has already left behind, as long as the thing is successfully called into the hands of that person, and it is not in the hands of the Rockets, what can the people in the league say?

There was a lively fight above, and the falling gem below had already reached Ao Feng's hands.

"Boy, give me what you have!" From the woods not far away, five people came out and walked straight towards Ao Feng, their eyes all falling on the gem in Ao Feng's hand. The common feature of the five people is that there is an R word on their clothes. The difference is that the first one has the R word on the shoulder, while the other four are on the chest.


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