Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 148: nightmare

That afternoon, Catty woke up from his coma, looked around in a daze, and before he found anything, he felt that he was free, which means that, to put it better, he was released. Sadly, he was abandoned.

Why? I have such a strong talent, why abandon me? Catty couldn't lie down any longer, stood up and jumped off the hospital bed. His weakness made him sway in place, but he didn't care about it anymore, and ran out of the ward, looking for the smell of that person.

What disappointed him was that the smell of Ao Feng had faded and he could hardly smell it. He already knew that Ao Feng had already left here. Standing still, the sadness only lasted for a moment, and the trace of admiration that had arisen when Ao Feng was comforted by him disappeared. Then I was filled with anger, what's wrong with me, you dare to abandon me, you don't want me, I don't want to be with you, any trainer will be better than you.

Standing at the door of the center of the elf, the caty dog ​​barked loudly into the distance. The gap between arrogance in his heart and being abandoned made him full of resentment towards Ao Feng, he didn't even think about what was wrong with him, but blindly resented Ao Feng.

"Katie? What's wrong with you?" Xiao Qian, who came to the Pokemon Center to recover the Pokemon, saw the appearance of the Pokemon and hugged him and asked, but the Puppy immediately broke free and ran back to the Pokemon Center.

In the next few days, Katty Dog observed a lot of trainers, and finally found a good-looking trainer for him to subdue. He knew what a bad decision it was to abandon himself.

They didn't notice at all. Miss Joy and Xiao Qian, who were watching everything on the side, frowned and expressed concern about the choice of Catty, but they had no way to reverse Catty's will, so they could only let him go. .

The full moon hangs high in the air, and the clouds flutter in the air, blocking the bright brilliance from time to time, causing the world to fall into complete darkness.

The last corner of the moon's face was once again obscured by the flowing clouds, and the black shadow that almost merged with the ground moved forward quickly, emerged from behind a big tree, flew up to the top of the tree, and looked at the sleeping two not far away. People and elves, a blue eye that was exposed outside lit up.

Clouds drifted past, and above the tree top, a black body, a red neck, and an elf with fluttering white hair appeared, and his eyes were still drifting into the distance.

"What place is this? Why... so desolate?" Ao Feng led the elves through the woods. For some unknown reason, the temperature dropped as he went forward. All the trees in front of him died, and the leaves fell all over the ground. Frost covered it, and the whole world seemed to fall into a dead silence.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and there was no sunlight. Against the scene on the ground, a desolate aura emerged, and an inexplicable faint fear lingered in my heart.

Although the environment has changed a lot, this cannot be a reason to stop him from moving forward. If he continues to walk forward, this forest seems to have no end. Suddenly, Ao Feng's heart tightened, and when he looked to the right, a blue light flashed, and the target was the Duck Duck beside him.

His pupils shrank, "Be careful!" He jumped forward when he shouted, but he didn't hit anything, his consciousness suddenly became chaotic, his eyes fell into darkness, and he didn't know anything. When he woke up again, he was still in the dead wood.

"Where is this? Why does it feel so familiar?" Ao Feng felt inexplicably familiar, but after thinking hard, he couldn't remember anything. Ao Feng, who had no clue, had to keep walking forward. Ao Feng didn't notice that something was wrong, he didn't even notice that Ke'er wasn't around, and he didn't carry a backpack.

"Why is the temperature so high?" Walking slowly forward, Ao Feng felt the temperature rise, wiped the sweat on his head, and a trace of fire caught Ao Feng's attention. Surprised, when did the forest catch fire?

Before he had time to think too much, Ao Feng hurriedly found a direction to run, and there was only one dead end in the burning forest, but before he could run far, a burning branch slammed down on him, pressing Ao Feng on the ground. Down below, consciousness plunged into darkness again.

The mournful dragon roar echoed in his ears, Ao Feng frowned, opened his eyes, and found himself standing beside a wide river.

The surrounding trees had turned charred black and fell to the ground one after another. The ground was also fragmented, but Ao Feng couldn't remember why it became like this, he didn't even know why he was in this place.

But at this time, he wouldn't think about it. There were eight metal devices on both sides of the river in front of him. He didn't know what they were used for. He just glanced at Ao Feng and stopped paying attention. location, but found nothing.

He moved towards the direction of the river, but went straight to the shore. Before he could react, a gray ray appeared in front of him~www.readwn.com~ and directly engulfed him. Once again, Ao Feng's consciousness became chaotic.

"Woo woo, **** woo!~~~" A clear and desolate voice came from his ears, followed by a strong sense of weightlessness, Ao Feng was startled, sat up in shock, gasped heavily, touched his forehead and Clothes, I do not know when the sweat soaked the clothes.

"Have you had a nightmare? What did I dream about?" Ao Feng frowned and pondered, but for a long time he had no clue and couldn't remember anything, only the desolate whimper echoed in his mind, "What was that sound at the end? Katie dog?"

Ao Feng became worried. Although he wasn't sure, he felt that it was the sound of the Catty Dog. He got out of the sleeping bag and looked around. At this time, the figure on the top of the tree had quietly disappeared, the clouds drifted past, and the moonflower spread all over the earth again.

"Brother?" Xiaolu was awakened by Ao Feng's actions and asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's nothing, continue to sleep." Ao Feng rubbed Xiaolu's head, smiled, and cast his eyes into the distance again.

It's only been a week, Catty, is it you? What happened? He didn't think Katty would be around here, Katya would never know where he was going, and if Katty was on the nearby path, he would surely have found it.

But why the cry was so real, it wasn't like an illusion at all. Ao Feng still shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he still couldn't let him go. If it weren't for his character, they might really be partners.

With a sigh, Ao Feng stretched his waist and got back into his sleeping bag. It is still late at night, so of course you have to sleep well. As for that nightmare, if you can't remember it, don't think about it, so as not to scare yourself.

(Sorry, I admit my mistake. Chapter 146 was posted in the wrong volume. I only found out this morning, sorry everyone!)


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