Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 164: The new 1st Bird Warrior

"Dream Demon, Demon Leaf Slash!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Meiling hurriedly ordered an attack. There is no way. Attacking will definitely reveal your own position, but if you don't attack, you will also reveal your position, and you will be attacked by the opponent. Any consumption of ghost-type elf whose physical strength is not dominant may cause failure. factor.

The green leaves were wrapped in a purple halo, swirling and charging forward, breaking the waves of water that had dispersed the attack power due to the large-area attack, and Mo Ye Zhan still had the energy to rush towards Gotha Duck.

"Get out of the way, another wave of water!" Ao Feng nodded secretly in his heart, Goda Duck's ability to control skills is very strong, similar to that of a dumb beast. Ao Feng is very satisfied with Goda Duck's opening attack, and now force it out After the dream demon, the rest is much simpler.

Goda Ya understood what Ao Feng meant. He recognized Ao Feng, and he also had to gain Ao Feng's approval. This battle must be won beautifully for him. This battle that was not easy has been regarded by him. In the exhibition match, no matter what, you must show your best strength.

Facts have proved that the performance of Gotha Duck once again amazed Ao Feng. He saw Gotha Duck's two palms spread out on both sides, its beak slightly opened, and three water balloons accumulated at the same time. The completion time was even shorter than the normal accumulation of a water wave, and then only three water **** were seen attacking the dream demon with horns, blocking the space for him to dodge.

As an elf with only water attributes, he can learn a lot of super energy skills, which shows that Gotha Duck itself has a good mental power, just like nine tails. Godard Duck has also learned the special way to increase his spiritual power, so that his spiritual power is not inferior to that of a super-type elf of the same level, and he is naturally handy in controlling skills.

"Dream Demon, Shadow Clone!" Charming Ling was also amazed at the performance of Gotha Duck, and really couldn't understand why Ao Feng, a disciple of the fire family, had such a powerful water elf. Using attack skills to offset can only offset one or two water fluctuations at most, it is better to dodge.

Seeing that the dream demon separated more than a dozen shadows, the wave of water only hit one, but the wave generated when the wave of water exploded spread, and one of the more than ten shadows of the dream demon in the air stepped back. a small distance.

Ao Feng smiled: "It's you who are waiting, Goda, applaud!"

Gotha Duck also grinned, his hands glowing blue light, and he patted in front of him. At the same time, an illusory palm appeared in front of the real body of the dream demon and slapped it, and a strange light was injected into the body of the dream demon.

"Oops!" Meiling was startled, she didn't have time to think about it, she immediately shouted: "Dream Demon, use the shadow clone!"

The effect of applause makes Dream Demon can only use the previously used skills for three consecutive skills, and can only use other skills after using the three-use clone as soon as possible.

"Gotha duck, mind power!" The opponent couldn't use attack skills, so it was a good opportunity to seize the attack, and Ao Feng would not let it go.

The direct output of mental power can be much faster than continuing the water energy. Goda Duck's eyes lit up, almost at the same time, the entire field was covered with a powdery brilliance, the avatars of the dream demon were broken one by one, and its true body Naturally, he couldn't dodge this ranged attack.

"Dream Demon, do it again, the shadow clone!" Charm Ling didn't dare to let the dream demon continue to suffer damage, and let the dream demon use the second shadow clone. If it is not used in time, it will be affected by Gota Duck's mind power. If you are bound, it is not certain whether you can use a shadow clone again.

"Gotha Duck, the fluctuation of water!" Ao Feng repeated his old trick, but it was very effective, because the dream demon could only use a shadow clone, and was swept away all the clones again, and was forced out of the third shadow clone. , dodge this damage.

"Dream Demon, 100,000 volts!" After a lot of physical strength was consumed, Dream Demon finally got rid of the applause effect, and Charming Spirit immediately issued an attack command.

"You're in a hurry," Ao Feng said with a smile. The Dream Demon has run out of physical strength now, and is still in the shadow clone. If he doesn't move this time and hides himself for the time being, Goda Duck will have to use the big one again. Only by attacking in the range can find the true body, and then it is the best choice to use the attacking skills, but the charm of the spirit directly exposed the position of the dream demon, and it is also in the arms of Ao Feng, "Gotha duck, water cannon. !"

Godard Duck released a thick jet of water after charging a little, facing the 100,000 volts of the Dream Demon. After a stalemate for a moment, it rushed past, hitting the Dream Demon, bringing his last physical strength.

Godard Duck stopped attacking and shook his head. Although it did not directly withstand the attack of 100,000 volts, the water was conductive. Even if it was broken and attacked, some current would still flow through it, making him very uncomfortable.

"Dream Demon lost the ability to fight, Aofeng player wins, congratulations Aofeng player for becoming this year's Bird Hero!" The referee announced the result loudly, and the scene was full of joy.

"Gotha Duck, you did a good job!" Ao Feng half squatted down, put his arms around Gotha Duck's shoulder, and gave him a thumbs up.

Goda Ya also gave Ao Feng a thumbs up and smiled happily.

"I really don't understand Lianxiangxiyu, but the strength is not bad, I'll let you pass the test." Meiling took back the dream demon, comforted it, looked at Ao Feng, and said in a low voice, regardless of whether Ao Feng heard or not, Turn around and leave.

"Brother Feng, what are you thinking about? You're so ecstatic." The game ended and the celebration officially started. During the process of walking into the castle, Ke'er saw that Ao Feng kept her head down and wondered what she was thinking~www.readwn.com~ asked.

Ao Feng raised his head: "It's nothing, the competition with Charm is still very inspiring. I also have a ghost-type elf. I will recall her two battles well, so that I can come up with a better development direction and tactics."

Ke'er Duduzui: "Brother Feng, you are really thinking about the battle all the time, aren't you boring?"

"It's not boring..." Ao Feng just wanted to continue speaking, noticing Ke'er's increasingly ugly expression, and quickly changed his tone, "Yes, now is not the time to think about that, let's go, there will be a banquet soon Well. Speaking of which, it is my honor to be a Bird Hero here for a while."

Fighting against Charming, Ao Feng naturally thought of his Geng Gui. Geng Gui himself had a very high foundation, but after following Ao Feng, the direction of progress seemed to be a little off, and he chose a physical attack that was not very strong. Although it is said that the more you practice, the power will naturally increase, but it is not as good as the Pokémon who have the same basics and choose special attacks with better training. Also, Ao Feng felt that the strangeness of the ghost element had not been brought into full play.

Ao Feng re-adjusted and focused on a few skills, planning to find time to talk to his family and tell Genggui about the changes.

After the war, Ao Feng also thought about it carefully, Charming Spirit's strength should not be so weak, and today's battle is very likely that she let the water go. Of course, Ao Feng wouldn't bother to think about why Charming Ling did this. As long as they kept going on the road of trainers, sooner or later, they would use their real strength to compete.

The sky soon became dark, and the people who participated in the celebration also gathered in the auditorium of the old castle. The elegant decoration accompanied by elegant music made the atmosphere very peaceful.

(In order to prevent accidents, tomorrow's update will be sent out.)


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