Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 172: Mysterious Mosu

Eighty percent of what he said is true, but the family-related matters have been transformed into general matters. The so-called cousin is also the younger brother of the affiliated family. This incident is also a very unforgettable thing in Ao Feng's heart. It is something he regrets very much in his life. If he can't see him lively in front of him again, this regret will probably accompany him for the rest of his life.

Miss Joey held Ao Feng's shoulders: "Okay, don't punish yourself, maybe he has woken up and is traveling somewhere like you. I believe you will meet someday."

"Sit down first, drink a glass of water, and I'll tell you about Susu." Miss Joy poured a glass of water for Ao Feng, put it on the table in front of him, and said after he calmed down, "I understand. You really see Susu as your sister, your eyes are very clear, I believe you will not use her for anything, I will tell you about her, I hope you don't say it."

Hearing what Miss Joy said, Ao Feng felt that Mo Su was very mysterious.

Miss Joey's expression was serious, Ao Feng noticed that Mo Su seemed to have some secret, and nodded without hesitation.

"Happy egg, no passage!" Miss Joy said. Immediately, five walls of light completely surrounded the surrounding space. "No passage can not only block the light of the Poke Ball, but also block the transmission of sound."

"You have also seen the sneeze bear that Susu has been carrying, which she calls Xiao Baibai. It was the elf egg that appeared beside her when she was born." Miss Joy told slowly.

"A companion?" Ao Feng frowned. He had never heard of such a situation, but it was possible that he suddenly appeared beside Xiao Mosu, just like Xiaolu appeared beside him back then.

"It can be said that, but how it appeared is still a mystery." Miss Joy straightened her language, "When Mo Su was born, her whole body was red, and the elf egg that appeared beside her at this time was also red and full of red. It took an hour to fade away and return to normal."

"Her parents realized something, started to look up various materials, and finally came to some conclusions. First, this sneeze bear is Mosu's natal elf, and has a certain connection with her, but I don't know what the connection is. They didn't tell me; secondly, Mosu and Sneeze Bear both have extremely powerful energy hidden in their bodies. If they are not suppressed, they will explode directly, and if they explode, with their weak bodies, the result can only be an explosion. According to the inference, Mo Su can barely bear it until she is eight years old, so there is a rule that she cannot leave here before she is eight years old."

"As for why the energy doesn't erupt here, I don't know either. I can only guess that it may be that her parents left something to suppress or it is related to the Bell Tower in Yuanzhu City."

Ao Feng's eyes flashed: "King Feng?"

Miss Joy nodded: "That's right, although no one has seen Ho-wang appear, but the legend of Ho-wang and Linglingta is true. Now let me say the third point, the current sneeze bear is completely incapable of attacking, in other words In other words, there is no ability to learn any skills, and Mosu's energy can be transferred to Sneeze Bear in some way, producing some strange changes, and then bursting with powerful fighting power, but her parents did not leave any way, I think it should be to protect Mosu or not find a way."

Miss Joy pondered for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, said: "That's all. When Mo Su was three years old, her parents both died. They entrusted Mo Su to me, and also left this information to me."

"If you say that, even if you are eight years old, wouldn't the energy on Mosu's body explode when you leave here? It's not life-threatening, but it's not necessarily true. Is there any way to remove that energy? ?" Ao Feng frowned, he really didn't want Mo Su to have any potential threats.

I'm very happy to see her as a family member. As for your question, what Susu's parents said at the time: The energy in Mosu's body will grow with the passage of time. After a certain level, an explosion will occur directly. So at that time, it is useless to suppress it. It is better to find a way to use it, and how to use it depends on Mosu himself. And getting rid of that energy is not feasible, because it is linked with Mosu's vitality, if it is eliminated, I'm afraid..."

"So Mo Su's parents still haven't found a way to use it?" Ao Feng asked.

"I don't know, otherwise I wouldn't have guessed like that. I think the key lies in Mosu." Miss Joy sat on the sofa and took a sip of water, "If you really think of Mosu as Look, my sister, you can only protect her by strengthening your own strength over the past few years. There is no secret in this world that can remain a secret forever. Once some forces find out about Mosu, you think you can protect her with your current strength. him?"

Ao Feng stood up and bowed to Miss Joey: "I understand, Miss Joey, these days Susu will depend on you to take care of her."

Miss Joy laughed lightly: "The role is quite fast, but you are wrong, Susu has been taking care of me all these years, even if you don't say it, I will continue to take care of it. It should be I will entrust the future Susu to you, she grew up alone, I don't want her to be alone in the future~www.readwn.com~ I will work hard." Ao Feng scratched his head and smiled.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go and rest." Miss Joy yawned and walked out.

"Wait a minute, Miss Joy, that, what does Susu like? And when is her birthday?" Ao Feng suddenly remembered something and asked.

Miss Joy turned around and said, "This..."

After staying in Xinghuo City for a while, and playing with Mosu for a few days, Aofeng and Ke'er set off again, heading towards the next nearby city, Yuanzhu City. Bell Tower, how many secrets do you have? Ao Feng became more and more curious.

"This is the real scorched tower." Two towers can be seen from a distance, and they don't seem to be much different except for the color. When I got closer, I noticed what the charred tower looked like.

"I'll go in and have a look, you wait here and I'll take it." Ao Feng observed the gloomy interior, turned his head and said to Ke'er.

Kerr shook her head: "It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid. Although I've always lived in CD, this is the first time I've come to the Burnt Tower. It's not a pity not to go in and see."

There was nothing Ao Feng could do about what Ke'er had decided, so he could only nod his head and said, "Be careful."

Walking into the scorched tower, all you can see is the desolate look after the fire. The ground is full of scorched wood blocks, and when you step on it, it makes a clattering sound.

"Brother Feng, look over there, there is fire!" Ke'er covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Ao Feng looked over there, there was indeed a flame burning, but there is still fire here? Or is it a ghost fire? I closed my eyes, used the waveguide to sweep around, and found the source of the 'flame'.

"Come out, Geng Ghost, Ghost Stone, Ghosts, we're just taking a look, we won't do damage." Ao Feng said helplessly.


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