Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 178: pray

"I thought it was you who presided over this ceremony, but it turned out to be just a participant. I said why are you so leisurely." Ao Feng led Ke'er to Xiao Song and said, and by the way, he fought Gengar floating beside him. Say hello.

Komatsu looked up at the bright bell tower illuminated by the lights: "My qualifications are not enough, it will be almost in another ten or twenty years, by the way, you also release a elf, this consciousness Humans and elves need to be involved."

Only then did Ao Feng notice that there was a elf next to everyone present, and shouted directly, "Xiaolu."

The blue light flashed, and Xiaolu came out of the Poké Ball on his own, standing beside Ao Feng, looking at the surrounding environment. Xiao Song looked at Ao Feng and Xiao Lu with some suspicion. He had never seen a elf released in this way. Ke'er released the big mouth baby.

"Xiao Song, who is the person presiding over the ceremony?" Ao Feng was curious about the old man who had been closing his eyes and asked.

"Oh, he is a Zen master named Qing Kong, you should have heard of him, he is very famous." After Xiao Song said a few simple words, Ao Feng remembered that he had indeed heard of such a person.

There is no shortage of ascetic monks in this world, and Zen Master Qing Kong is one of them. According to his deeds, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is highly respected.

Zen master Qing Kong was an orphan. Although he lived a hard life alone, he did not have any hatred for the society. Instead, he was very compassionate when he was young. After saving some savings, he helped the poor, injured and endangered elves. Countless.

He was inspired when he was young, and no one knew what it was except himself. Since then, he has been ordained as a monk, distributed all the money he has accumulated to the poor, and then brought his only elf with him. Travel around. Wherever he goes, he will preach and exhort, and it has made great contributions to the harmonious coexistence of human beings, between humans and elves.

He has an affinity in himself. It is said that he is also an ability owner, but he does not want superpowers and waveguides to have multiple functions, but a kind of idea power.

Based on this, some people have guessed the existence of Zen Master Zhao Qingkong, some legendary elf, the dream of the super power system, the legendary Phoenix King, and even the creation **** Arceus has a certain possibility, but who is it? The mystery could not be revealed. Of course, no matter who they are, at least they have revealed a message that they want peace.

Like Ke'er, the elf that clears the Zen master is a wind chime, a super energy type. Like him, he has a super idea.

Zen Master Qing Kong has a lot of followers, and they help Zen Master Qing Kong work together. Over the years, the relationship between humans and elves has eased a lot.

Ao Feng had heard the evaluation given by his father: Master Qing Kong is the mighty one of the mind, the great contributor to the world, and the sage of the future. The first two sentences Ao Feng could understand, but the last sentence Ao Feng was confused. When asked, the answer he got was: If you have an intersection with him in the future, if he gives you guidance, please consider it carefully.

After waiting for a while, the originally noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, and Ao Feng also turned his attention to the high platform in front of him.

The old man raised his head, and Ao Feng took a closer look. Zen master Qing Kong had a very kind face. Although he was very old, his skin had a warm and moist meaning. The moment he swept his gaze, Ao Feng seemed to feel a lot more peaceful in his heart. And Zen Master Qing Kong also seemed to have found something, and after watching Ao Feng for a while, he turned his attention.

"It's been hundreds of years since King Feng left the Bell Tower..." Zen Master Qingkong's peaceful voice spread, and he slowly told the story. Although it was a bit boring, the strange thing was that everyone was focused, and Ao Feng didn't feel it. Give your full attention.

"Today, we pray to King Ho, convey the results of our efforts to him, and hope that King Ho can return." In the end, the Zen master held a cane in one hand, raised the other hand, and closed his eyes.

The people present and the elf also put their hands together to convey their thoughts. Aofeng and Xiaolu looked at each other and prayed like them.

As for King Feng, he does not have the idea that he must belong to the Wuyi family, but King Feng has something to do with his family, but that is just because King Feng chooses to help them. If he wants to take King Feng by force, then What is the difference from those who wanted to use Ho-oh for greater benefit in the past. Settlement is a super beast, and Ho-oh is also an elf, so he has his freedom.

Moreover, Ao Feng was very grateful to King Feng for his acquiescence in the matter of Emperor Yan last time.

Although they closed their eyes, the strange thing was that there was no darkness in front of them. They could see countless light spots flying up and gathering towards the Bell Tower. After the Bell Tower received the spot of light, the top of the tower burst out. A beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Ao Feng didn't know if this was true or not. He quietly let go of the waveguide and found that the beam of light was real, allowing people with closed eyes to see such a scene. Ao Feng's admiration for Zen Master Qingkong deepened.

"Ding bell bell..." The crisp bell suddenly reminded them, and everyone opened their eyes in surprise. They knew exactly what the ringing of the bell on the Bell Tower meant~www.readwn.com~.

Aofeng also raised his head. He had heard that the bells of the Bell Tower are very special. No matter how strong the wind is, they will not ring. Only when Ho-oh arrives will he make a sound.

"Is it King Ho?" Komatsu looked around, but saw nothing.

"No, it's Suijun!" Mina-jun looked very excited, no matter what the situation, his first guess must be Suijun.

Ao Feng directly turned on the waveguide, and when it spread out, he found the figure. Judging from the outline... Minajun seems to have guessed it right?

A blue figure appeared in front of people with a few jumps. People subconsciously made way out of the way. Ao Feng just wanted to dodge, but who knew that figure was coming directly at him. Standing in front of Ao Feng, there was a search in his eyes.

"You, what are you doing?" Ao Feng was stared at by that kind of gaze, what does this mean?

The elf in front of him has a sapphire-like headdress on its head, surrounded by white wind-like streamers, and has a blue body with white patterns, so it is undoubtedly Suicune.

"Suijun, come and fight with me, I'm going to subdue you!" Mina-kun rushed over, and regardless of Sui-kun's reaction, he shouted directly, "Hudi, use phantom light!"

Suicune ignored him at all, roared at Hu Di who was about to use his skills, and roared him back directly.

"How could this be..." Mina-kun was stunned in place, extremely depressed.

Ao Feng took another two steps back, and Sui Jun followed up again. Regardless of Xiaolu's defenses, he circled around Ao Feng twice, looked at him up and down, and called out twice.

"You are the person that Emperor Yan said?" Xiaolu translated, and Ao Feng suddenly felt that Sui Jun's eyes were not good.


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