Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 183: make you worry

Ao Feng only felt that his body was light, and he found that he was near the elf center in Yuanzhu City, thinking that the accuracy of Chaomeng teleport was good, and walked quickly to the elf center.

As soon as the automatic door at the center of the elf opened, Ao Feng noticed the girl sitting on the sofa not far away as if she had been electrocuted. His exhausted face made Ao Feng feel a pain in his heart.

"Brother Feng, you're back!" The girl didn't know how many times she stood up and sat down again in disappointment. At this time, her joy seemed to be completely absent from the previous loss and fatigue. Perhaps the moment she saw Ao Feng, All the hardships I felt before have vanished.

However, of course, she rushed in front of Ao Feng, but she stopped in her tracks. The girl's restraint and good family education made her unable to make a leap, but just standing like this, her emotions were well conveyed.

"Ke'er, I'm back, I've made you worry." Ao Feng wanted to say a lot of apologies, but looking at Ke'er like this, he could only squeeze out this sentence.

Ke'er smiled slightly and hid her worries over the past two days. If it wasn't for Ao Feng before he left, she didn't know Ao Feng's thoughts, and I'm afraid she would have gone to find him long ago. Take Ao Feng's backpack: "It's okay, you have encountered a lot of things in the past two days, so take a rest first."

"You also have a good night's sleep, you haven't slept for the past two days, sorry." From Ke'er's face, it can be seen that Ke'er's sleep in the past two days is not good, the two big dark circles It's the evidence, it's impossible for a girl to do this for him, saying that she feels nothing at all.

Ke'er, who had turned around, trembled slightly, nodded and walked away quickly. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but the tears she suppressed were quietly flowing down where no one could see.

The two of them have gotten closer and closer without knowing it.

Ao Feng stood for a while before handing over the elves to Miss Joy and returning to his room. He threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes, but it was full of Ke'er's shadows. Ao Feng sighed. Suddenly, another figure came in. Ao Feng frowned and shook his head to get rid of these chaotic thoughts. Force yourself into sleep.

"Brother Feng, I forgot to mention it yesterday. My aunt called you two days ago. I said that you were busy and that you were not with me these two days. She gave you time to contact her." The next day, Ke'er and Ao Feng both After returning to her usual state, Ke'er suddenly said while eating breakfast.

Ao Feng raised his head and swallowed the food in his mouth: "My mother took the initiative to contact me? Well, I'll go back to her in a while." After speaking, he lowered his head to fight the food, but he was thinking about how to tell his mother these two things. God thing.

"Mom?" I called my family from the Elf Center's phone, and it was Qingxi who answered the phone.

Qingxi raised her eyebrows: "You are finally willing to call me, tell me, what have you been doing these two days?"

Ao Feng scratched his head: "After attending the festival that day, you should know what happened to Sui Jun, and then Komatsu called me away. As for the content of the conversation, he said it was a secret. I came back yesterday, but I I forgot about it now."

Ao Feng still doesn't want to tell his family about the Rockets. Although he can directly take revenge on the Rockets, he may not have a better life in that case. If he wants to let his family know that he is so risky, he will definitely restrict his actions and send People may not follow him. So he still intends to work hard to become stronger, and then go to their troubles himself. As long as he has the strength of his father, what is there to be afraid of.

"That's it." Qingxi swept Aofeng and said suspiciously, but she still didn't pursue it, "This time it's no big deal to find you. Recently, I have researched the latest communication method, and transmitting signals through satellites solves the problem of ordinary people. The infinite signal was unstable due to various energy fluctuations, so the mobile phone was invented. Of course, there is no signal everywhere, it can only be said that communication is possible in most places. I just let you go to the nearest family company Go to the mobile phone produced by the family to facilitate contact."

"That's all?" Ao Feng was a little surprised that Qingxi would take the initiative to contact him about this matter.

"What do you think? Of course, you didn't even call me when you arrived in Yuanzhu City. If it wasn't for someone from the branch who found you during the funeral, I wouldn't even know where you were." Qingxi glared at me , Ao Feng shrank his neck in fright, he was beaten a lot when he was a child, "The mobile phone you got was specially made by our family, just like the elf picture book, in addition to the basic functions, there are positioning Function."

"Location?" Ao Feng frowned, this function is really annoying, which means that his whereabouts will be completely controlled by the family, this kind of surveillance is not good~www.readwn.com~ Rest assured, first of all, this is The special device of the family can only be used by us. Secondly, this function is not always on. It will only be turned on when you are missing to facilitate finding you. After all, you are also the direct son of the family, so what is it to keep an eye on? Even if you promise your dad, you won't. "Qingxi deliberately emphasized the word "missing" when she was there. Obviously, she didn't fully believe in Ao Feng's excuse. Although Ke'er did not explain the situation, she could infer something from her state. She just saw that Ao Feng was not coming back now. Just follow up.

Ao Feng's heart suddenly jumped when he heard it, and he breathed a sigh of relief at the end.

"Okay, I still have things to do, so that's it." Qingxi was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, your dumb beast has evolved, it is the hippo king, and it is very powerful. I really don't know how you found such a strong elf."

"King Hippo?" Ao Feng was startled. He thought it would be good to evolve into a dumb beast, but he didn't expect it to be King Hippo, "How did it evolve?"

Qingxi rolled her eyes: "How do I know? This issue has not been thoroughly researched yet. I am afraid that only the Shuanghan family has certain information."

There are many mysteries in the elf world that have not been solved, and many problems have not been discovered. For example, how did the dumb beast evolve into the hippo king, or there are not only five evolution types of Ibrahimovic, and very few people know about it. The evolution of the Dengeki beast.

"It's really okay this time, my son will continue to work hard and strive to surpass your brother. Also, call me at least once a month after you get the phone, otherwise you will see how I deal with you when you come back!" After saying that, Qingxi hung up After disconnecting the phone, a big bead of sweat hung on Ao Feng's head, and his mother's threat was still very powerful.


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