Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 203: I am sorry

"Ao Feng, go out with me."

After dinner, the three of them sat down in the hall of the Elf Center, ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, an hour... Time passed slowly, but the three of them didn't say a word, the atmosphere Very weird.

Yu Ning was tangled with something on her mind, and Ao Feng was also tangled. The remaining Ke'er didn't know what to say, so she could only keep silent.

It was completely dark outside, Yu Ning stood up, broke the silence, and said to Ao Feng.

Ao Feng glanced at Ke'er, Ke'er knew that they had private matters to discuss, and smiled: "Go on, I want to discuss tomorrow's tactics with Tuhong, be careful outside, come back early, and be locked up by Miss Joy. It's not good outside."

After she finished speaking, Ke'er went upstairs directly, and her humorous words concealed the fluctuations in her heart.

Watching Kerr's figure disappear, Ao Feng pinned Katie and Lucario's Poke Ball around his waist, turned and walked outside: "Let's go."

It's better to take one or two elves when you go out, to deal with some situations. The other elves are recovering at Miss Joy, and it's enough to bring these two. Carrying the backpack easily, it has special skills, even if it hits a lot of things, it will not look very heavy to Ao Feng. Generally, Ao Feng always has a backpack and it will always be useful. At times, sleeping bags and black cloth prove it.

The lights in the city are shining, covering up the light of the stars and the moon. Even at night, there are many people on the road compared to the daytime, and it will be rare until about eleven o'clock.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he walked slowly in front, from nine o'clock to ten o'clock, the silence that had just been broken resumed again, and Ao Feng never said a word. Yu Ning also kept silent, lowered her head, pursed her lips tightly, followed behind Ao Feng, thinking about something.

Ao Feng turned a corner and avoided the street full of people. Yu Ning found that Ao Feng took her to a small quiet park. After stepping here, the original noise seemed to disappear in an instant.

The light has changed from bright yellow to a quiet white, and the brightness is also much darker. Here, the stars in the sky are much brighter.


"That..." Ao Feng stopped and just opened his mouth to say two words, but Yu Ning said it at the same time, and instantly held back what Ao Feng wanted to say, and stopped at the same time.

"Yu Ning..."

"Ao Feng..." After being silent for a while, he spoke at the same time again, and paused at the same time.

Ao Feng turned around: "You talk first."

Yu Ning raised her head, looked at Ao Feng, who was already half a head taller than him, took a deep breath, and stretched out a hand: "Give it back to me."

"Give it back to you? What?" Ao Feng stared at Yu Yu earnestly, "Do I owe you anything?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Ao Feng wanted to slap himself, what did he say, a chance to ease the relationship had to be screwed up? He knew what Yu Ning wanted, but he didn't want to give it to her so easily.

Suddenly I heard something, the mosquito-like voice that Ao Feng couldn't hear clearly, but found something crystal clear in Yu Ning's eyes, no longer looked at Ao Feng, and turned his eyes to the side.

"Huh?" Ao Feng subconsciously said that he didn't hear clearly.

I don't know if Ao Feng was pretending to be stupid. He was a little angry, but he said it again: "I'm sorry, I didn't know at that time..."

This time, Ao Feng heard it clearly, but he didn't expect this proud girl to apologize first. His eyes were a little surprised and softened. Over the years, Ao Feng had actually stopped blaming her for a long time. What could a child understand, plus he had been favored since he was a child, and he was angry, at that time there was no taboo in speaking.

The events at that time were irreversible, Ao Feng just kept holding his breath, and now with Yu Ning's apology, his breath was completely relieved. One of the reasons why he has been avoiding Yu Ning is that he does not want to face the scars in his heart.

At that time, Ao Feng was six years old, and Yu Ning was five years old.

The other protagonist, named Mo Shang, is also five years old, with red hair and black eyes, and likes to wear black clothes.

Mo Shang is a descendant of the Wuyi family's affiliated family. He is the only child in the family. He is about the same age as Ao Feng, so he regards Ao Feng as his elder brother and runs wild with Ao Feng all day long.

And Yu Ning was another childhood friend of Ao Feng. Although the water element and the fire element are mutually exclusive, the Shuanghan family and the Wuyi family have a very good relationship. Aofeng and Yu Ning grew up together since childhood, and it can be said that they are childhood sweethearts.

Unlike Ao Feng's strict family education, Yu Ning, as the little princess in the family, is deeply loved by her parents, plus a brother who is obedient to her, she was typically a little queen when she was a child. Quite self-centered, everything is very strong. There are very few children of the same age who like to play with her. When they see her, they either hide away or are respectful~www.readwn.com~ In such a state, until I went to visit the Wuyi family with my family, I met Aofeng who was more than her. Also strong people have changed. Ao Feng is not as arrogant as she is, and he has never been accustomed to her. It is normal to let small things go, and principled things will never regress.

When she met such a person who was not afraid of her, Yu Ning was naturally dissatisfied, and naturally she went to trouble Ao Feng every day. After a long time, the trouble was not found, but she became a very good friend. Her arrogant personality was also arrogant. Feng slowly ground some edges and corners.

The two have a good impression of each other, and the parents of both sides also have the intention of matching. Marriage is not uncommon in the family. It is better when the two have similar families and are in love.

However, before the adults could make up their minds, an accident happened.

Ao Feng was in a coma for three days when he rescued the elf captured by the elf hunter, while Mo Shang became a vegetative person because of a head injury.

Coincidentally, the day after Ao Feng fell into a coma, it was Yu Ning's birthday. There was no way for Ao Feng to go, Ao Yun remembered the gift Ao Feng gave to Yu Ning, and asked her family to bring it back to her. In order not to worry Yu Ning, her family chose to keep it a secret.

On her birthday, the person who was looking forward to coming did not come. It was just a gift from her family. How could Yu Ning, who was just six years old, not be angry. The eldest lady's temper immediately came up, and the birthday party that day was not completed. Even under the obstruction of her family, she did not let her go to Ao Feng at that time.

Two days later, when Yu Ning approached Ao Feng, it happened that Ao Feng had learned that Mo Shang had become a vegetative and was taken by his family for treatment.

Ao Feng, who was in a low mood and was extremely unstable, faced Yu Ning's unreasonable Xingshi and asked for guilt, and the result was predictable.


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