Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 232: head to head

"Thorn Dragon King, tornado!" The Thorn Dragon King jumped up on the stone pillar, raised his head and shouted, the violent airflow surged, and at any time, a tornado like the sky and the earth wrapped the Hippo King inside.

The fighting spirit of the Thorn Dragon King was completely stimulated, and the attack power of his skills reached its peak. Such a tornado was several grades better than what Minas used.

"It's this trick again?" Ao Feng frowned. The current scene was very similar to the previous one. The tornado took the water in the field to form a waterspout. The difference is that the attack power is stronger, the range is larger, and the Dragon King does not need to use other skills, as long as he fully maintains this skill.

As long as the Hippo King is trapped inside, he will continue to suffer damage, and the Dragon King's skill has a high chance of hitting the key.

Chen Xin looked at Ao Feng from a distance, to see how you still broke this time, can you handle the tornado that pierced the Dragon King? Can't break my tornado, leave the first victory to me.

Ao Feng sighed. When the tornado appeared, he had already discovered that King Hippo had been attacked to the point where he put one hand on his waist, but turned his back to Ao Feng, and Ao Feng could not see his expression.

At this level, the so-called skill is still tricky after all. Sometimes it will have miraculous effects, but sometimes it is not so useful. It can really play a decisive role, and it has to wait until the elves grow up. In the face of a powerful attack, it is necessary to use a strong strength to contend, and it is useless to be clever.

Is it tough? Then let's touch it and see who is tougher! Ao Feng's eyes flashed: "King Hippo, blizzard!"

Almost as soon as the tornado took shape, Aofeng issued an order, and the Hippo King was already waiting for Aofeng. Hearing Ao Feng's words at this time, he no longer hesitated, and released the blizzard, the range did not spread out, as long as the surrounding water was frozen, it was enough.

"The Thorn Dragon King, prepare the signal light!" The waterspout quickly froze, without the Thorn Dragon King expressing that Chen Xin knew that the Thorn Dragon King would no longer be able to control the tornado, so he directly asked the Thorn Dragon King to charge up the signal light and waited for the moment when the Hippo King broke the ice to attack. .

"King Hippo, Hammer of Psychic Power!" Even if he knew that Chen Xin would attack after the icicle was broken, Ao Feng had no choice. Although the icicle was a protection, it also hindered his attack.

The pink giant hammer slammed down heavily, and several cracks appeared on the icicle, and then the cracks spread everywhere, shattering in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go!" Chen Xin was waiting for this time, just breaking the ice and relaxing a little.

"Attack!" Ao Feng's expression did not change at all. Since he dared to let the Hippo King break the icicle like this, he would have a way to deal with your attack.

You must know that the hammer of psychic power is a method of using psychic power. It is actually a skill. From the appearance of the hammer of psychic power to the breaking of the ice layer, the eyes of King Hippo have always been glowing with pink light, indicating that psychic power has been used all the time.

The giant hammer disappeared, losing its support below, and the ice cubes that fell and shattered into various shapes were suspended in the air, as if being pulled by the Hippo King's fingers. Flying forward rapidly, facing the signal light of the Thorn Dragon King.

A series of shattering sounds sounded, the signal light failed to break through the crushed ice, and the crushed ice also failed to attack the Thorn Dragon King, cancelling each other out.

From the thorny dragon king tornado counterattack to the collision of crushed ice and signal light, it was completed in a very short period of time, and people were dazzled and had a dizzying feeling.

"King Hippo, blizzard!" Without any hesitation, Ao Feng blocked the signal beam of the Dragon King and immediately launched a follow-up attack.

King Hippo's blizzard can't cover the entire field like Minas. It's not that the power is not enough, but that it can't do that. If Blizzard is used like that, the entire field will inevitably be frozen again, and the field of ice is not very beneficial for him, it is really a cocoon.

Therefore, under the control of King Hippo, the blizzard shrunk into a sharp cone with a smaller range, which would not have a great impact on the field. The smaller the range, the stronger the attack power.

"Thorn Dragon King, use the water cannon!" Chen Xin directly activated the water-type ultimate move. He did not dare to let the Thorn Dragon King forcefully connect the blizzard. If the tornado and the signal light collided with the blizzard compressed by the Hippo King, it would definitely suffer. But the game is almost over, don't forget, there is still a predictable future that has not fallen yet.

The Thorn Dragon King understood that he couldn't lose this confrontation, and he didn't want to lose either. Otherwise, I will have to explain this game, I don't dare to be careless, and under the will of fighting and winning in my heart, I will use the skills with 12 points of spirit, and I really don't relax at all.

The water cannon sprayed out, and the blizzard rushed to the center of the field under the control of the Hippo King. The collision of the two skills did not have much brilliance, but it could be seen that the water cannon was constantly freezing, and the blizzard was It's hard to make a dent in the constant rotation.

"King Hippo, come on!" At this moment, Ao Feng could only encourage King Hippo to break through the past! Breaking through the past and predicting the future can take away the Thorn Dragon King.

"Thorn Dragon King, hold on, you can definitely do it!" The situation on Chenxin's side is similar. Although the previous tornado didn't last long~www.readwn.com~, one hit to the key cut off a lot of Hippo King's physical strength. As long as the water cannon can break through this time, there is a high probability of hitting the key point again, once making the Hippo King unable to fight again.

Both sides are working hard, but in the end there is a difference.

"The quick confrontation between the two sides dazzled us. Now the confrontation of skills has become the focus of this game. If one side can't resist, the result is obvious, and there is a 90% probability of going straight out of the game." The commentator's vision is still relatively unique, The form is very clear, and what he didn't understand before can't affect him to continue to explain, "From the current point of view, the first one who can't support it should be the Hippo King. Judging from the way he uses it, although it is more concentrated and more powerful , but there is no follow-up, it cannot be compared with the water cannon that has always been supplied by the Dragon King, and it will definitely be defeated by the water cannon after a long time..."

The commentator talked about what Ao Feng was thinking right now. As a trainer, of course he knew the situation on the field at this time. If he couldn't directly defeat the water cannon, he would definitely suffer a loss if the stalemate continued. But this is not entirely the case. The only variable is to predict the future. If the two sides still have stamina to fall, it will inevitably interrupt the Dragon King, and then the victory will be in his own hands.

It's just that predicting the future is uncontrollable after all, and God knows when it will fall (the two rounds of predicting the future are not applicable here, basically the skills of the round will be converted to time here). Ao Feng didn't want to gamble, he didn't want to hand over his destiny to God, and he didn't want to compare his luck with Chen Xin, so he had to change his tactics!

"King Hippo." Ao Feng said, without further ado, King Hippo nodded to show his understanding.

His eyes narrowed, and the blizzard that was fighting with the water cannon just now changed direction instantly, wiping the side of the water cannon and attacking the Dragon King.

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