Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 20: Rescue!

Entering the range of the mountain range, Ao Feng discovered that the caves here are all brightly lit, the number of elves is extremely rare, and even if there are a few, they are listless and tired.

"They all did this?" Ao Feng's brows became deeper and deeper, showing his anger, "These guys really do anything to capture the elf."

Chen Xin thought for a while: "I'm afraid it's not just about capturing elves, it is said that there are many precious ores, evolution stones, ancient elves fossils and some unknown things in this mountain range, but the major families are still more self-disciplined, in order not to destroy The living environment of the elves has not been exploited, and under the constraints of the five major families, other people rarely do so, these guys are not small."

"Let's find those guys first. If possible, try to drive them out." Ao Feng didn't have much confidence. After all, he just traveled and didn't have much time. The opponents he met before were not very old, and most of them were rookie trainers. If he encounters a powerful guy this time, he won't be able to beat him, "Huh? Look ahead."

Not far away, a group of supersonic bats was besieging a man in a white coat. Ao Feng and Chen Xin looked at each other, and Chen Xin ordered, "Mini Dragon, Dragon Breath, drive away those supersonic bats!"

The blue breath hit the supersonic bat group, knocked the supersonic bat out, and flew away.

"Are you alright?" The two stepped forward and asked.

"Thank you, thank you, I am so moved!" The man grabbed Ao Feng's hand and said tearfully.

Ao Feng and Chen Xin looked at each other, wanting to get rid of their hands, but couldn't. They said helplessly, "What happened, and who are you?"

"Cough cough." He immediately released his hand, tidied up his clothes, and adjusted his glasses, "I am a researcher from Nibi City, my name is Li Ke, and I have been conducting Pokémon research in Yuejian Mountain recently. The group of supersonic bats must be because the cave is too bright, so they can't rest well, and they are too irritable."

"Do you know who did it?" Ao Feng asked.

Li Ke showed his memories: "I have seen them, one is a woman with long yellow hair, and the other is a man with short green hair. What they have in common is that they are all wearing black uniforms with a capital R on their chests. I've met them a few times, and if I remember correctly, they should be one named Amado and the other named Saburo. Maybe they think I can't interfere with them, so let me be here."

"R?" Ao Feng was startled, the Rockets, "Do you know their recent activities and where they are now?"

"Recently, they should be mining for precious ores and evolution stones, and they also go out to catch elves from time to time. Every time they bring back a large number of elves, they have not spared even the elves in the moonlight." Li Ke showed indignation. Color, "These hateful guys, don't know how much this will affect the elves."

Bobo grabbed Ao Feng's trouser legs with his mouth and pulled it. Ao Feng hugged Bobo: "Don't worry, Li Ke, do you know where they keep the elves?"

"I know, but are you going? They are all amazing." Li Ke said hesitantly.

Ao Feng waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, let's see the situation first, even if we can't beat us, there are other ways."

Seeing that both Aofeng and Chenxin were firm, Li Ke no longer objected, and led them into the cave.

There are not many elves outside. After entering the cave, after walking a few steps, you can see the weak elves lying on the ground inside. As the group progressed further, Ao Feng's anger became more and more intense. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he really wanted to destroy Team Rocket.

About half an hour or so, the group of people felt that the light in front of them became stronger. After approaching, they found that it was a hole in the mountain. The side of the cave was made of iron fences to make cages. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of elves locked in it. The state of going up is similar to those of the elves in the cave, and they are all weak, otherwise they wouldn't be locked here and unable to rush out.

"It seems that we are lucky, those two people are not here now, hurry up." He looked around immediately and said.

Feeling that someone came in, the little elves who were locked inside raised their heads and looked at a few people. Ao Feng said: "Wait, I'll let you out right away, Xiaolu, cut the lock with a cross!"

The pure white cross hit the lock, and immediately destroyed the lock. Ao Feng opened the door and let the elves out.

"Brother, someone is here!" Xiaolu reminded.

Ao Feng turned around and saw the two people described by Li Ke running over: "Boy, dare to ruin our good deeds." Most of the people in the dark forces know Ao Feng and Chen Xin, but it is not ruled out that people like A brain-dead person like Amado Kozaburo doesn't care at all.

"You..." Ao Feng was interrupted as soon as he said two words.

"Since you asked sincerely, most people won't answer you, then we will make an exception to tell you..." Xiao Saburo said.

Ao Feng twitched the corners of his mouth and glanced at Chen Xin, and at the same time gave an order: "Yuan Lu Shark, Dragon's Wrath! Mini Dragon, Dragon's Breath!" You don't need to be polite to these people.

The attacks arrived one after another, knocking Armado and Kozaburo into the air, hitting the wall and sliding down.

"Boy, I haven't finished speaking yet. You don't follow the routine." Armado stood up with his hands on his waist.

"I don't have time to listen to your jokes, leave here now, or we will continue to fight." Ao Feng ignored the anger of the two and said unceremoniously.

Armado and Xiao Saburo finally couldn't bear it any longer, and threw a Poke Ball each: "You brought it yourself! Look at your Pokemon, you are all pretty good, give it to us! Come on, Little Radha (Hot Monkey)!"

"The round land shark, compress the wrath of the dragon, the fire chick, the spark, the small road, rush up, move at a high speed and hit the knees!" At the same time, Ao Feng's order arrived. It is unrealistic to hit them head-on, and the effect of the raid is the most effective. Alright, Chen Xin was not idle either, "Mini dragon, tornado, ink seahorse, turbid current, mosquito coil tadpole, foam light!"

Just as the two elves on the opposite side appeared, Xiaolu's attack arrived. The right knee wrapped in white light slammed into the hot monkey, causing huge damage and flying backwards with the help of reaction force.

After that, the spark, tornado, turbidity, and foam light arrived in sequence, and they greeted each other when Little Lada and Hot Monkey didn't respond, which directly made them lose their combat effectiveness. The two flew into the sky together with their elf.

"Good job!" Ao Feng and Chen Xin praised the little elves.

"You guys are so amazing, it's so easy to knock them out, so moving, so moving!" Li Ke, who was relaxed, returned to his original appearance, and the two of them didn't know what to say.

All the elves that were able to fly flew out of the hole, while the ones that couldn't fly ran back along the cave. When Ao Feng turned his head, he happened to see Bobo and two Bibi birds standing together, hugged by two wings, and chirping crisply.

Seeing their happy appearance, Ao Feng's mood also improved. "Let's go, take down the lights here and leave~www.readwn.com~ and today's training continues." The last sentence made the faces of his little elves collapse, and Ao Feng couldn't help it. With a smile, he continued, "Okay, the training volume is halved, and you can rest when you finish it as soon as possible."

The elves cheered and ran outside the cave. Ao Feng, Chen Xin, and Li Ke were about to follow. At this time, Ao Feng felt that something was pulling him.

"What's wrong?" Ao Feng turned around and found that it was the Bobo who was pulling him.

Bobo jumped into his arms and called to him a few times, and then to the two Bibi birds at the entrance of the cave. The two Bibi birds nodded with some reluctance in their eyes, but they still fluttered away.

Ao Feng stroked Bobo's feathers with one hand and asked, "Want to travel with me?"

Bibi Bird nodded, patted herself with her wings, and called out a few times.

"He said he wanted to become stronger with you." Xiaolu, who ran back at some point, had to translate at the right time.

"Then welcome you, I will do my best to fulfill our common wish!" Ao Feng took out an empty Poke Ball, touched Bob's head, and put Bob in it~www.readwn.com~ Welcome readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at ~www.readwn.com~. </a>

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