Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 242: Slag wave? explode!

"Shi Lanfeng, hehe, I don't know if you will regret bringing me here." Although the two have only met twice, no, this is the third time, but since the first time they met, there has been a relationship between them. After the irreconcilable contradictions, as long as they meet, they will never get angry again. From the current point of view, the unlucky one is still Shi Lanfeng.

It's just that every meeting is not a formal occasion, otherwise, a war is inevitable.


"Who?" The Rocket Team members on guard asked when they noticed a shadow approaching.

Sombra didn't answer, and in an instant he arrived at the gate they were guarding. At this time, several members of Team Rocket realized that this was an elf. They wanted to ask something, but were startled by the appalling speed.

The visitor is naturally Chao Meng, instead of using teleport as before, he directly broke in. For the Rockets, he is the least favorable, a group of selfish, profit-oriented humans. He originally planned to leave directly, but after listening to Ao Feng's request, Chao Meng decided to do something by the way.

Standing in front of the door, he raised his hand and threw a shadow ball on it, but it only exploded a dent. Chao Meng was a little surprised. It seems that the capital under the Rockets is not small. It seems that they should be able to hold on for dozens of seconds when the explosion occurs. , but such a defense can not stop my footsteps.

"Who?! Feeling here to do damage!" An exasperated voice came from inside.

A shadow ball was used, and the accumulated power was much greater. The door that had been damaged to some extent groaned and was completely blasted open. Stepping on the smoke and dust, Chaomeng walked in slowly, glanced around, and made contact with the shocked eyes.

"You, you are a super dream!" Dr. Nanbo jumped up with excitement as if he had discovered a rare treasure. "It's a great achievement to catch him and get him back!" Buy one get one free, no matter what he I didn't expect Mewtwo to appear here.

"Just by them?" Chao Meng looked at the few elves surrounding him with contempt, his right hand drew a purple arc in the air, and then waved forward, the arc was cut like a blade, an illusion cut!

A few elves hurriedly used their skills to resist, but it didn't work at all, and they were swept away one after another.

"Just these trash fish, you still want to deal with me? Old man, you have a funny mind." Chao Meng said with a sneer. As he spoke, he counted the time. If you don't count the time, if you don't run out before the explosion, it'll be fun.

Dr. Nan Bo took a step back, obviously a little frightened. He had seen Mewtwo before, and his strength didn't seem to be that scary. He tightened his hands and found that he was still holding a remote control in his hand, and he made up his mind: "Call me Dr. Nanbo! Dare to call me an old man, and I will let you taste the results of my new research!"

After he finished speaking, he pressed a few times on the remote control in his hand, and the expressions of the little elves wearing headgear immediately became angry: "Attack, attack, use your extraordinary strength and beat me to the ground. he!"

Several elves rushed forward together, each using their most powerful skills.

Chao Meng felt it, and the energy fluctuations are indeed stronger, but the evil way is evil after all, so what if the attack is stronger? His eyes suddenly lit up, and before the little elves had time to attack, they were slammed into the strong and fell down softly.

Chao Meng looked at the computer behind Dr. Nanbo, and compared the data to the computer, he raised his hand to store a shadow ball and threw it at the machine.

"No!" Dr. Nanbo flew forward, trying to save his precious information, but his movements could never be compared to the shadow ball. In the bang, black smoke accompanied the current, and everything was destroyed.

"Cut, Dr. Nanbo, what kind of **** is the research, let's just call Zhabo finished." Suddenly the cabin shook, Chaomeng knew it was time to leave, "I advise you, hurry up, if it's too late, you all stay here. here it is.

After speaking, a teleport left.

Lugia originally thought that Chao Meng painted them, but she didn't expect Chao Meng to have no interest in looking at them. Her eyes full of hope and pleading dimmed at the moment Chao Meng disappeared.

When everyone was still in a daze, a member of Team Rocket rushed in: "No, someone broke into the power room and destroyed the power system. Immediately, immediately..." Speaking of this, he exhausted his breath and took a deep breath. , rushing to here, a series of words here, have to admire his lung capacity.

"What? What are you all doing to eat! Prepare a spare boat immediately and move Lugia out!" Dr. Nanbo roared in response.

"It's too late. If you want to survive, jump down immediately." As early as when he felt the shock, Shi Lanfeng felt that something was wrong. At this time, he heard the report from his subordinates and made a decisive decision. Whatever task, everything must be alive. as a prerequisite. Although he and Dr. Nanbo have always been at odds in the two factions, he still came to remind them.

"What do I want you to do? Quickly, move Lugia away!" Dr. Nanbo felt very unhappy with Shi Lanfeng's meddling, and ordered his subordinates to move the machine where the two Lugias were placed~www.readwn.com ~Hmph, then you just wait to die, **** wave is ah, huh, it's quite suitable for you. He mocked Dr. Nanbo, but Shi Lanfeng didn't have a smile on his face. It must be that guy. Damn, you should find someone to watch him. Never thought that Chao Meng would hang out with him and help him like this, and they were not prepared to deal with Chao Meng, they had nothing to do, "The Rockets members obeyed the order and jumped with me! "

Then, without looking back, he opened the hatch and jumped down. The altitude of the cabin is not high, and there is sea water below, and jumping down will not immediately put your life in danger. It's just that the speed of travel is a bit fast, and it is a long distance from the island, and I don't know when I can get to the shore.

The members of Team Rocket originally wanted to run away, but they had to do it because of the superior's order. At this time, another person started talking, and they ignored Dr. Nanbo and turned around and ran away.

"You guys!" Dr. Nanbo saw the members of Team Rocket who were scattered as birds and beasts, then looked at Lugia, gritted his teeth, chose to give up, and jumped into the cabin with the large group.

"Boom!" A huge group of fireworks exploded in the air, and the team members who finally jumped out and Dr. Nan Bo were swept away by the shock wave. The speed of the free fall was even faster, but it surpassed the few people in front of them. in sea water.

The red flames spread all around, and the eye-scorching red was all that caught the eye. The high temperature and explosion shattered the hood that trapped Lugia, engulfing them in an instant. If Lugia is still in good condition, it is possible to resist, but now both physical strength and physical fitness are at rock bottom, and it is very difficult to protect oneself, let alone protect one's own children.

In desperation, Lugia could only use her wings to protect Xiao Yin inside, hoping to let him escape this catastrophe.

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