Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 254: Kaji Gym Challenge (1)

"You're here, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Uncle Liu was grooming the long-haired pig in the yard when he saw Ao Feng coming and said with a smile.

"Excuse me." He lowered his head slightly.

Uncle Liu patted the long-haired pig on the back: "I won't show mercy because of your four words, come on, let me see your strength."

Following Liu Bo into the opposing battlefield, the referee was already in place, announcing the rules of the game.

The game was 2v2, and there was no accident at the venue. There were several icicles scattered around, and there was a circular pool in the center, which should have been prepared for the elves with dual ice and water elements.

"Come on, White Sea Lion!" Uncle Liu didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and immediately released the elf. With a thud, the white sea lion fell into the pool in the center, and oil quickly floated up.

Ao Feng's eyes flashed, and he took out a Poke Ball. Although he had already decided, he was still a little hesitant. When he gritted his teeth, the Poke Ball was enlarged in his hand, and he threw it out: "I'll give it to you, Lucario!"

As the owner of the pavilion, Liu Bo did not attack first, but looked at Lucario. His momentum and state were very good. At this moment, he could roughly judge Lucario's general strength.

"Bo missile!" Ao Feng waved his hand.

Uncle Liu still didn't attack. After the wave missile was sent out, he narrowed his eyes and said, "White Sea Lion, polar beam!"

The light blue light beam was launched from the horn on the head of the white sea lion, and it actually penetrated the wave missile, causing an explosion directly, and then the momentum continued to go straight to Lucario.

What a powerful attack! Ao Feng's heart was tight, but when he saw the color of the polar beam becoming lighter, his expression loosened: "Lucario, another wave of missiles, no need to charge!"

Lucario hesitated for a moment, and then threw a wave missile. Since there was no charge, the attack power was much weaker, but it could be fired instantly. Another explosion completely intercepted the polar beam.

Ao Feng frowned, he saw Lucario's performance in his eyes, this guy...

The king's eyesight is extraordinary, and the attack power of the Lucario wave missile can be calculated almost the same, so the attack of the polar beam will only leave a small part of the energy to continue to attack after the first wave of missiles is broken. Maple's choice.

He knew that Lucario probably wanted to dodge, but it was not that simple. If it was similar in other fields except the Water Field, and there was an ice layer under his feet, it would be much more difficult to move than usual, and once you ran away, then Liu The next attack from Bo will surely come after him.

Originally, the difficulty of the challenge was very high. Once the initiative is lost, then basically there is no way to fight, and it must be crushed all the way to death.

"Continue to attack!" If you don't attack at this time, do you have to wait for the opponent to attack?

A smile flashed in Uncle Liu's eyes, Ao Feng's response was very good, but he said indifferently: "If you only have this level, you can prepare to go back, Bai Hai Shi, another polar beam!"

The power of the same skill is indeed completely different from before, and it was only cancelled after passing through three wave missiles of Lucario.

Ao Feng's heart was awe-inspiring. Uncle Liu was telling the truth. His attacks couldn't get close to Bai Hai Shi. How could he possibly win at this rate? Lucario also seemed a little restless. He rarely encountered such a situation. With his super high attack power, he was always going nowhere. Today, he was stunned. Can't touch it. As soon as he came up, he was suppressed, which made him feel very bad.

Liu Bo did not pursue or did not pursue, giving Ao Feng time to think about it. He did not closely test the strength of the challenger. If he were to test the strength, Lucario's attack power was undoubtedly enough, and it was enough to crush most of his peers. people. But the more important thing is to give Ao Feng an oppressive environment. Only when there is pressure can he be motivated and more likely to break through, but this time will not be long.

Standing attack is definitely not enough. Even if the distance is so far away, no matter how fast Lucario's attack is, the other party will have sufficient time to react, and the attack point and target are very clear. Such an attack is equivalent to telling you. How do I attack, so I have to move.

However, moving it doesn't seem to be so feasible...

Got it! Ao Feng's eyes lit up: "Lucario, move forward to the left."

Lucario still had no problem with his execution. He started running immediately. Although he couldn't maximize his speed, it wasn't bad.

"Bai Hai Shi, freeze the light!" With Ao Feng's action, Uncle Liu didn't have to wait any longer, and ordered an attack.

The white sea lion lowered its head, the sharp horns on its head were facing the route of Lucario's action, and the freezing light was emitted, and when it arrived, it happened to be under Lucario's feet.

What an accurate attack! Ao Feng sighed in his heart, but the reaction was the slightest: "Lucario, blasting kick, jump!"

In the face of the upcoming attack, Lucario did not pause~www.readwn.com~ His legs were immediately wrapped in flames, which temporarily offset the low temperature of the freezing light, and jumped out of the attack range of the freezing light.

This jump is a full-strength jump. With the help of the explosive kick, you don't have to worry about the ice surface. Under the action of the explosive kick, the ice surface immediately melts into two holes, so it is easier to use the power point. .

"Continue to move with the help of the icicles, and then use the Qihe bombs after the wave missiles!" Lucario landed on the stone pillars, and Ao Feng sent a series of instructions.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, the flames under his feet dissipated, and he kicked hard, and his whole body rushed out, raised his hand and threw a wave missile, but the target was not the white sea lion, as if the attack was deviated due to the rapid movement, rub The icicles flew towards the edge of the field, but the Kihe bullets that followed closely behind them precisely attacked the white sea lions.

"White Sea Lion, use the polar beam!" The Qihe projectile's attack was instantly hit by the polar beam, but the Bo missile turned a corner and flew back, hitting the White Sea Lion who was too late to use the next skill.

"Good boy, he's smart." Liu Bo praised, using the field to move quickly, and making full use of the characteristics of the skills, it did produce unexpected effects. Seeing that Lucario was getting closer and closer to the white sea lion, Liu Bo did not He said calmly, "Bai Hai Shi, use petrochemical power!"

"Lucario, be careful!" Ao Feng reminded loudly, his eyes fixed on the white sea lion. When he saw that the white sea lion was not looking at Lucario, his expression changed, "No, go back!"

Lucario was stunned for a moment, retreat? Why do you want to go back? It's hard to get close, why should you retreat in the face of a skill that can be avoided?

Just as he was hesitating, the entire pool lit up with a gray light, which then spread to the entire field. Water can penetrate light, as can ice.

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