Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 256: Kaji Gym Challenge (3)

The long-haired pig lowered its head, raised its front hooves and slammed it heavily on the ice, with pale yellow energy all over its body, hitting the flames in front of it.

There was a bang, the flames exploded, and a burst of sparks exploded. The long-haired pig's momentum was blocked for a while, but it didn't stop, and slammed into the wind speed dog.

"This is all right? Do you want to be so ruthless as soon as you come up! Wind speed dog, spray flames!" Uncle Liu's long-haired pig's action was completely beyond Ao Feng's expectations, and he even rushed up against the attack. Is this the strength of the Heavenly King? The wind speed dog is still in the air, and if he doesn't want to do something, he will definitely not be able to avoid this collision.

The wind speed dog did not look at the long-haired pig again, but set his eyes on the ice between them. A cyan flame spewed out of his mouth, swept horizontally, and the solid ice surface immediately melted.

The long-haired pig ran over, stepped on the air, and fell into the water with a thud, and the attack was naturally resolved.

"Good job!" Ao Feng waved his hand, "Prepare to explode!"

Ao Feng did not choose to continue to melt the ice layer. Although it can effectively limit the melee attack of the long-haired pig, no matter how large the melting area is, it cannot stop the low temperature of the long-haired pig in a blizzard. Therefore, this method is still best at critical moments. It is better to prepare skills and give powerful attacks when the long-haired pig climbs up.

"Come out, long-haired pig, use ram!" Uncle Liu ordered calmly, as if he was not worried about the long-haired pig at all.

The ice surface suddenly trembled, Ao Feng's pupils shrank, and his heart was not good: "Feng speed dog, right below, release!"

Under normal circumstances, trainers would not choose to attack like this. The ice surface here is very thick. It can be seen from the fact that it can easily withstand the running of long-haired pigs. If you break through the ice surface and attack from below, you will definitely reduce a lot of attack power. Now it seems that he still underestimates the strength of the king, and some take it for granted.

The ice cracked like a cobweb, and the long-haired pig rushed out and hit the wind speed dog. The huge force directly knocked the wind speed dog back and smashed three stone pillars one after another before stopping.

The long-haired pig is also uncomfortable. The Wind Speed ​​Dog has released its skills before being attacked, and the flame energy stays in place. Even if there is no subsequent detonation, the long-haired pig's collision is the lead, and the violent explosion blows the long-haired pig into the water again. middle.

"Fengsu Dog!" Ao Feng called out in a low voice, Feng Suiu stood up staggeringly, shook his head, and nodded to Ao Feng, indicating that he was fine.

Fortunately, the ice layer still played a certain role, otherwise it is hard to say whether the wind speed dog can stand up.

"Long-haired pig, use sleep!" At this time, the long-haired pig had already climbed up, and the condition was even worse than that of the wind speed dog. It was hit by the wind speed dog at zero distance, and its stamina directly lost most of it, and it also had to withstand the rebound of the slam attack. own injury.

"Wind-speed dog, jet flame!" Ao Feng didn't dare to bet on how long the long-haired pig would sleep. Instead of chasing how powerful it was, he chose the fastest jet flame.

The wind speed dog immediately attacked, but Liu Bo did not respond at all. Seeing that the flames entered within one meter of the long-haired pig, the long-haired pig actually stood up.

So fast! Ao Feng frowned, how could he fight with such a speed of recovery? The best way is not to give him a chance to cast it, and a skill will kill him in seconds, but is this possible?

"Continue to output." Ao Feng said in a deep voice.

"Long-haired pig, snowstorm!" The field has been shattered by the flames of the wind speed dog. Only a few relatively large floes are left to stand. The movable space is not very large, and the field must be integrated.

Burned by the flames, the long-haired pig felt very uncomfortable, but he still followed Xia Bo's instructions and took down the jet of flames to unleash a blizzard that covered the entire arena.

Ao Feng has been watching the situation of the long-haired pig. Affected by the jet flame, the long-haired pig was obviously hindered when it released the blizzard. When he saw the light of the fire flashing on the long-haired pig, his eyes lit up. His goal was already there. Reached.

"Okay, Wind Speed ​​Dog, the explosive flames burst." He gave Wind Speed ​​Dog a look, Wind Speed ​​Dog nodded slightly, closed his eyes, except for the faint flames around his body to resist the blizzard, the other flames were completely concentrated, ready to go. Take a hard blow.

If the long-haired pig has not undergone special training, it must be a special attack, and the special attack will be a little worse. What Ao Feng wants is to weaken his attack power. Of course, what he relies on is that fire, that is, he is in a state of burns.

His luck is not bad. When the jet flame continues to attack, in addition to continuously causing damage, it will also increase the probability of burns. The current state of the wind speed dog may not be able to withstand the full impact of the long-haired pig. With the burn state, at least it can resist it.

The field quickly froze, and the snowstorm gradually stopped: "Hairy pig, use ram!"

"Are you here, then let's show you the power of our explosive flame explosion!" Ao Feng narrowed his eyes, "Fengsu dog, go!"

His eyes opened suddenly, and the wind speed dog moved like the wind, leaving a series of afterimages on the ice surface. The strange thing is that the shadow behind him is not a single orange-red, but a gradual change. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com goes from orange-red, to blue, and then gradually darker, and finally stops at azure blue.

In comparison, the speed of the long-haired pig is extremely slow, but the pace is extremely steady. Every step can cause the ice surface to tremble along with it, like a giant road roller, carrying a terrifying momentum.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and the wind speed dog was about to retreat and release the flame clone. Unexpectedly, the long-haired pig suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of him, and the violent impact poured all the power on the wind speed dog.

"Fengsugou, hold on!" Ao Feng clenched his fists tightly. The situation was always unexpected. Fortunately, the effect of the burns was still there, and Fengsugou still had spare strength.

The teeth were clenched, and the wind speed dog insisted, the skill was still in use, the red double appeared, the wind speed dog immediately retreated, and the prepared flame bombs were spewed out of his mouth.

"Want to go? How can it be that simple, long-haired pig, use Taishan to press the roof!" Liu Bo's voice surprised everyone present.

Only then did Ao Feng notice that after the long-haired pig made a violent collision, the man stood up. He originally thought it was caused by the reaction force, but now it seems that he did it on purpose: "Fengsu dog, be careful!"

Unfortunately, now he can't do anything except remind. The wind speed dog has just released his skills and is in a vacuum period, his body is still in the air, and he can't escape at all.

The long-haired pig's front hooves fell, and the whole body slammed into the wind speed dog. At the same time, the power of the explosion burst out completely. With a loud bang, the entire field collapsed, and smoke and water mist filled the entire field.

Uncle Liu twitched at the corners of his mouth. Is the destructive power so great? Originally, the Taishan pressure of the long-haired pig could not achieve such an effect, but the ice surface was melted once and then condensed again, which was much thinner than the original. Coupled with the high temperature of the wind speed dog's flame, the site collapsed.

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