Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 281: Water capital, water competition

Unlike Shuimo City, Odomare shows its own unique style, and its unique history also makes it have a unique culture. Although they are both cities on the water, Shuimo City is still dominated by conventional land transportation, while Odomare is a waterway extending in all directions, with boats rowing across the river, which looks unique.

Located in the dark waters of Juniper Town, the subtropical climate makes it never enter the harsh winter, a city full of romance and relaxation, perfect for vacation.

At this time, in a river, the three of Ao Feng stood on a specially made boat, pulling a water elf in front of them. Get ready for Otto Maret's own, annual water race.

It is said that it is better to come early than coincidentally. Ao Feng deliberately pinched the time. One day after coming here, the water competition will start. The ranking is secondary, the important thing is to have fun.

Ao Feng was wearing a light blue shirt with no slits, and a pair of white five-point pants. He was dressed very cool and casual. His sturdy figure and handsome and resolute face attracted the attention of countless girls. The natural look in front of him. It is Goda Duck. In terms of moving speed in the water, Goda Duck is definitely the strongest.

Of course, his side is not the point. The most eye-catching are two beauties, Yu Ning is wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts, and her long blue hair is tied behind her with a headband. And Ke'er is a light pink top and light yellow cropped pants, which is slightly more conservative than Yu Ning, but it brings out her beauty very well. Although they are not young, neither of them are fully developed, but their good figure, fair skin, and a face that can make countless people stop and watch, make countless men swallow their saliva.

Ao Feng obviously discovered this, and stared at the man who gave these wolf-like eyes, don't know what it means to see no evil! A group of perverts, can you watch my girls? ! !

Of course, if the second daughter heard Ao Feng's voice, she would definitely retort: ​​"Who is yours!"

Yu Ning was carried by her Minas, and Kerr was naturally Marilou, but she didn't know what kind of speed she could exert.

This game is really a welfare bureau. The people watching the game secretly shouted in their hearts, there are handsome guys and beautiful women, it is definitely a feast for the eyes!

I don't know why, Yu Ning standing beside Ao Feng seemed normal, but Ke'er's face was flushed, she sneaked a glance at Ao Feng from time to time, and then quickly turned back with a blushing face.

Ao Feng asked her what was wrong, and she also said that it was fine, which made Ao Feng feel very strange, and at the same time there was a feeling of secret joy in his heart.

However, this feeling did not last long, and the host's voice rang: "The carnival that everyone has been waiting for is about to start, and the annual water competition will start soon. Who will win the championship? We will wait and see. !"

The host's voice fell, and the big screen that had been playing propaganda about Odomare's features changed into a real-time video of the game.

The three natural birds from small to large stood on the pillars not far from the starting point in order, and the three pairs of wings were opened in turn. When the bottom pair of wings was opened, the game started.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused. Following the start signal, everyone moved, and Ao Feng shouted, "Go!"

Goda duck jumped out immediately. Even after the training camp, Ao Feng put the gravity ring on the elves again, but his speed was still not to be underestimated.

At the beginning of the game, the echelon was divided. The first echelon consisted of Ao Feng, Yu Ning, Ke'er, and a trainer who used the Dragon King. Behind them, the other trainers were not too far apart. Gap, chasing after.

What surprised Ao Feng was the speed of Ke'er Marylou. She didn't expect that Marylou, who was short-handed and short-footed, could have such an explosion. Ao Feng took a closer look and found the reason. When Marylou was running at full speed in the water, not only were her hands and feet paddling, but also her spring-like tail was tucked away and bounced backwards.

The first one turned around, Yu Ning was slightly ahead, seeing that the next turn was about to arrive, Ao Feng smiled: "Ladies, I'll take a step first!"

After saying that, Gotha Duck suddenly accelerated, startling a few people around. Is this the rhythm of doing death? Everyone else had to slow down when turning, otherwise they would be easily thrown out. I didn't expect that Ao Feng would dare to play like this.

"Oh, Ao Feng suddenly accelerated at the second turn, what's the purpose of this?" The host was also surprised, Ao Feng's behavior was extremely unconventional, and he was rarely seen.

Soon, they saw a scene that stunned them. There was still a certain distance from the turning point. Goda Ya suddenly turned around and followed behind him with Ao Feng, while Ao Feng squatted down slightly to stabilize his body, and instantly completed a right-angle change of direction. One person and one pet slid forward for a certain distance~www.readwn.com~ just arrived in the river after the turn, accelerated again, and disappeared from the vision of the people behind.

"Oh my god, it's drifting. Someone actually completes a drifting action in the water that is difficult to do on land. It is said that Aofeng is the first time to participate in this kind of competition. Is this true!" The host exclaimed. , even with the audience, there was a commotion. I haven't seen such a technology in a long time.

In fact, Ao Feng is a daring art master. He has simply tried to cooperate with Goda Duck. Now he is completely in the game mentality. With his martial arts skills and tacit understanding with Goda Duck, he is thinking of trying it out. , I didn't expect it to be successful, this feeling is quite cool.

With this kind of gameplay, Aofeng didn't slow down much along the way, except that the speed would drop when he finished, and he was always traveling at full speed.

Looking at the guy who was having fun, Yiqi Juechen, the two girls looked at each other helplessly, how could this guy be so playful, they really didn't expect Ao Feng to have such a playful and active side.

"Ke'er, speed up, if this goes on, you won't even be able to see his shadow." Yu Ning said with a wry smile, this guy really doesn't care about anything when he plays.

Ke'er nodded, the two women speeded up together, and it didn't take long for the trainer who used the Dragon King to be left behind, the trainer opened his mouth, what the **** is this? Don't let people live.

When Aofeng was training the elves, he would also help the two girls come up with ideas. With the guidance of Aofeng, a full-time trainer, the effect was also very good. The elves were enhanced in all aspects, and their speed Nature is also included.

"Competitors Yu Ning and Ke'er have both started to exert their strength. Are they being stimulated by Aofeng? But Aofeng's speed is too fast, it is difficult for the two players to catch up!"

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