Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 25: Chenxin vs calamus (2)

The blizzard of King Goldfish did not slide directly on the water, but drew a parabola in the air. Obviously, he was afraid that too much freezing of the water would affect King Goldfish's actions, but this gave Mo Haima time to react.

Mo Haima obviously understood what Chen Xin meant, and immediately stopped the attack of the turbid current. The remaining high-speed stars were no longer a concern. He raised his head, and finally quickly condensed blue energy, and then spit it out into the air.

A tornado appeared in the air, advancing in constant rotation, and collided with the blizzard of King Goldfish.

Ao Feng's eyes lit up, how familiar such a situation is. Not long ago, Mo Haima used this trick to deal with the mini-dragon tornado, and the two tornadoes in opposite directions were canceled out with similar energy.

Chen Xin was also secretly rejoicing, fortunately, the blizzard of King Goldfish was not close to the water. Chen Xin's mother is from the Frost Cold family, so he is also very sensitive to the use of ice and water. Snowstorms don't need to go deep into the water. As long as they fly out close to the water, they can carry a lot of ice cubes. The current tornado in Haima can be offset.

Looking at the two skills colliding in the air and then cancelling, Ayame was also slightly surprised: "It's not bad, let's continue, Goldfish King, High Speed ​​Star!"

"Come back? Mo Haima, tornado!" Chen Xin said with a hook on the corner of her mouth.

Mo Haima spit out a tornado again, but it was a little different from the previous position. The direction of the tornado's spit was straight ahead. As soon as it appeared, it fell into the water. In the blink of an eye, the entire tornado turned into a water tornado, and it was still sucking and pulling. around the water. Mo Haima controlled the distance very well, so that he would not be sucked and pulled by the current.

The waterspout stood in front of the high-speed stars. In the constant collision, the high-speed stars were consumed, and the tornado continued.

"King Goldfish, come closer!" There was a waterspout standing in front of Mo Haima, and it was very difficult to attack successfully, and she didn't want to wait. Who knew what would happen if she waited, so she simply let King Goldfish approach the past.

The smile on the corner of Chen Xin's mouth became a little more intense. Seeing Mo Haima's continuous retreat, he felt that it was almost the same: "How could it be so easy for you to come here, Mo Haima, increase the power of the tornado!"

As soon as Chen Xin finished speaking, the blue energy in Mo Haima's mouth lit up, and a ball of light flew into the interior of the tornado. The speed of the tornado's rotation suddenly increased, and even the King Goldfish, who was swimming fast, was sucked and pulled towards the tornado. But Mo Haima was not affected because of the inconspicuous retreat just now.

Changpu saw that King Goldfish was about to be sucked into the tornado, and couldn't help being a little flustered, but she managed to calm down and gritted her teeth: "Tail of the water, get rid of it!"

King Goldfish twisted his body quickly in the water, then jumped up, his tail was painted blue and twitched on the water, and he flew towards Mohaima with a strong reaction force.

"Flying? Mo Haima, turbid current!" Chen Xin ordered the horned goldfish to rise to the highest point.

Mo Haima looked up and was about to spew out a turbid current, but it was blocked by King Goldfish's attack as soon as it spewed out a little.

The horned goldfish that was 'flying' in the air suddenly landed quickly and withstood the turbid current. After being attacked, it slammed into Mo Haima. Mo Haima cried out in pain and was pushed into the water.

"This is... Mount Tai pressing the top?" Chen Xin looked at the expression of Mo Haima who floated up from the water, her face was a little ugly.

"I beat him, this kid didn't wash his face today." Ao Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, "Why is the point of today so unreliable, or his luck with the beautiful woman will be invalid, and the 30% chance of being afraid will let you down again. He bumped into it."

"Little brother, my sister is lucky today, let me win this game, horned goldfish, the end of the water is in the blizzard!" Calamus covered her mouth and laughed, she pointed her hand, and shouted.

This little brother made Chen Xin's face even darker. What a little brother, you are the little brother. "Mo Haima, dive into the water to escape!"

Che, whoever said that you can't fight if you're afraid, it's fine to escape this period of time. At this time, it is obviously unwise to let Mo Haima wake up. The attack is right in front of him. Even if Mo Haima barely recovers, he will be attacked. It is better to avoid it first.

Mo Haima also lived up to Chen Xin's expectations, once again showing his agility when he fought against the mini-dragon that day. He dived into the water when the end of the water approached, letting the King Fish King's attack hit the air, and the blizzard behind him lost his target. It didn't show up either.

"That's fine too?" The smile on Zhangpu's face disappeared and turned into consternation. Obviously, he didn't expect Mo Haima to be able to escape.

"What's wrong, Mo Haima, if you recover, use a tornado!" Chen Xin shouted into the water.

As everyone's eyes focused on the place where Mo Haima dived, a vortex of water formed, just enclosing the King of Goldfish in the middle~www.readwn.com~ flew into the air.

"Okay, come on, kill him, use turbidity!" Chen Xin encouraged Mo Haima to see the surface of the water.

With the restriction of the waterspout, Mo Haima didn't have to care about whether the target would escape or not. The brown sewage accumulated in his mouth, gathering energy until he was able to load the peak before it was ejected.

A turbid water column twice as thick as before went straight to the trapped King Goldfish. The surrounding water did not play a very good protective role. Wang Chong flew out.

"King Goldfish!" Calamus cried out worriedly, and ran quickly in the direction where King Goldfish fell, which was far away from the pool. She knew that she lost the battle, and she didn't want King Goldfish to suffer more. Injury, but she can't catch up with her speed.

A figure flashed in the air, picked up the horned goldfish that fell from the sky, and then hovered in front of the calamus.

"Thank you." Calamus picked up the lost King Goldfish from Bibi Bird's back.

Bibi bird flapped her wings and returned to Ao Feng, Ao Feng stretched out his hand to let Bobo stand on his arm, and the other hand combed his feathers: "No need to thank you, those who love elf will not let Pixie takes extra damage."

"You are all amazing. I lost this battle. I look forward to your better performance in the future." Calamus put the Goldfish King into the Poké Ball and said.

"Nuo, this is the blue badge to challenge Hualan Gym, I'll give it to you, you will have to cheer up in the future." Sakura walked up and handed two blue water drop-shaped badges to the two of them.

The two took the badges: "Thank you, the owner of the Sakura Museum. If there is nothing else, we will leave first. Our elf still needs treatment."


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