Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 297: vs Emperor Jinxian (4)

"This puts the quasi-god out? This guy is really fierce." Shi Yu said with smacking his lips.

"Let's release the three-headed dragon now, which means that he has a trump card behind him that is stronger than Quasi-God. I can't see through this guy more and more." Chen Xin said with narrowed eyes.

"Three-headed dragon, use the wave of the dragon!" Ao Feng took the lead in attacking. The two heads next to the three-headed dragon didn't move, only the head in the middle charged and released dragon-shaped energy.

At the same time, Emperor Jinxian ordered: "Feng speed dog, use gunpowder to charge!"

Attack? accelerate? Ao Feng's thoughts were spinning rapidly. The speed of the wind speed dog was already very fast. After using the gunpowder charge a few times, the speed would increase a lot. At the current speed of the three-headed dragon, it was a little troublesome.

The flames burning on the wind speed dog rushed forward in a straight line. Seeing that it was about to collide with the wave of the dragon, it suddenly jumped and jumped out of the attack range of the wave of the dragon. Is it that simple? With a low voice: "Three-headed dragon!"

The three-headed dragon understood. After the skill was issued, he never gave up control over it. At the moment, he controlled the fluctuation of the dragon to fall and slam on the ground. In the midst of the bang, the sand and stones were flying, and the impact of the energy made the wind speed dog just jumped back, and the scattered stones hit the wind speed dog, causing a lot of damage.

Di Jinxian thought to himself, it's still not easy to deal with, it's so difficult to get close, but it doesn't matter: "Fengsu dog, come again, charge with gunpowder!"

Emperor Jinxian's order made Ao Feng confirm his guess, and the wind speed dog began to gallop on the field, no longer running in a straight line, but running very casually, making it difficult for the three-headed dragon to confirm the position of the wind speed dog and make a attack.

I can't let him go on any longer! Ao Feng frowned. After the speed of the wind speed dog has increased, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch: "Three-headed dragon!"

Ao Feng made a gesture and used a wide-area attack to see where you ran.

"Wind speed dog! Attack!" Seeing the three-headed dragon's charging skill, the speed of his own party has also increased a lot, and it is the time to attack!

At this time, the speed of the wind speed dog was really terrifying, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and it passed through the entire field in a few seconds and hit the three-headed dragon. The three-headed dragon let out a low roar, took the damage, flapped its wings, and started to retreat. Instead of releasing its skills in the direction it was attacked, it spewed a golden ball of light into the sky, because what Ao Feng told him was Wide range attack. The ball of light exploded in an instant, turning into countless meteors and falling, Dragon Star Group!

His approach was indeed correct. Even if he launched an attack from the position where the wind speed dog was before, he would not be able to touch the wind speed dog, thus wasting an opportunity to attack.

"Use the chain kick!" The hard-won close-up chance, Emperor Jinxian, would not let it slip away easily, and immediately shouted.

Feng Sugou's eyes were solemn, and he barked. He resisted the attack of the dragon star group and appeared behind the three-headed dragon. The man stood up and kicked the three-headed dragon with his front legs.

"Launch!" It's a good idea to use fighting skills at close range, but isn't it shameful for you to fight like this? The natural advantage of the three-headed dragon has not been used yet.

Even though the speed of the wind speed dog is very fast, the three-headed dragon's response is not slow, and it was only kicked twice and it was out of the attack range of the wind speed dog.

Fengsugou saw the three-headed dragon flying high, and even grinned at him, and immediately became unhappy. Now that you have run away, how can you fight? As soon as he jumped up, he continued to chase.

"Stop, come back soon!" Di Jinxian was shocked and shouted loudly. Be a ghost, calm down, do you have the confidence to dodge in the air? The speed is completely unplayable, it is a living target. But he was a step too late, the wind speed dog had already jumped out, but he had no choice but to shout: "Burst with big characters!"

After jumping up, the wind speed dog regretted it. He also thought of what Di Jinxian thought of, but since he had already acted, there was no turning back. If he didn't do it again and again, he opened his mouth and spewed out a fireball. The fireball rose in the wind and turned into a fireball. Big characters, patted the three-headed dragon. He himself continued to rise under the unfinished momentum.

Ao Feng raised his head and saw that the three-headed dragon did not panic in the shadow of the firelight. Instead, his six eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled upwards. He used the cover of the big character explosion to get close. The idea was good, but this big character explosion is right for you. A cover-up is also a cover-up for us.

Few people on the field really noticed the scene where the three heads of the three-headed dragon exerted force at the same time, which means that the three-headed dragon charged with full force to strike, and the attack power was more than doubled as before.

Seeing that the big characters were about to explode, dazzling rays of light emanated from the three-headed dragon, and then converged to form a colored ball of light that attacked downwards, the dragon's waves! The two skills collided, and the big character burst exploded unsurprisingly, but the fluctuation of the dragon seemed to be unaffected.

But the skills he launched first, how could it be possible to accumulate powerful skills so quickly in such a short period of time? Even if the skills are used, it is not bad to be able to barely offset the big character explosion, so what is the situation now?

Unexpected circumstances make all the plans of the wind speed dog collapse. It was impacted by the wave of the dragon and entered the ground, smashing a big hole. The powerful energy gathered by UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not disappear after the explosion, but after another explosion, a dragon-shaped appearance rose into the sky, and it continued for a period of time before gradually dissipating.

"I got together. As expected of Ao Feng, it's either a speed show operation or a powerful explosion of violence. This time, it can be instantly killed." The players were dumbfounded.

Chen Xin sighed and rubbed his head with his slender fingers. This is the characteristic of Ao Feng. He has strong skills and high explosiveness. Similarly, he rarely uses skills such as amplification, protection and control, and the elf is not biased towards defense. type, this is indeed a shortcoming, but you have to beat his attack and then break the defense. How to fight? What a headache. If there is suppression at the level of the realm, it is better to say, this is basically the same level, and it is basically impossible to fight against him.

"Di Jinxian is in trouble. He actually met Ao Feng here. He originally thought that he was a little bit stronger than last time, but now it seems that he has stopped here." Yun Qingfeng sighed.

"What? Did you meet him later? After saying goodbye to Shuimo City, I didn't see him again." Yuhen looked at Yun Qingfeng.

Yun Qingfeng smiled lightly and said, "I met him a few months ago. In a fight, his characteristics are similar to Ao Feng's, and his attack is very fierce. It's a pity that I met someone more fierce than him."

"Listening to your tone, I really want to have a good relationship with him. Remember last time you rejected him." Yu Hen heard something different.

Yun Qingfeng didn't deny it: "I don't know if he was frustrated. The original spirit was worn away a lot, and it was not so easy to get along with. After the battle, we chatted and we became friends."

"You have a good temper. If I run into him, I'll definitely ignore him." Yuhen shook his head and said, "But if you're frustrated, I'm afraid he will have to experience it again today."

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