Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 301: Mo Shang vs Yun Qingfeng (4)

"It's your turn, Flaming Monkey, use Bullet Punch!" Mo Shang shouted immediately after releasing the Flaming Monkey.

The flaming monkey paused on the spot, and his arm was dyed black. He slammed on the ground, jumped forward, and smashed his fist on Long Longyan.

"Long Longyan, use the pressure road!" Although he was attacked first, but because of the joy of his own weight, Long Longyan stabilized his body and did not move, but raised his foot and stomped to the ground.

The yellow light wave spreads, and the flaming monkey, which is close at hand, has already jumped up: "Use the concentrated slam!"

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the flaming monkey, and he punched his fists in a series, punching to the flesh, and the rumbling rock wailed again and again, but his speed was extremely slow. Can't touch it.

"Longlongyan, use the slam on the right front!" Yun Qingfeng also had a headache, looking at the time and place of the end of the blazing monkey's concentrated slam, and shouted.

Long Longyan was beaten and didn't even have the chance to fight back. He had long been **** off. Even though he was gasping for breath, there was still no hesitation at this time, so he lowered his head and slammed into the flaming monkey. The flaming monkey was not far from him. He had just released his skills and had not recovered, and was hit by Rumble Rock.

"Flame Monkey, use Burst Burn!" Ronglongyan's remaining stamina was running out, and Mo Shang planned to take it away with the last blow, otherwise, if it was dragged down, the Flame Monkey would definitely suffer a crushing attack as soon as it hit the ground.

"Longlongyan, use the pressure road!" As expected, Yun Qingfeng's choice was as good as Mo Shang expected, and he issued an order at the same time as Mo Shang.

The flaming monkey rolled in the air, flames swirling around its body, and then quickly concentrated. When it fell, it gathered a fireball in its hand and pushed it toward the rumbling rock. At this time, Long Longyan was using the pressure road, and there was no way to avoid it. The skill was completely hit, and a pillar of fire rose into the sky. When it dissipated, Long Longyan had already lost its fighting ability.

"This attack is fierce enough. It should be the characteristics of iron fist. Two sets of boxing skills have disabled Long Longyan." Chen Xin said the key point.

"The boxing skills of the fighting department are combined with iron fists, plus their own attributes, the power is naturally extraordinary." Ao Feng smiled, and if nothing else happened, Mo Shang would be sure to win this match, "Yun Qingfeng still has one Insect Steel left. The Foretos, whose attributes are suppressed, and the Fire Beast, right?"

"Come on, Fletos!" Yun Qingfeng chose Fletos, leaving the initial Firestorm Beast for the finale, "Use Electromagnetic Float!"

Right now, the flame monkey is still in the stagnation stage after the explosion and burning, and can only watch Foretos use his skills without being able to hinder it.

"Flame Monkey, use Bullet Punch!" Forretos finished using his skills, and the Flame Monkey finally recovered, the same opening as the previous game, preemptive attack!

Yun Qingfeng did not rush to issue an order, but paused for a while, and when the flaming monkey was about to approach, he shouted: "Forletos, use high-speed rotation!"

Foretos' body suspended in the air suddenly spun. If the flaming monkey wanted to get close, it would definitely be attacked.

"Flaming Monkey, use big characters to explode!" Mo Shang reacted quickly and changed his command immediately.

"Forletos, billions of shock waves!" Yun Qingfeng shouted at the same time.

The flaming monkey turned around, floated past Foretos, reached behind Forletos, held one hand in front of the defense mouth, took a deep breath and spit it out violently, a mass of flames in large characters in the middle Fritos. The next moment, Foretos, whose body was full of burn marks, broke through the flames and hit the flame monkey.

"Flame Monkey, use Burst and Burn!" After the hundreds of millions of shocks, Foretos couldn't move, and Burst and Burn could completely take him away.

"Come back, Foretos, I admit defeat in this game." Yun Qingfeng took back Forletos. What he was betting on was whether the billions of shock waves could kill the Flaming Monkey. If he failed, he would only have one move, a big explosion, and the opponent would replace it.

Without waiting for Mo Shang to say anything, Yun Qingfeng continued: "The one who will appear in the back is my initial elf. If you can defeat him, the victory is yours. Come on, Fire Beast!"

Mo Shang didn't understand what Yun Qingfeng said, but now the competition is in the first place. Is it the starting elf? Mo Shang didn't dare to be careless: "Flaming Monkey, come back and rest first. Fight with all your strength, come on, duck-billed fire dragon!"

"Duck-billed fire dragon, use jet flames!" Yun Qingfeng's command seemed to be a beat slower, Mo Shang said first.

"Firestorm beast, use the shadow clone, and then use the jet flame." Yun Qingfeng didn't say until Mo Shang's command was spoken.

The orange-red flames passed through the air, breaking up a shadow clone of the Firestorm Beast, and the Firestorm Beast's jet flame was also dodged by the duck-billed Fire Dragon.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, spray flames!" Mo Shang frowned. Shadow clones are really troublesome skills. As long as the duration is still there, they can't accurately distinguish the opponent's position.

Seeing the clones of the Firestorm beasts disappearing one by one, Yun Qingfeng's eyes flashed: "Firestorm beasts~www.readwn.com~ Use jet flames!"

"That's the one, duck-billed fire dragon, use explosive flame electric shock!" Only one of the remaining clones of the firestorm beast is using skills, so it is undoubtedly the real body, Mo Shang's eyes lit up and shouted.

The duck-billed fire dragon's eyes were stern, his hands were hanging by his side, and he quickly ran forward, moving left and right to dodge the flames of the fire beast, but he was not hit at all.

The Firestorm Beast seemed to be a little panicked because the attack didn't hit the opponent and the duck-billed Fire Dragon's momentum. After taking a few steps back, Yun Qingfeng shouted: "Firestorm Beast, use fire breathing!"

The footsteps stopped suddenly, and the firestorm beast lay on the ground, its mouth slightly opened, and the flames condensed.

The Duck-billed Fire Dragon hit the Firestorm Beast first, but the Firestorm Beast was knocked into the air without the slightest expression of pain, and its skills did not have the slightest effect.

"Firestorm beast, use the flame car!" Yun Qingfeng said immediately after the firestorm beast fell to the ground.

Before the duck-billed fire dragon could get rid of the previous attack, it was attacked by the fire beast and flew out screaming. And the Firestorm Beast didn't intend to let him go, and chased after him.

"I said, when did Yun Qingfeng become so bad." Ao Feng raised his eyebrows, Mo Shang suffered a big loss.

"You don't know? I thought I learned from you." Yuhen glanced at him.

"What do you mean by learning from me, how can I be bad!!!" Ao Feng glared, what did he mean, as if I was not a good person.

Calculations are full of calculations. From the very beginning, Yun Qingfeng has been calculating Mo Shang, and the shadow dodging skill is to let Mo Shang have the conclusion that 'the characteristics of the firestorm beasts are not ignition', while the jet flame behind the firestorm beasts does not. Then, and then to the back, it was the collision of explosive flames and electric shocks.

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