Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 303: Feather Mark vs Charm (2)

Invisible Pokémon can always give people pressure, and the natural bird can be successfully released from the invisibility balloon. The echo balloon can completely attack the natural bird, but if he doesn't, then the purpose is very clear, cheat a skill and use it while you are After a brief neutral attack.

And deceived a teleportation, obviously made a profit. The echo balloon appeared on the side of the natural bird and spun and hit him. The natural bird couldn't stabilize his body and flew out sideways, but his illusion technique had already been used, and he grabbed the echo balloon.

"Shock!" Yu Hen shouted after glancing at the sky.

The natural bird's wings were wide open, and with a chirping sound, pink rays of light shot out from its eyes, and the shock wave formed by the illusion technique rushed up from below the bound balloon. Predict the future effect.

Under the double attack, the echo balloon was doomed, but it was unable to move, and was attacked by the two attacks, which directly lost its ability to fight.

"Come back and rest." Meiling sighed and glanced at the panting natural bird. The damage from the ghost's sneak attack was also not small, and I'm afraid it was close to the limit. The situation was not bad.

"Huayan Monster, please!" Charming Spirit's second elf appeared on the field, with a stone below and a cloud of smoke-like things on it, officially sealing the Pokemon, Huayan Monster.

"Come back first, Natural Bird." Natural Bird's condition is not very good, and he is restrained by the ghost type. I am afraid that he will not be able to take a move. It is better to let him end the game to recover his physical strength. Yes, but it can be roughly guessed that there will be ghosts, how do you guess? It seems to know, "Armored bird, hand it over to you!"

"Flower rock monster, use the wave of evil!" Charm Ling ordered.

"Dodge, use steel wings!" Feather marks flicked her long white hair.

"Defense!" The movement speed of the flower rock monster itself is slag, and it is almost impossible to dodge the attack of the armored bird. The smoke-like body outside the Huayan Monster indented into the stone below. The stone fell without the support of his strength, and was hit by the steel wings of the armored bird, making a clanging sound.

so hard? Sure enough, it was a stone: "Come again, Yan Huijia Steel Wing! I don't believe you have no harm at all!"

For more than a year, the application of the feather marks combination skill has become more and more proficient, and the time for the transformation of the two skills can almost be ignored. I only see the armored bird knocking on the stone of the flower rock monster with silver wings. Seeing the silver figure circling around the stone, the silver light hit it, but the attack did not let it fall to the ground, and the tyrannical attack caused the stone to crack.

Charming Spirit is awe-inspiring, it is indeed an attack that cannot be ignored, but this is what I want. When the armored bird hit the stone to get away again, it shouted: "Flower Rock Monster, use pain to divide!"

The flower rock monster immediately showed its body, and a black light caught up with the armored bird, and then two green lights, one bright and one dim, emerged from the two, and after they converged, they were divided into two identical green lights and injected into their bodies.

"Flower Rock Monster, use the shadow sneak attack!" Once the attack was successful, Meiling finally showed a smile that surprised everyone.

Oops! Feather Mark felt bad. Using two skills in a row in front of him consumed a lot of physical energy of the armored bird, but the situation seemed to be worse than before, very tired, and the flight speed was much worse.

He didn't know that the characteristic of this flower rock monster was pressure, which would cause the opponent to consume more physical energy every time he used a skill. After a series of strong attacks, the armor bird's physical energy was not much left.

A black shadow caught up with the speed of the armored bird and hit the armored bird. The armored bird screamed and almost hit the ground. Fortunately, his flying ability was extremely strong, and he stumbled into the air again.

"Flower Rock Monster, another shadow attack!" Even if the armored bird was in poor condition, he could still dodge most of his skills. Now he doesn't have much stamina left, and another shadow attack is enough.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Feather Mark did not let the armored bird escape, but shouted: "Armored bird, use air cutting!"

Fight hard, who is afraid of whom? Whoever resists and wins is whoever wins.

The armored bird's eyes sank, and all the energy left in him was activated. Several lines of white rays of light flew out between the flapping of his wings. At the same time, a black shadow appeared behind him again, taking away his remaining physical energy. There was no accidental all hits in the air cutting, and the two elves lost their ability to fight.

Taking back the elf, Feather Hen and Meiling looked at each other, and both knew that they didn't want to take advantage of each other, and released the next elf at the same time.

"Come out, gentleman crow!"

"Please, Dream Demon!"

Two elves, one black and one purple, appeared on the field. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Gentleman Crow put one hand in front of him and pressed the other hand on the hat to bow slightly, looking very gentlemanly, while Dream Demon Then he floated quietly in place, nodding slightly.

"Dream Demon, use Demon Leaf Slash!" Feather Hen waited for a while, but did not immediately issue an order, and gave Charming Spirit the chance to attack first. There will be no concessions in battle, but under certain conditions, beauties still have privileges.

"Gentleman crow, use hot air!" Seeing the move, the feather marks were not disturbed at all, and the red air flow formed a watermelon-sized column to rush forward, colliding with the magic leaf wrapped in purple.

The attribute advantage, the Demon Leaf Slash was broken, and the hot wind with the support of the gentleman crow was unabated. Instead of a centralized attack, it spread to the surrounding area, blocking all the dodging space of the dream demon.

"Dream Demon, use 100,000 volts!" Charming Ling's beautiful eyes turned, she didn't dodge or evade, attacking attack. Electric skills are very fast as long as they are issued. If you insist on attacking, you will also lose the best chance of dodging and are very likely to be hit.

So rigid? Feather Hen didn't expect Charming Spirit to choose this way, would you force me to give up the attack: "Gentleman Crow, use provocation!"

As soon as this order was given, the whole painting style of the gentleman crow changed. He, who was originally a gentleman, showed a ruffian look all over his body, grinned, and waved at the dream demon with his wings.

The dream demon was stunned for a moment, and then became angry. The 100,000 volts failed to charge up immediately, but instead was hit by the undissipated hot wind. In addition, the mind did not control the skills, causing the skills to fail.

Everyone should be clear about the role of provocation. It irritates the opponent and makes the opponent unable to use the transformation skills, but its role is not limited to this. If you focus on angering the opponent, it can often have unexpected effects. example.

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