Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 305: Feather marks vs Charm (4)

"Go, chandelier ghost!" Charming Spirit's fifth elf is the chandelier ghost who appeared once today.

"It's your turn, Big-billed Gull, use the water gun!"

"The chandelier ghost, dodge, use the ghost fire!"

Big-billed Gull attacked first, but did not continue to output, as if the machine gun only fired one bullet. After the skill was released, Big-billed Gull immediately left the place, causing the ghost fire of the chandelier to fall into the empty space.

"Big-billed Gull, use Pray for Rain!" The water gun is just a cover, the purpose is to make the chandelier ghost unable to stop Big-billed Gull's rain-praying skills.

"The chandelier ghost, use the ghost fire again!" Meiling knew that she was fooled, the big-billed gull's prayer for rain would be completed soon, and it was impossible to stop it, but the attack was still possible.

There are both gains and losses. If you choose to use Prayer for Rain, Feather Mark is ready to deal with the attack. The burn effect of the ghost fire is the most troublesome thing. As for the continuous damage, the big-billed gull's rain basin The effect is enough to deal with.

"Big-billed Gull, use the storm!" Water has a lot of restrictions on the fire-type elf. Under the action of the Big-billed Gull's storm, a lot of rain poured towards the chandelier ghost.

"The chandelier ghost, use the energy ball!" The large-scale attack made the chandelier ghost unable to escape even if she was invisible, but she was also prepared to deal with the water system.

Before the water curtain formed by the rain could reach the chandelier ghost, a green energy ball broke through it and attacked the big-billed gull. The big-billed gull's wings flickered rapidly, weakening the attack power of the energy ball with the help of the storm, but it failed to prevent the energy ball from falling on itself. Similarly, the chandelier was also hit by the rain-covered storm.

"Stealth!" The Big-billed Gull's skills were terminated, giving the Chandelier Ghost a chance to fight back, hiding his figure and quietly approaching the Big-billed Gull.

"Big-billed Gull, use Storm!" To deal with stealth, you can't see its location, and it's best to use a wide-area attack.

"The ghost of the chandelier, use intimidation!" At this moment, Meiling suddenly said.

when? Feather Hen did not expect the Chandelier Ghost to be so fast, and just wanted to change the command, but the attack of the Chandelier Ghost that appeared in front of the Big-billed Gull had already acted on the Big-billed Gull.

Feather Mark's luck was not bad. Although the intimidation was hit, the additional effect did not trigger. The Big-billed Gull was only frightened and injured. The storm was successfully used, but its power was not small. While continuing to attack the chandelier ghost, with the help of this gust of wind, the big-billed gull retreated.

"The chandelier ghost, use doom!" You are still under the attack of the storm, how can you leave easily.

"Big-billed gull, the storm is attacking!" With the effect of wind, the big-billed gull moves very fast. After a short distance, the wings light up with white light, and they rotate in the air. The storm and the swallow are integrated into one. The chandelier swooped down.

The black light fell from the sky and sank into the body of the big-billed gull. At the same time, the big-billed gull's wings also cut on the chandelier ghost. The two staggered past, the chandelier smashed to the ground, and the big-billed gull gliding in the air also burst into a black light, screamed and fell to the ground.

Then, a green light appeared on the Big-billed Gull, and he barely stood up, but then another fire appeared, and the Big-billed Gull fell down under the startled eyes of the Big-billed Gull.

However, just when the referee declared a draw, the chandelier ghost lying motionless on the ground actually floated staggeringly, declaring that it was him who won the game.

"This chandelier ghost is really capable of resisting, and it can actually stand up." Ao Feng shook his head, but even if he stood up again, the chance of Charming Spirit winning is not high. The last one, including the two, basically cannot fight anymore The Arber monster and the chandelier ghost, the situation on the Feather Mark side is much better.

"It's also thanks to the state of burns, otherwise she will definitely not be able to hold on to the present." Yu Han took a sip of the water on the table, and the bystander was clear, he had seen the power of the feather marks storm, and he directly attacked when the power was fully activated. The ghost of the chandelier is not impossible.

"Look at the back, this battle should be regarded as a tiebreaker."

In the last game, neither of them had the idea of ​​retaining their strength, and sent their own starting players, the Warrior Eagle and Gengar.

The appearance of the Warrior Eagle still attracted most of the attention. The burst of light powder and pure white feathers showed the characteristics of a flashing elf. Coupled with the feather marks in white, it looks really good.

"Why do I think this guy should go to the gorgeous competition, he can get a lot of points just for his appearance." Ao Feng put his hand on his forehead, he really couldn't stand this kind of guy.

"It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house." Chen Xin smiled.

If the appearance of the Warrior Eagle is amazing enough, then the action of Charming Spirit in the back is even more eye-catching. The plain hand pressed on the pendant between the neck: "Gengar, mega evolution!"

The dazzling Guanghua said that it is impossible not to attract people. The glittering elves are still known to most people~www.readwn.com~ But very few people know about the evolution of mega. This way of evolving to the highest level and being able to evolve again made the audience talk a lot.

"That's interesting." Ao Feng held his chin in one hand, this is the first mega-evolved Pokémon to appear since the Chengdu competition, "It's a pity, the opponent has general attributes, so Gengar's strength can't be fully utilized. come out."

Glancing at the rain that was about to stop, Charming Ling gave a slight sigh, so let me use it: "Genggui, use Thunder!"

"Warrior Eagle, use protection!" Although I felt a little embarrassed to use protection at first, I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't avoid the thunderstorm that was inevitable in rainy days. He has never eaten pork and has seen Pig Run. He still has some understanding of mega evolution. Each attribute has an increase. This is still a thunderbolt of attribute restraint.

"Geng Gui, use hypnotism!" Although the distance is a bit far, it can't delay time. The Warrior Eagle's movement speed is not slow, so he ran away thinking that it was not so easy to catch the opportunity to use hypnotism so easily. .

However, she still underestimated the Warrior Eagle after all. On the surface, it seemed that the Warrior Eagle was still in place, but in fact he left at the end of the thunderstorm, and the hypnotism only hit the afterimage that remained in place.

"What is this? Shadow clone?" Ao Feng was stunned for a moment. He had no idea about the warrior eagle Yuhen.

"This is not a skill, it is an additional special ability of Flash." Yu Han shook his head.

"Damn it! That's not it." Ao Feng twitched the corners of his mouth. If the effect of leaving afterimages in place is used well, wouldn't it be the Infinite Shadow clone? Can you still play happily!

With its extremely high speed, it can completely confuse the opponent's judgment. If there is a way to control the afterimage, it will be really disgusting in most cases.

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