Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 310: Aofeng vs? Han (2)

In the auditorium, the audience exclaimed, and the mega evolution appeared for the second time, and it was used by two people together. The Silver Conference brought so many novelties to the people of Chengdu, whether it was the elf they had never seen before, the latest two evolutions of Ibrahimovic, or the mega evolution, all of them could make them excited.

"Xiaolu, go!" Ao Feng said directly.

After the evolution, Xiaolu's eyes became sharp, the waveguide was agitated like the wind, and the dust around him was swept away.

He pressed his feet hard, his hands moved behind him for a while, and with the help of the waveguide, his entire body rushed out. People saw a blurry figure leaving a trail of afterimages on the ground, and the path had already reached Heracross, and the flaming legs kicked at Heracross.

There was a muffled thud, sparks splashed everywhere, and Heracross bowed his head slightly, the horn on his head collided with Xiaolu's explosive kick, and he took the blow.

"Heracross, use ram!" When Xiaolu paused, Yu Han shouted, at such a close distance, Xiaolu could not escape.

The reaction was very fast, Xiaolu's eyes flashed fiercely, and the bone thorn that appeared in his hand at some point hit Heracross's head violently, and at the same time attacked, he rose up with strength, Xiaolu jumped into the air, and dodged Heracross. 's ramming.

After Ao Feng rushed out from the path, he folded his arms in front of his chest, staring at the changes of the two elves and Yu Han on the field, judging what skills he was about to use.

Looking at the height of the path, he said, "Bo missiles!"

Almost at the same time as Ao Feng's command, Yu Han shouted, "Heracross, use the Qi He bomb!"

Luke, who originally wanted to use the explosive kick to continue the attack with the help of his falling momentum, changed his move. The flame did not converge, but the bone spur disappeared. A wave of missiles quickly condensed between his hands, smashed down, and merged with Heracross's Qi. collide together, cancel each other out.

Ao Feng did not give any further orders, but this distance Xiaolu also knew what to do. He turned his body halfway, carrying a string of flames and then a bright blue light.

Seeing Xiaolu's continued whereabouts, he thought that he must not let Lucario get close easily, and said, "It's a million-ton horn attack!"

Heracross has a very long horn. If it can withstand the attack of the path, it can effectively control the distance. And after the mega evolution, Heracross's power has increased significantly, and he doesn't think that Xiaolu can compete with Heracross.

But, is Xiaolu that easy to deal with? The arm waved to the side, the waveguide surged, and the whole body traversed a short distance, just dodging Heracross's million-ton horn attack, bent his knees, and slammed into Heracross's back.

Flame Knee! A modified combination of Knee Knee and Fire Kick. Heracross only felt the scorching heat accompanied by a strong force, his limbs could not help bending down, and he was blasted into the ground.

"Heracross! Come out, use ram!" Yu Han hurriedly shouted, Heracross was blasted in face down, and he couldn't see anything, let alone attack.

The wings on Heracross's back fluttered and he pulled himself out of the ground. After confirming Lucario's position, he bumped into it.

Without continuing to pursue, Xiaolu was trying to concentrate on preventing the opponent from successfully counterattacking. How could it be possible for Heracross's hand to jump back and pull a distance away, and lower his waist when the attack was about to approach, making Heacross who slammed into him swiftly and violently. La Crosse didn't have time to change his moves, and he was about to fly over after wiping the hair on the path.

However, Xiaolu didn't intend to let him go just like that. He grabbed Heracross's horn with both hands and pushed him downwards. Heracross couldn't control his body and was thrown to the ground again, with a splash of dust.

Such an attacking opportunity would not be missed. He turned back and hit Heracross again with a flaming knee. You must know that this time it was not the back, but the abdomen.

Heracross screamed, Xiaolu jumped up with strength, and a wave of missiles was stored in his hand and smashed over, and Heracross never got up again.

Lightly landed on the ground, Xiaolu looked at Ao Feng and tapped on his chest. Even if it is also a mega evolution, so what if you are strong, I will not fight with you recklessly, as long as the power gap is not too large, the main force will definitely not be able to beat the dexterous type of Xiaolu.

"Heracross is incapacitated." The referee raised the flag and announced.

Strong, strong do not know how to deal with it. Yu Han took back Heracross and sighed, not because Heracross was not strong, but in the face of an opponent like Xiaolu, he didn't know how to attack at all.

Even if there is a chance, they are perfectly avoided by the other party.

"Come on, Big Needle Bee!" Yu Han gritted his teeth and released the second elf, "Big Needle Bee, use high-speed movement!"

"Bo missiles!" In the face of the speed of the big needle bees, Ao Feng did not give you a chance at all, and directly sent the wave missiles.

"Use the missile needle!"

The big needle bee released a fine missile needle~www.readwn.com~ to block the wave missile, but who told you that there was only one wave missile? The following two wave missiles collided with the giant needle bee one after another, knocking him out. The Big Needle Bee can't resist it at all. After the mega evolution, all aspects of the path have been greatly improved. Two wave missiles reduced the Big Needle Bee's HP to one-third.

"Come back, Big Needle Bee." The Big Needle Bee's speed is also not feasible, so we can only use the last move, "Huhu, please!"

Ao Feng pondered for a while. Hu Hu, a little elf that was rarely seen in battles, had very strong defense and special defense, but his attack power was negligible and his physical strength was extremely low. Ever since He Shiyu's first match where the three-headed dragon was knocked out by the walking grass, Ao Feng has become more cautious, and Yu Han dared to release the pot, which means that he has a way to make the pot burst into super strength. Can even take down paths.

"Xiaolu, come back." To be cautious, Ao Feng withdrew Xiaolu. After the mega evolution, Xiaolu was the main force of this game.

Hu Hu's defense is strong because of the tortoise shell, normal damage is difficult to play, then, Ao Feng changed to a Poke Ball: "It's been suffocated for so long, let's fight well, go, Godard Duck!"

The erosion effect of water is quite strong, especially under the control of Gotha Duck. I would like to see if you have any other ways to deal with it.

Gotha Duck jumped excitedly on the field twice, staring at Hu Hu with burning eyes. He hadn't played since the Silver Conference, and he felt that his bones were about to fall apart. Raise your hand and release a wave of water. At this stage, your opponent should not be weak.

Sure enough, the pot was indented into the solid shell, and the waves of water hitting it just knocked it away without causing any damage.

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