Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 322: rescued, revisited

"Who?" The person inside looked out.

Ao Feng did not answer their feelings, and threw the Poke Ball: "Smash it for me!"

The people inside reacted and immediately released little elves to attack, but most of these people were researchers, so how could they be Xiaolu's opponents?

He himself ran straight to Mosu's side and rudely removed the instruments on Mosu's body.

Mo Su seemed to be affected, he frowned, then opened his eyes and saw Ao Feng with a lovely smile: "Brother, um."

Hearing Mo Su's groaning, Ao Feng was startled, and found that Mo Su's body quickly turned red and hot.

"Put her back quickly. Without guidance, the energy in her body will explode!" an old man in a white coat shouted.

"Almost doll, protect!" Ao Feng ignored him at all. Almost doll built a mask to keep out the researchers who rushed over. In just a few days, Mo Su has become like this. After a while, the energy in his body will be drained, and it is estimated that he will not be able to survive.

He dared to remove those things directly because he had his own plans. With his hand on Mosu's shoulder, the waveguide swung out and entered Mosu's body, suppressing the uncontrolled energy back.

Ao Feng originally planned to use the waveguide to suppress the violent energy in Mo Su's body, but he found that Mo Su seemed to be able to control part of it, and with Mo Su's active help, the suppression was much easier than expected. After thinking for a while, Ao Feng turned the active suppression into guidance, leaving part of the energy that Mo Su could control outside, and the rest was sealed in Mo Su's body by Ao Feng.

"Brother, I miss you so much." Mo Su hugged Ao Feng tightly.

"Well, let's go home." Ao Feng said warmly, "Xiao Baibai is still waiting for you."

The seven elves were escorting Ao Feng, but no one dared to stop him. At the door, they met Ao Yun and Mo Shang, and the three of them joined forces to knock out a few elves such as the salamander, and then they were led by a natural bird. With them teleporting away.

Outside, Ao Feng saw Sneeze Xiong Xiaobai sitting quietly beside him. His last worry disappeared. Fortunately, they were all safe and sound.

"Go!" Ao Yun waved his hand and ordered, and the Wu Yi family who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately acted. The rest of the matter is not what Ao Feng and the others need to care about, as long as there is a result.

"This is Mosu." Aoyun leaned over, looked at the little loli who was holding Ao Feng tightly and refused to let go, and couldn't help laughing.

Mo Su raised his head and looked at Ao Yun suspiciously: "Brother, who is this uncle?"

"Big, uncle?" Aoyun's face was stunned.

Ao Feng was stunned for a while, then laughed: "Yes, it's the uncle, this guy is the uncle, hahaha."

"I said Xiaofeng, you're not being kind, but I'm here to help you save people." Aoyun said with a bitter face, how could he become an uncle, I'm so young, I'm not even twenty, handsome and suave Great young man.

Ao Feng did not continue to ridicule. If his brother hadn't rushed over, things would not have gone so smoothly: "Susu, my name is brother, he is my brother."

Mo Su stuck out his tongue: "Hello, big brother."

"Well, Xiaofeng treats you as a younger sister, and you will be my younger sister in the future, okay?" Aoyun said with a smile.

Ao Feng raised his eyebrows: "Brother, why do I really feel that you are like a wretched uncle who kidnapped a little girl, with such a weird smile."

"Go away!" Aoyun scolded with a smile, raising his foot to kick.

Ao Feng turned sideways to dodge. Mo Su was sleepy in his arms. She had been tossed and tossed for the past few days and couldn't sleep well. He patted her on the back: "Let's go back to Yanhan Town."

Looking back at the fire-filled base, he let out a sneer, doing a lot of injustice. It is estimated that you have already prepared for this day. Don't blame me, just blame you for doing too many things that you shouldn't do and provoking people you shouldn't.

He patted the wind speed dog on the head, and the wind speed dog ran out and went to the elf center in Yanhan Town to rest.

"Master." The next morning, when Ao Feng came out of the room, the shadow man in black who had been waiting at the door handed over a document to Ao Feng, "The mission has been completed, this is the information about that little girl."

Ao Feng took the document and nodded to him: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Our honor." The man in black bowed and left. Only then did Ao Feng go back to the room to open the document and take a closer look. He was very curious about Mo Su. The sneeze bear without any fighting ability evolved into a special individual flame tundra bear, but it requires Mo Su's own power to trigger it. .

I have a general understanding. Most of the files are data. The main content is that the strength of the tundra bear is closely related to Mosu. As Mosu continues to grow, he can control more and more power, and the flame tundra bear is stronger. Now Just this part of the energy that Mosu can control can make Xiaobaibai reach a level close to the quasi-celestial king.

A smile appeared on Ao Feng's face, Mo Su was kidnapped and came back safe and sound, and he was able to control some of his energy because of a blessing in disguise, so he didn't have to stay in the empty house in Zaixie City all the year round~www.readwn.com~ Now Mo Su is not yet By the age of seven, it is estimated that by the time she is ten years old, Xiao Baibai will definitely be able to break through the quasi-celestial king? If she wanted to take the path of being a trainer, it would be terrifying to think about the elf with the strength of a quasi-celestial king.

Mo Su was still sleeping, and Ao Feng didn't bother her. After breakfast, he left the Elf Center and searched for the location of the Heiluga tribe last time. He still couldn't let go of that Dairubi.

Heluga and the others have already left, but if they hadn't left the range of Yanhan Mountain, it would not be difficult to find them.

"Please." To release the elves, the wind speed dog's sense of smell, the high-altitude detection of the fossilized pterosaur, the path and Lucario's waveguide are all good detection methods.

Aofeng didn't know what to do after he found that Dairubi, could he subdue it? Probably not. It was just a coincidence that the Kanto subdued the Duck at the beginning. Da Duck can live there because he has hidden strength, what about Darubi? His house is not a charity hall, and the elves will compete with each other when they are together. It is difficult to live without two brushes. If Ao Feng brought him back, he would be even more difficult to survive.

If Dai Ruby has no flaws and is willing to work hard, even if he starts off a little bit, it will be fine. Ao Feng has the confidence to train him, but.... And even if the elves at home can give him living space, can the elves who are Pokémon be willing to be kept as pets?

Heluga and the others didn't go too far, and it didn't take long for the wind speed dog to find their position. Regarding the arrival of Ao Feng, Helujia and Dalubi did not show hostility, and the leader of Helujia nodded to Ao Feng and ignored him.

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