Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 325: go to school?

"Dad, Mom." Ao Feng lowered his head and got off the plane, sticking out his tongue, knowing that a reprimand was inevitable.

Sure enough, he was yelled at as soon as he stood up, not to say that he shouldn't go, but to blame him for acting too recklessly. No matter how tight time is, he should discuss his actions with his family, at least to ensure safety.

But before Qingxi could say a word, Mo Xuan, who was standing behind Ao Feng timidly, stood up: "Auntie, don't blame brother, it's Mo Su's fault..."

When Mo Su said this, Qingxi's anger that was not strong at first was extinguished immediately, she glared at Ao Feng and ignored him.

He took Mo Su's hand: "Good boy, you know how to protect your brother at such a young age. Be my daughter. She is much more obedient than someone, and it doesn't give me any peace of mind."

Ao Feng, who was standing on the side, had black lines all over his head. Could this someone's direction be so clear?

"Auntie, I..."

"If you don't mind, just call me mother." Qingxi and Wu Yikuang understood Mo Su's situation. They took pity on her background, and Ao Feng recognized her as her younger sister, so she would take care of the child.

Qingxi's gentle voice made Mo Su stunned, she raised her head, and met Qingxi's eyes. The softness in Qingxi's eyes made Mosu's nose sore, her eyes turned red, her lips pursed tightly, but she couldn't hold back her tears. the fall.

"Mom!" Mo Su rushed into Qingxi's arms, Mom, I have a mom again.

"Good, mom is here, Susu won't cry." Qingxi took Mosu into her arms and comforted her softly.

Wu Yikuang glared at Ao Feng, what he had planned to say could no longer be said in this situation, so he turned and left. Ao Feng and several others also left, leaving the space for them. Ao Feng felt more and more that it was right to bring Mo Su back. The affection and love from his parents that Mo Su lacked was not something he could make up for.

Looking for an empty Poké Ball to formally subdue Dai Ruby, Ao Feng finally got some free time to play with the Pokémon, read a book, and relax the tension of the past two years.

Under the care of Qingxi and Wu Yikuang, Mo Su quickly integrated into the family, and always went to play with the elves with Ao Feng.

Of course, Ao Feng will not forget about Dai Ruby.

"Mom, is there a way to treat congenital disabilities?" After finishing everything at hand, Ao Feng immediately asked Qing Xi for advice.

"Congenital disability? What's the specific situation?"

"At the time of hatching, I was hit by a laser gun..." Ao Feng said in detail, the more detailed the situation, the more appropriate the treatment method, if there is a method.

Qing Ximing thought for a while, and then said, "It's the Dairubi. I can't give you a definite answer. You should also know the difficulty of the treatment. But it shouldn't be completely impossible. I'll check the information."

Two days later, Qingxi gave Aofeng a reply, and the result was gratifying, because Dairubi's disability could be recovered, but it would take a long time for treatment. It mainly needs Aofeng to do more, but for Aofeng, as long as Dalubi can be cured, everything is not a problem.

The treatment process is mainly divided into two stages. The first stage is the foundation. Aofeng needs to use a wave guide to massage Dairubi every day to maintain the activity of muscles and meridians and dredge. The second stage is to evolve in Dairubi. When using the precious jade of life, there is a 70% probability of recovery, and the remaining 30% depends on the situation of Aofeng's massage and Dalubi's own efforts.

After learning this massage technique, Ao Feng began to give Dai Ruby a recovery massage. He did not tell Dai Ruby that he had found a way to help him. Now he has the news. One, and even then it will be even more sad than it is now.

Since it's already like this, why shouldn't it be a kind of tempering? As long as Aofeng doesn't give up, and Dairubi doesn't give up, and eventually grows up, what if he can't be cured? Who ruled that disabled people can't be strong? Without one leg, he can walk on three legs, and even through his own efforts, he can surpass other normal elves and become a strong man.

Ao Feng didn't say anything, and Dai Ruby didn't ask. When Ao Feng massaged him every day, although he didn't feel any sensation in his hind limbs, he could still feel a warm energy from the bottom of his legs, like his body. After Feng gave him a massage, he was sweating profusely and his eyes were tired. He knew that Ao Feng had been working hard for him.

At the same time as his heart became closer, most of his free time was used by him to practice the method Ao Feng gave him to control the flame, but his flame was too high for him, and it would take a long time to control it. .

The elf egg that Ke’er gave to Aofeng hatched in the third week after Aofeng returned home. It was a Laluras. The difference was that the original green part was blue, and it was a sparkling elf.

The birth of this little guy gave Ao Feng a big surprise. He didn't expect that the elf Ke'er gave him was actually Shining Laluras, and he was born with the teleportation skill. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

As soon as Laluras appeared, he used teleport to hide on Ao Feng's shoulder, pulled his hair to cover himself, and didn't know whether he was afraid or shy at the gazes of the people around him.

In this way, the elves that Ao Feng was going to train in the next area were determined, including Dairubi, Lalulas, Nine-Tails, Hippo King, and Lizhuang Chicken.

After staying at home for another week, Ao Feng decided to set off again.

Aoyun had already set off a week ago, Mo Shang planned to travel by himself, and Chen Xin had not seen a shadow until now. Therefore, only Ao Feng and Mo Su went to Fengyuan area together.

When sending Ao Feng away, Qing Xi mentioned that Ao Feng could go to the elite college to have a look. At that time, Ao Feng didn't care too much. He is not too cold about the academy. For most of the academies, Ao Feng's impression is the Pokémon Academy where he met Sundae while traveling in Kanto, a place where a group of nerds study.

However, I was bored on the road, thinking that Qingxi knew his character and had a high vision, so I wouldn't introduce him casually. I checked it with the notebook I prepared on the plane.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it. After checking it, it's really interesting. It's been established for less than three years, but it has gained a great reputation in various regions. It's an elite academy. It's an elite academy.

Taking out the two recommendation letters that Qingxi had given him from his backpack, Ao Feng thought for a while and looked at Mo Su: "Susu, do you want to go to school?"

"Going to school?" Mo Su blinked his big glasses, "Is it the elite academy that my mother said? It's a school for elf trainers, right? I'm not yet ten years old."

Ao Feng smiled: "Young age is not a problem, don't you have Xiaobaibai, and your strength is enough to compete with elites and even quasi-kings. Moreover, there is not only a school for trainers, but also for coordinators, doctors, and breeders. Yep."

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