Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 327: check in

Following Director Liu to the Academic Affairs Office, while walking, Ao Feng observed the surroundings. The school has not yet started, but there are already many students in the academy walking around, wearing casual clothes, either alone, or with a elf or two.

After entering the school, Ao Feng only saw a tower that was inserted into the clouds, and asked Director Liu in confusion: "Master, why can't you see that tower outside?"

Director Liu said without turning his head: "That tower is the battle tower in the academy. It can only be seen inside the school. As for why, you will find out later."

Bad... Can you tell me directly that I'm going to die? Of course, Ao Feng also thought about these words in his heart. It was impossible to say them. He didn't want to provoke the dean without reporting, and the days after that would be over.

The academy is really big. It took more than ten minutes to walk from the school gate to the Academic Affairs Office. Along the way, Ao Feng discovered a lot of different places. Isn't this the Elf Academy? There are not many teaching buildings, just four and six floors (are you sure there are not many?) But where is the battlefield? What are so many football fields, basketball courts, and even swimming pools doing? . . . . . Ao Feng didn't ask any more, he would know sooner or later if he wanted to know. If you ask now, you probably won't be able to ask why.

Mo Su was very quiet along the way, holding the little bear doll that Ao Feng gave him in one hand, with her only Poké Ball on it, and Xiao Baibai inside. The other hand took Ao Feng and followed him obediently.

The dean took Ao Feng and the two to the Academic Affairs Office and asked them to report on their own before leaving, looking very busy. Ao Feng only remembered when the dean of the school had gone far away. Hey, it seems that our recommendation letter is still with the dean. We haven't reported anything here.

But when he wanted to look for it, the dean of the school had disappeared, so Ao Feng had no choice but to try first. Unexpectedly, just after opening the door, the person inside said, "You are Ao Feng and Mo Su."

"Ah? Yes." Ao Feng was stunned for a moment, saying that I didn't seem to have provided any information, how did you know? After answering the answer, Ao Feng started a large number of people sitting behind the desk. From the above part, it can be seen that the clothes are still decent, but the standard five-short stature, after sitting behind the desk, about ten centimeters below the neck and above the table surface, and the head is above the table surface. The round one also has square eyes, the hair on his head is very sparse, and he wears a small black hat on top. Yes, it is indeed small compared to his head.

Holding back his laughter, Ao Feng suddenly felt that the hat on the man's head was very similar to that of a gentleman's crow. He glanced to the side, which proved Ao Feng's guess. There was indeed a gentleman's crow, a gentleman's duck without a hat. The funniest thing is that this gentleman duck. . . . . . It has a sloping roof, just like a trainer.

The corners of Ao Feng's mouth couldn't help curling up. He didn't expect to meet such an interesting person when he first arrived at school. However, it can be seen that the relationship between this gentleman and the gentleman is very good, otherwise the hat that the gentleman has never left his body cannot be put on his head, especially this gentleman duck is bald.

Originally, Ao Feng didn't feel anything at all, but when he saw his image, he suddenly felt that his voice was somewhat similar to the gentleman crow.

"Come and check your information, little sister, we don't have any information about you here, you can fill it out yourself." Without giving Ao Feng a chance to laugh, the man handed over a form with his head lowered, and then He tapped on the notebook, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, listing Ao Feng's information one by one, "By the way, my surname is Ren, you can just call me Teacher Ren."

Ao Feng was shocked by his hand. The level of the light curtain can't be achieved anywhere. Thinking of the battle tower that can't be seen outside, he guessed the technology level of the elite academy.

I carefully checked my basic information, it was all in the illustrated book, and there was no problem. After Ao Feng checked it, Mo Su also finished filling it out. Ao Feng checked it and returned the form to make sure there was no problem.

Teacher Ren took a look and didn't say much. He handed each of them a bag, and Ao Feng weighed it. It was a little heavy, and it should be more than just some documents.

"You are all in the trainer's class, Ao Feng, you are in the second-year class F, Mo Su, you are too young, let's take the first-year class C for the time being, the first-year mainly talks about some basic knowledge, how are you? Accept it." Teacher Ren obviously had a better attitude towards Mosu.

"Susu, is it alright?" Ao Feng originally wanted to be in the same class as Mo Su, so it would be easier to take care of him, but he also wanted Mo Su to be independent and make more friends. Mosu came.

Mo Su nodded seriously: "Brother~www.readwn.com~ it's okay, I'm fine."

Ao Feng patted his head and smiled: "Okay, Su Su has grown up, remember to call me if you have anything."

"Your dormitory key is in the package, and the specific location is also marked on the map inside. You can go directly after a while. Go to the room opposite to get the school uniform according to your own size, two sets for each person." Teacher Ren still did not Looking up, he was writing something.

"Today is the last day of the report. Tomorrow, I will go to your teacher's office to meet with your teacher, and then gather in the class to attend the opening ceremony. The rest is nothing, and the precautions I give you are all noted. Ming, just take a look at it."

"Trouble teacher." After waiting for a while, seeing that Teacher Ren had no more words, Ao Feng bowed slightly and walked out with Mo Su. Since you are a student, you still need the respect you deserve for your teacher.

There was nothing in the next room except the large cabinets. There were different sizes on the cabinet doors, so it was easy to find the right one. After picking up the school uniform, Ao Feng looked at the map and sent Mo Su to her first. Downstairs in the dormitory, I told her for a long time, and watched her go upstairs before withdrawing her eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that the girls' dormitory did not allow boys to enter, Ao Feng would have followed suit. Although Mo Su has lived alone for so long, she still has very little communication with others. She is still so young, and Ao Feng is worried that she will not adapt to it.

Ao Feng had been waiting downstairs until Mo Su sent him a text message to explain that everything went well, then Ao Feng breathed a sigh of relief and easily followed the map to the boys' dormitory.

The distance between the male and female dormitory buildings is not far. After all, they are all in the dormitory area. It didn't take much time for Ao Feng to find a place. Instead of taking the key directly, I knocked on the door. Since it was the last day, someone should have it.

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