Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 329: head teacher

After playing with the elves for a while, let them go their separate ways. Call Xiaolu, Lucario, Fossil Pterosaur, Gotha Duck, and Windspeed Dog, and their new training will have some changes. Ao Feng took out the restraint ring and put it on them to restrain the energy in their bodies.

Seeing their uncomfortable appearance, Ao Feng rubbed Xiaolu's head: "You have reached the quasi-celestial king, and it is time for you to enter the next stage, you maintain the state, and when you reach the level of the quasi-celestial king again, this stage is over for you. when."

This is a training technique, but not many people know it, and props like restraint rings are not easily obtained. Half of the energy that is bound cannot be used, but it can be accumulated during training. After reaching a certain level, releasing the restraint can achieve a blowout effect.

Ao Feng thought about it for a while, and replaced the elf he was carrying. Almost the doll was left here, in case there was any special situation and could be treated in time.

Lalulas and Dairubi have to be taken care of by their side all the time. Ao Feng took Nine-Tails and Lizhuang Chicken with him in the remaining four positions. Anyway, the distance was not far, so he brought two little elves to deal with the sudden change. The condition is enough.

It was already evening when Ao Feng returned to the academy. After having a simple dinner in the cafeteria, he wandered around the academy. It is always right to know more about the place where he will live in the future.

Mosu doesn't need him to worry at all. She was placed in a dormitory for four. Perhaps because of her age, she was well taken care of by her roommates and adapted well.

Habit got up early, took a shower after the morning exercise, and changed into the school uniform. Since the temperature changes in the four seasons are not large, there is only one standard for school uniforms. The design is very simple, a white shirt with a black jacket and black trousers underneath. There are not too many patterns on it, but the fabric is good and it is very comfortable to wear. After putting it on, stand in front of the mirror and it looks pretty good.

Ao Feng has never worn clothes in such a serious manner, buttoning up the buttons one by one, from the abdomen to the neck, and even the buttons on the arms. It looks like a student, um, very Serious, but always feel uncomfortable.

With a frown, Ao Feng raised his hand and pulled his clothes. He unbuttoned all the buttons of his coat, and then unbuttoned two more buttons on his shirt, revealing an inch below his neck. He shook his combed red hair and looked again. , sure enough, this is my style.

He was not expected to be a good student in the first place. Although his clothes were nice, the way he wore them was really depressing. now what? Dressing casually, with slightly messy hair and an expression with a hint of uninhibited smile, the whole person's style has become relaxed.

"This is me, I just went to school, there's no need to make myself look like myself." He picked up four Poke Balls and hung them on his belt, beckoned, and Laluras teleported to Ao Feng's shoulders. Dai Ruby also jumped off the bed and followed Ao Feng out of the dormitory.

The academy only requires students to wear school uniforms during class, but not how to wear them. Although Ao Fan Chuan looks sloppy, he is not the only one who doesn't wear school uniforms properly, so he doesn't seem to be particularly unusual. It's just that the rate of return is quite high. The new face and the handsome face add a lot of attraction to him.

Cough, okay, this is nonsense, the key reason is that the Darubi behind him, the disabled elf, and the trainer are willing to subdue, it is really impossible to pick one out of a thousand miles, in this elite In the academy, I had never seen it before.

Ao Feng didn't care about these 'weird' eyes. He walked to the teaching building where the second grade was located, and carried Dai Ruby upstairs.

According to what Teacher Ren said, Ao Feng first found the head teacher's office. He raised his hand and knocked on the door a few times, waiting for a response from inside.

"Come in." A peaceful female voice sounded.

Ao Feng secretly thought that this teacher should be pretty good. When he opened the door, he found that there was not one teacher, but many teachers working there. Ao Feng was immediately depressed. Who is the head teacher of Class F? Why are there so many teachers in one office? ? ?

Well, Ao Feng, who has never formally attended school, has no concept at all.

After Ao Feng came in, all the teachers in the office focused on him.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" It was the female teacher who spoke up just now. Seeing Ao Feng's appearance, she did not express any dissatisfaction, and her voice was still gentle.

"I'm a freshman in second-year class F, I'm here to find our head teacher." Ao Feng said truthfully. This teacher is probably in his twenties, and his appearance can be said to be seductive.

Hearing that he was from Class F, coupled with the appearance of Ao Feng, most of the teachers in the office who looked at Ao Feng showed contempt and disgust. com~ Ao Feng didn't move his eyes, but secretly watched the performance of these teachers. He had already guessed the meaning of class F, but he didn't care. He was not here to be a good student. They also have an evaluation.

"Are you the freshman who just arrived?" A female teacher not far from the beautiful teacher stood up, frowned and glanced at Ao Feng, "Go out and talk."

Go out and talk? Ao Feng raised his eyebrows, he could see that this teacher was not very satisfied with himself, or was completely dissatisfied.

Shrugging, he doesn't mean to be right with the teacher now, Yiyan walked out of the office.

"A newcomer? I don't know why the academy would accept even a trainer like you. There has never been a precedent for being assigned to Class F as soon as you came to the school." The female teacher closed the door of the office and gave Ao Feng no attention. Say it without hesitation. In one encounter, he had already labeled Ao Feng as a third-rate trainer and a bad student.

"Do you know what class F is? It's a waste class, a gathering place for the worst students of all grades. Not only are the students poor in strength, but their quality is also poor. They are all students who barely live in the elite academy. You are arranged. Here, you can imagine what kind of students are." Speaking of this, the female teacher sighed and looked helpless.

Listening to the female teacher's words, Ao Feng did not react at all. Anyway, the impression is something that cannot be changed with a few words. His sense of this teacher will not be very good. Is it really good?

The female teacher's figure is not bad, she is thin, slightly tall, with brown hair in a ponytail, a slender face, a pointed chin, and a pale complexion, either as it is or with powder, her lips are lavender, and her personality Very consistent.

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