Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 353: Against Ford (3)

After the three wave missiles were thrown, Lucario had a renewed wave missile in his hand, ready for a follow-up attack.

However, Kentaro suddenly emerged from the smoke, and his body was covered with electric light, and he didn't seem to be greatly affected.

Stopped? Ao Feng frowned and scrutinized, only to see the dense electric light under Ken Tai Luo's feet. It should have used the current to detonate the wave missile in advance, and wanted to use the smoke to cover the raid.

It's a pity that Lucario was not unprepared. He didn't release the wave missile in his hand, but held it in his hand, with his right arm stretched forward, and the wave missile was facing Kentaro's head.

After finally getting close, Kentaro didn't want to give up the opportunity to attack, and slammed into it regardless of the wave missile in front of him.

At the moment when the two sides were about to make contact, Lucario, who had been standing there, moved, his knees slightly bent and then jumped up. The wave missile in his hand exploded, and he jumped behind Kentaro while suffering the recoil damage.

"Kentaro, it's an iron tail!" Lucario was standing behind Kentaro at this moment. It was definitely too late for Kentaro to turn around and attack, and Ford immediately chose the best way to attack.

Kentaro steadied his body, flicked his tail, and the three black-dyed tails twitched on Lucario's arm in front of him.

Lucario slid back three meters before stopping. The completed wave missile in his hand was projected, and then he stepped back again to distance himself from Kentero.

Kentaro's attack power is a bit high. Even if he has only suffered an Iron Tail, Lucario's state is not very good. Moreover, his attack power seems to have been somewhat limited, which should be the effect of intimidation. .

"Move at high speed!" Lucario is not good at fighting head-on, and he will definitely suffer from a few fights. The strategy given by Ao Feng is to increase the movement speed and kite him.

Lucario is also depressed. If he used to fight like this before, a few waves of missiles would send him home for lunch. This kind of feeling that he has strength but can't use it is really uncomfortable. , strive to return to the strength of the quasi-king as soon as possible and take down the ghost on him.

After two consecutive high-speed moves, Kentaro couldn't keep up a little bit, and after several unsuccessful attacks, he was hit by Lucario instead, draining his stamina.

In the next game, Fut sent a wolf dog, while Aofeng chose to be a eagle.

"Bi Diao, air cutting!" Bi Diao circled around the field, then landed in front of Ao Feng, staring sharply at the Great Wolf Dog, is this the prey this time? Lifting off again, the wings slammed violently, and two air blades suddenly hit.

Although Beagle was staring at the Great Wolf Dog, Fut felt his heart tremble and did not dare to meet the attack, saying: "Great Wolf Dog, dodge!"

The great wolf dog immediately jumped back a few steps and swiped twice. The air blade sank into the ground in front of the great wolf dog, leaving two deep traces. Looking at Ford, he took a breath of cold air. Fortunately, there was no hard connection. This attack Power is a bit high.

"Great Wolf Dog, use Loud Roar!" You must take the initiative to attack, and if you let Beagle continue to attack, you will inevitably be hit.

"Bi Diao, feather dance to catch the storm!" Ao Feng shouted after him.

The Great Wolf Dog stood on the spot and barked loudly, and the visible ripples spread around, while the Beagle fluttered his wings, and the feathers fell like snowflakes, obscuring everyone's sight.

If someone can clearly see the situation on the field, they will find that the sound waves emitted by the Great Wolfdog become weaker and weaker after passing through the feathers. The feather dance not only reduces the effect of the opponent's attack, but also has miraculous effects when dealing with some skills.

Just like now, after the continuous filtering of layers of feathers, when the loud roar attacked Bidiao, the attack power was weakened by a considerable amount, and the effect still existed, but the attack power was not enough to affect the use of Bidiao's skills.

After the feather dance, Bi Diao entered among the feathers falling from the sky, constantly changing shapes inside. At the same time, a hurricane had already formed with the Great Wolf Dog as the center. Under the action of the airflow, the feathers followed the rhythm. And as the speed increased, the soft feathers turned into sharp blades. Even if it didn't cause much damage, it would still feel a stinging pain when it slid across the body.

The Great Wolf Dog suffered from the damage of the storm and looked around, but it was difficult to determine the location of Bi Diao. He often saw his figure, but then disappeared into the feathers.

"Great wolf dog, calm down and use scent detection!" Ford was obviously aware of this embarrassing situation and immediately found a way to deal with it.

Hearing Fut's voice, the wolf dog no longer blindly looked for the opponent's figure, and endured the injury and closed his eyes, his nose kept twitching, and soon, a red light shot out and landed on Bi Diao.

"Bidiao, use the divine bird!" It was discovered as soon as it was discovered, and the consumption of this time was enough.

With a loud roar from the Eagle ~www.readwn.com~, his figure suddenly rose, and then he swooped down, his body was already wrapped in a rich white light.

"The Great Wolf Dog, use the fangs of anger!" With the speed of the eagle, it is impossible for the Great Wolf Dog to dodge, so let's just go ahead. If he doesn't lose his fighting ability, he has a chance to make a comeback.

Bi Diao hit the big wolf dog with nothing fancy. I thought it could be taken away directly, but I didn't expect the big wolf dog to resist it. I found the opportunity, bit on Bi Diao's wing, and was lifted up by Bi Diao. into the air. The red-glowing teeth gnawed in deeply, and Bidio let out a mournful cry, and his stamina dropped by half.

"The Great Wolf Dog, hold on, use the wave of evil!" The Great Wolf Dog did not live up to his hopes, and Ford would certainly seize such a good opportunity.

"Bi Diao, come on, you are using a storm!" The Great Wolf Dog's physical strength has reached its limit, and it will fall down as long as it is attacked.

Taking himself as the center, the storm blew up again. When it attacked the big wolf dog, the wave of evil also slammed into Bi Diao. The big wolf dog fell, and Bi Diao landed dangerously. , In the end, he still took a breath and did not fall down.

Ao Feng checked the condition of Bidiao's wings. The wound was not too deep. When he was bitten, the divine bird's energy hadn't dissipated, and it played a protective role.

"Come back and rest." Ao Feng took Bi Diao back to the Poke Ball.

After comforting the Great Wolf Dog, Ford stood up: "I didn't expect that I would still lose. After the game, I'll give you the seat of the squad leader."

Ao Feng shook his head: "I'm not interested, I don't want to be too conspicuous right now, I hope you will keep today's affairs a secret, and what to do when you go back, otherwise I don't think I will stay in this class anymore." To solve the trouble, he didn't want to get into more trouble.

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