Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 357: What do you think of a pixie?

"The luck I'm talking about is not how powerful you are, but the one that is suitable for you, or the one that is not completely suitable, and you can slowly get used to it. Of course, the probability of the former appearing is too small. My mother said, There are almost no elves who are naturally compatible with him." Ao Feng took the two of them into the dormitory and opened the portal in the dormitory, "This is the foundation, if your pixie's ideas run counter to yours, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to. There has been a lot of progress. You can all see it, if it weren't for them, even if I had a good idea, it would not necessarily be implemented."

"Besides that, your attitude towards your elf is related to whether you can get along with the elf, and it also determines which step you can go." Ao Feng walked in first, Renault and Ling Yan People follow.

The light and shadow changed, and the flames in front of them startled the two of them. They subconsciously wanted to retreat, but only then did they realize that they were against the mountain wall behind them, and there was no way to retreat.

However, they quickly reacted, the flames did not hurt them, and they were isolated three meters away from them.

The blue water flow swirled in the flames, transpiring a lot of water mist, and the flames were extinguished one after another. Without the occlusion of the flames, Renault and Ling Yan saw the wind speed dog and the Goda duck standing on both sides, and then they knew that it was two elves fighting.

"If you don't want to be burned, leave quickly." Ao Feng reminded, nodded to the two elves, and walked forward. The two of Renault didn't dare to stay, so they quickly followed.

This place arranged by the school has trees in a large area, which greatly restricts the performance of fire elves. Ao Feng deliberately cleared a few open spaces to train them. As for the wind speed dog, he can only arrange him in a position close to the mountain wall, with a mountain on one side and a long distance from the trees on the other side. The location of the portal can't be helped here. The attack range of the wind speed dog is too large. As long as Ao Feng comes over with the waveguide shield open, there will be no problem.

"Aofeng, you..." Ling Yan was very curious about Aofeng's special power, hesitating whether to ask, a figure 'flyed' past him.

"If you have something to say later, come with me." Ao Feng said with a smile, it is indeed very dangerous for outsiders to come to him, and there may be a wave of qi and water coming from somewhere. In order to allow the elves to have enough training space, Ao Feng used almost all the classroom space for them, leaving only a rest area to prohibit fighting.

The purpose of bringing them here is to let them see the state of the elves. How they are in normal state is how they perform in battles. Hard work can't deceive people.

In the civil war, there is no limit to them. Everyone goes all out, recovers when their physical energy is empty, and resumes fighting after recovering. If they are injured, they will be treated by almost dolls. There is no worries at all. Just be careful not to cause too much damage. can. Along the way, they also understood why Ao Feng was so strong. The training is so hard, if there is no effect, it will be useless. The gap is already accumulating in normal times.

Not only the battle situation, but the traces left by the training of the elves also shocked them. The charred stone walls were full of boulders with fist marks. At the same time, it was difficult for the elves to imagine what kind of training to leave behind. such traces.

"Flaming chicken, release the burst flame a little slower, feel it carefully." As he walked, Ao Feng observed the elves' training and gave advice.

Now the training of the elf does not require him to worry too much, the direction has been determined, all Ao Feng has to do is to check the details and find out the problems in the process.

After arriving at the safe area, Ao Feng looked back at the two with a solemn and thoughtful look, and said solemnly, "I'll give you one more chance to choose, it's too late to give up now, I'm not a crash course, I want it in a month or two. It is impossible to have a clear breakthrough, and I will not help you train the elves. You better be clear, the object of my training is you, the process is very difficult, and this time, you will not have the chance to regret it. "

It is better to teach them how to fish than to teach them how to fish. It doesn't make any sense for Aofeng to help them train elves. Their strength has improved in a short period of time. What about in the future? Not on their own.

"Furthermore, I'm still on my way. I don't know if my path is the right one until the end. Think about it carefully." Ao Feng added another sentence, and then his subordinates got busy.

It's getting late, it's time to prepare dinner for the elves. It’s not enough to eat elf food, the elf training consumes a lot every day, and Ao Feng has to do something to help them recover. Although the material is not rare, it is definitely not common, but it is not a problem now. The grown-up will take care of everything for him.

"Aofeng, teach me." Renault looked at Aofeng who was still cooking soup.

"Brother Feng, I have also decided."

"Okay, I hope you don't complain then~www.readwn.com~ Ao Feng rubbed his nose, "I'll ask you a question first, do you know your little elves? "

"Understood." Ling Yan said and took out something similar to a picture book, "My elf information is all in it, very detailed."

Ao Feng took it, glanced at it, and sneered: "Data-based elf? Can this also be called understanding?"

Throw it back at will: "This thing is useless, throw it away as soon as possible. The data flow is the least optimistic about me, not to mention that the strength of the elf will fluctuate continuously, and it can't be represented by a number at all, just say that you think there is this thing. Understood? Child, you are too superficial."

Looking at the expressions of the two, Ao Feng knew that they didn't understand what he meant: "Let's ask another way, and don't ask in-depth questions. What do your little elves like to eat, where do they like to sleep, and what do they like to do when they are resting? Can you give me an answer?"

Renault and Ling Yan both lowered their heads, how to answer? They who have never paid attention to these things know nothing.

"Don't you know?" Ao Feng chuckled and his voice became cold, "Then why do you understand, the one who has been with the trainer for the longest time is the Elf, and you don't even know these most basic things, which means you don't care at all. , what do you think of the elf? A bunch of data? Think about it for yourself."

The aroma of the food began to permeate, but the two of them didn't seem to feel it at all. Ao Feng didn't care about them, he made his own.

After dividing the food, he stood up and shouted, "Let's all eat!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Damn, ignore me, the pound sign on Aofeng's forehead is beating, is it really good to be like this every time? Take all the time to train every day, these lovely guys. Taking a deep breath, the perfusion waveguide shouted, "Three!"

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