Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 365: action

"Ao Feng."

"Huh?" Ao Feng turned his head.

"Friend...what is it?" Mewtwo was silent for a while, then asked slowly.

"Uh, friends," Ao Feng thought for a while, then scratched his head and said, "It's just friends."


Ao Feng lowered his head and thoughtfully said, "I don't know what to say if you ask that, my friend, there is no clear definition even in the dictionary."

"On the surface, friends are very happy together, chatting together, playing together, facing difficulties together, being able to share happiness and sadness, and helping each other unconditionally. Well, there are many more. I can't think of it all for a while." Ao Feng While talking, he looked at the super dream, he believed that these super dreams should have been seen.

Seeing Chaomeng pondering, Ao Feng continued: "I think that a friend should not be a definition, but rather a feeling, happy because of the other party's happiness, sad and indignant because of the other party's bad experience, able to Think about each other, and hope that the other party can have a better life. There will be no doubts about each other, and you can entrust your secrets to the existence. "

Chaomeng still didn't respond. Ao Feng had already finished what he wanted to say, so he stopped talking and gave him time to think for himself.

"Then, are we friends?" After a while, Chao Meng raised his head.

Aofeng and Chaomeng looked at each other, and he could clearly see the beating flames in Chaomeng's eyes. With a slight smile: "If you think so, then it is."

"Friends, will they all disappear in the end?"

Chaomeng's question made Ao Feng stunned for a while, and then he realized that it must be related to the little love in his mouth. When he said disappear, he meant death. Think about it too, compared with Mewtwo, the human lifespan is too short.

"Yes." Ao Feng clearly felt that the atmosphere around Chaomeng was suppressed.

"Humans have a limited lifespan. Although most elves are like this, they are always longer than humans. If they break through the championship, their lifespan will be extended to the same extent, but compared with elves like Gengar and Nine Tails, it is still It's not enough."

"Brother!" The elves all looked over, their faces were not very good, and even the path that was monitoring Xue Ying turned around.

Ao Feng raised his hand to soothe the spirits of the elves, "Okay, listen to me first about the things that will be faced sooner or later."

"Super dream, your genes come from dreams. It can be said that if there is no accident, your lifespan is endless. Unless you intersect with the supernatural beast or the phantom elf, you will face separation sooner or later." Those little ones This is how elves are, standing aloof, admired by countless human elves, possessing unparalleled strength and endless lifespan. But these are sad after all in his opinion, and most of the relationships in the records that can be compared are ordinary, solitary lives, and exercising their own missions.

Pokémon like Celebi and Latios Latias are better, there are many members of the race, but what about the only existences in the world like Ho-oh and Giratina?

"Since it's going to be lost sooner or later, then why..." Chao Meng's eyes dimmed.

"If you haven't got it, what do you mean by losing it?" Ao Feng hugged Jiuwei's neck, "A life that has never been experienced is empty, emotional, this kind of thing that coexists between humans and elves, is Memory occupies the largest proportion. After many years, even if what you once had is gone, it will leave a mark on your life, and there will be a precious memory in the future.”

"It seems that I'm thinking a bit too far. I'm only a teenager, and the days to come are still long." Ao Feng shook his head angrily, "There is only one way for human beings to have endless lives, and that is to break through the head, that is The direction of my efforts, I am still reluctant to give up my partners, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I do not want to give up. After I become the leader, I will have the opportunity to lead them to breakthrough. "

"So don't worry. Although it's a bit early to think about it now, you have to work hard from now on. If possible, I won't leave you behind."

The conversation between one person and one elf soon ended. In the next two days, there was very little communication between Aofeng and Chaomeng, and they only had some words when they were eating. Ao Feng is waiting for Chaomeng's response, whether to let him put down his last guard or keep the status quo or part ways, Chaomeng is making a decision.

"Brother, they moved." Xiaolu reminded him just after lunch.

Ao Feng released the waveguide, swept it around, and the corners of his mouth curled up. There are quite a lot of people dispatched by Xuehun this time, most of them are inside, and the only quasi-celestial king is among them, so it is much more convenient for Ao Feng to act.

"Pack up, and we'll set off when they're far away." Ao Feng stuffed the things that had been outside for the past few days into his backpack. If there were no accidents, he probably wouldn't return to this place again. Snow hunting began to capture the frozen bird plan, and the time for Aofeng's mission also entered the countdown.

"Super Dream, you stay with Gengar~www.readwn.com~ No matter what the situation is, you must not show your body. Although the Rockets are gone, I don't know if anyone is still watching here." Feng reminded.

"Yeah." Chao Meng nodded, indicating that he understood.

"You guys come back first." Ao Feng put Geng Gui and Bi Diao into the Poké Ball, and felt that the Snow Hunting team was looming in the wind and snow through the waveguide. Sitting on Bi Diao's back, flying stealthily Head to Snow Hunting Headquarters.

"I really don't want to watch the door, my grandfather is frozen to death." One person shrank his shoulders and kept rubbing his hands together.

"Okay, let's be content when we come out at noon. Only two hours of perseverance will pass. If you are arranged in the middle of the night, you will know what it is like to be cool." Another person advised.

"I know that, but what's the use of guarding here, who would come to such a ghost place?" The man in front still couldn't help complaining.

"There's nothing wrong with being careful. You're not afraid of 10,000, but just in case. If something happens while we're guarding the gate, we'll just have to wait for bad luck."

The protection measures set up by the Snow Hunting headquarters are not bad, the technology is at a medium level, and the low-level intelligent control has been realized. Therefore, there are only two guards at the door, which act as a warning. If there is no way to open the door, it can only be forced, and the way to open the door must be obtained from their mouths.

"Leave it to me." Chao Meng held Ao Feng's shoulders and stepped forward, his eyes lit up.

The two gatekeepers were still talking, their eyes became dull, and their movements stopped.

The corners of Aofeng's mouth twitched. Originally, he planned to take a quick attack and take it forcefully. Even if he alerted those who caught the frozen bird, he couldn't do anything about it. But now Chaomeng is much easier. In the new island, Chaomeng controlled Miss Joey. Now that his strength has increased a lot, it is not trivial to control these two people.

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