Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 387: new wave

After winning the first place, just as Ao Feng thought, everyone kept their mouths shut. In this school where strength is paramount, the first place is enough to explain a lot of things. The strongest and the goddess are together, what else can they say?

It's the third month of the academy, and it's time for the elves to change to a better place. The elf station prepared by the school for newcomers is good, but there are still some limitations.

After winning the first place, Aofeng also had the right to choose independently, and he did his part to ask for the best place on the island. When Ao Feng went to see it, his first reaction was that it was huge. The range was more than three times larger than before. It was still around the mountain, surrounded by greenery. The most obvious thing was that there was a waterfall here, falling into the endless rumbling. The lake below was filled with water vapor. At a glance, you can see the dense water vapor covering the lake.

The lake water is clear, and you can see the swimming fish and wild water elves in the water, but you can't see the bottom, and I don't know how deep it is.

There are no other branches of the lake, there should be a channel below, so that the water can be led into the ground. On the left side of the lake is an open space, the size of two battle fields, without any vegetation, and to the left is a forest, but on the right side of the lake is a green bamboo forest, straight and tall, I don't know whether it is natural or artificial. of.

There is a cave on the mountain, which can be used as a place for elves to rest and place supplies.

If he knew that this place was so good, Aofeng would have grabbed the first place long ago and built a bamboo house by the lake. The accommodation here would not be worse than the dormitory, not to mention that he could enjoy such a good environment. But the environment is good, and the points that need to be handed in have also increased, even Ao Feng felt a little pain in the flesh.

The elves were obviously very satisfied with this place. Ao Feng saw their thoughts and said with a smile, "If you want to stay in this place, you must work hard. We will continue to win. This place is ours."

"Of course, since he's here, he won't let him out!" Xiaolu waved his fist.

"Okay, pack your things, you guys rest, I'll go around." Ao Feng rubbed Xiaolu's head, turned around and walked into the bamboo forest. The elves are about to live in this place for a long time, so he must do a good job of investigating the surrounding environment and arrange the lives of the elves.

I asked the principal, and learned that the bamboo here can still be chopped. As long as it is not damaged, there is no problem, and Aofeng's bamboo house plan can be implemented.

Divide the areas where the elves are trained, and the environment here allows some of Aofeng's training methods to be feasible.

Ao Feng originally planned to get engaged to Ke'er as soon as possible, but after talking to his family, he learned that the situation was not as simple as he thought. Although it was decided among the juniors, after all, Damu and Xianling had an appointment first, and Wu Yi was not good enough to lose Damu's face. Compensation was still to be given, but it would definitely not be much.

In Wu Yikuang's words, your son can't hook up with other people's daughters, and you blame us for not being able to live up to your expectations? Have the ability to let your son go and win it back. Xian Lingjiong also showed his attitude to support the Wuyi family. The battle that was over before it even started allowed him to see the broad development space of the Wuyi family in the future.

The only one who is more competitive in the Damu family is Damu Sheng. Although Dr. Damu's grandson Xiaomao is not good at it, his ambition is not in the aspect of the trainer, and there is Dr. Damu who is protecting him, so they can't do anything about it. On the other hand, the Wuyi family, whether it is Aoyun or Aofeng, are the best among their peers. According to this situation, the probability of Wuyi's next generation having a double championship is quite high, not to mention that Aofeng has been recognized by Emperor Yan, is it possible? Do you see it as a kind of support from Ho-oh to Wuyi?

In fact, King Ho didn't mean that, it's just that he can't help what other people think.

After the college competition, Ao Feng's class was promoted to Class D. This is completely dependent on the strength of everyone in the class. It is conceivable that the ranking of the class will continue to improve after a while. . After this competition, the standard of the college's class ranking has also changed, the gap in the proportion of the ranking from high to low has widened, and the top ten scores have become more important in the ranking.

However, Ao Feng's idea was shattered in a short time. It wasn't that there was a problem with the training of the students, but that they had more opponents.

Chen Xin said that he was only here to lead the way. This sentence is not a lie. In the next month, many trainers that Ao Feng met during his travels came to the elite academy one after another.

Da Mu Sheng, Yu Hen, Yu Han, Yun Qing Feng, Di Jin Xian, Jing Lin, Mo Shang, Charming Ling, Shi Yu, Tu Hong, and Xiao Kong, Xiao Di, Yulong Yong, Youying, Xiao Zhi et al., and Yingyou Yi, who has not yet played against each other, had met the brother-in-law behind Bingyu a few times. I don't know if it was the principal's intention. These people have been assigned to various classes in the second grade. The overall level has not changed, but it is very difficult to make the class go further. Since these people, the campus's strength list There is going to be a big change.

These people entered as students, and some entered the school as mentors.

Aoyun, Bingyu, Yingyouqing, Zifuqi Yinxuan, and Yilan Touye are members of the 'upper floor' who are much older than Aofeng's peers, along with Youyu and Yilan. Empty Zen Master. Even the other four kings other than Aoyun, Yulongdu, Xirona, Qianhun Mohuan, and Luwu Suihe all came to hang their names, and they all entered the battle tower and became a layer master. (Remember, I guess many people have forgotten it)

They all teach elective courses. Aoyun teaches fire, Bingyu teaches ice and water, Yin Xuan teaches steel, and Touye teaches electricity. They also choose to teach in their own departments, but they don't. There will always be classes. Several people have the ability to teach. Aoyun has already broken through the heavenly king, and the three Bingyu have stayed in the quasi-celestial king for a long time. If you don't count Aofeng, it is more than enough to give lectures to these highest but elite people.

Youyu and Zen Master Qingkong are the main speakers of ideas. Both of them have strong reputation and appeal. Youyu's research on elves has achieved results, and their ideas have obviously been recognized by the alliance. Otherwise, it is impossible to make They go to the academies to teach to young people.

Only at this time did Ao Feng understand what Youyu meant when he said to him that he would meet soon. He never thought that she would come back here to be a mentor, but since she came, Ao Feng must have something to do with the alliance. Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to get together and go to school. Looking back now, my mother recommended me for a similar purpose.

He rubbed his aching head. As soon as he stabilized, this group of people came to make trouble. It seems that he will be busy in the future. The arrival of these people made Aofeng even more daring to relax. Now Aofeng is sure to beat them, but it will be hard to say after a long time. Who knows when the elite peaks will break through, everyone has A force to be reckoned with.

The most eye-catching girls in the academy are still a few girls, Yu Ning, Mei Na, and Ke’er who arrived in front, plus the students Mei Ling, tutors Yu Yu, Yin Xuan, and Xirona, who have become the seven beauties of the elite academy. , each of them is amazingly beautiful, and has a good ability, so that the eyes of all singles are almost flying out.

Even before the battle, the arrival of these people caused a lot of changes, for example, the school flower and school draft list on the forum.

I don't know which boring person made the list before. It has changed frequently in a few months. In this month, it has also experienced the biggest change.

The original top spots on the school flower list were all squeezed out, and Ke'er and others were on the list one after another. Yingyouqing's appearance was not bad, but it was inferior to Yu Ning and others, but still occupying the top ten positions. No problem.

And the first place on the school draft list is not Ao Feng~www.readwn.com~ is not Chen Xin, but is occupied by the pure white Sao Bao Feather Mark, I have to say that his outfit matches his appearance, really is very attractive. Chen Xin occupied the second position, while Ao Feng could only rank third. There's no way, he doesn't look that handsome, and this list was achieved by students' votes. Ao Feng caused so much hatred that many people didn't vote for him.

The arrival of these people is estimated to have the same effect as Ao Feng's, and will play a leading role in the students. It is conceivable to see how the layout of the college will change after the next college competition. For the original students, want to Getting to the top 20 is a bit difficult.

Ao Feng was very familiar with the class, and naturally he didn't want the head in the class to be beaten down as soon as he raised his head. The original intention of rushing was changed to keeping his current position in the class. A wave slapped, with a strong impact. The first thing they have to do is not to ride the waves, that will only capsize. What Ao Feng has to do is to stabilize his position, wait for the situation to stabilize before rushing forward.

Forte and the others had a fairly good strength, but now they are not enough. If their strength is not enough, how can they bring other students? As a result, the four of Ford were called away by Ao Feng and started special training. Don't seek to reach the sky one step at a time, just take one step at a time, keep a low profile, and there will be many more in the future. I don't care about these times, Ao Feng spoke clearly, telling them the gap in strength, hoping they can withstand the blow.

The dean also had the intention to hold a dance party when everyone had arrived, so that the students' emotions rose up before they calmed down. Wu Yue and the others have made up their minds. Since it has begun, let the storm come more violently. The college is good, but there is less chance to beat them. Many people are content with the status quo and really need a strong medicine. .

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