Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 398: exchange

"We are very grateful that you have healed our child's leg injury. If you are willing to let him stay, this thing can be given to you." Heluga's father used his front paws to put the black The box was pushed towards Ao Feng.

Helujia's eyes flickered, what Ao Feng said before has been confirmed by his parents.

Ao Feng picked up the box, opened the lid, and suddenly the colored light reflected. Ao Feng was slightly surprised that it was actually a Mega Evolution Stone, but it didn't look like Heluga's.

"This thing we got by accident is useless to us, but it should have a great effect on humans who have elf."

Smiling and shaking his head, Ao Feng closed the lid and put it back on the ground: "You take this thing back, if possible, I don't want him to leave. Yes, he is your child, but he is also my family. , even if he doesn't remember me, that won't change."

Ao Feng's voice became serious: "I will not exchange my family in any way, especially without his knowledge. Just like you will not exchange your children in any way, I hope you understand."

"I let him make a choice because I couldn't make a decision, and I couldn't bear to let my family who had such a good relationship with Zeng Jin leave. If I were to choose, I would definitely keep him by my side. I don't know what the result would be. Just let him choose, if he wants to leave, I can let go with peace of mind. After all, it is his own choice, not the future I have decided for him. Therefore, instead of persuading me, you might as well persuade him. Your request, I'm sorry, I can't do it." Ao Feng stood up, "You two please come back and tell him that by noon tomorrow, I'll be here waiting for him, if he doesn't come, we'll stop here, I believe you. You, as his parents, will tell him not to let him regret it later. I haven't lied to him, and I hope you don't either."

Helujia's parents picked up the box, took a deep look at Ao Feng, took two steps back, then turned and ran away.

"Are you so relieved? Let them talk? Aren't you afraid that guy will miss it? Would you like me to inform you again?" Geng Ghost said.

"No, by noon tomorrow, we will stay here for almost a day. If he wanted to come with me, he should have returned here long ago." Ao Feng yawned, "Let's talk about tomorrow. "

Heluga watched silently for a while, no longer staying, should he go or stay? He already had an idea in his mind.

At night, Heruga didn't fall asleep, he was waiting for his parents to come and speak to him. His parents were also very tangled at this time. They didn't want Heruga to leave again. After coming back, one of them was talking to Heruga, hoping that he would stay, and even joined other clansmen to persuade him, but he never got Heruga's message. reply. Under such circumstances, they were even more hesitant to tell him what Ao Feng said.

Time passed, and until the next day the sun was about to rise to the center, Heruga was playing with the newly-born Darubes in the group, and he did not show any strangeness. The fluctuations in my heart are getting bigger and bigger.

We are grateful that you helped our child heal the leg injury

But he's also my family, even if he doesn't remember me, that won't change.

I haven't deceived him, and I hope you don't either.

It's almost time. Is he leaving? I……

"Child..." After hesitating until this moment, Heluga's father finally spoke up.


"I still haven't come." Ao Feng looked at the time on the phone, and it was already less than five minutes before twelve o'clock.

"I'll go ask him again." Gengar floated up.

"Don't you like him very much?" Ao Feng glanced at him with a smile, "No, we'll leave when the time is up. Come back first."

I sent a message to the family's staff, asking them to get the plane ready. Although he didn't need to operate the engagement ceremony, it was still necessary to check and the process must be familiar.

He took Heruga's Poke Ball from his belt, and walked forward while groping. After a while, when he knew that he could see the edge of the city, he pressed the release button: "Goodbye."

Just as he was about to press it down, a black figure rushed out, Ao Feng took a step back subconsciously, but the black figure stopped in front of him. He hunched over, gasping for breath.

"You... decided?" Ao Feng put down the hand holding the Poke Ball, and it was Heeluga who came.

Helujia nodded, and there was still panic in his eyes. He talked with his parents for a long time, and when he came over, Ao Feng had already left. It didn't take long for him to walk, and there was still his breath in the air, allowing Heruga to catch up with him all the way.

He stepped forward slowly and stood still in front of Ao Feng.

Ao Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, took a step forward, and put his arms around Heluga's neck: "After making a decision, even if you go back on it in the future, I won't let you go."

You can feel the muscles on Helujia's body stiffen for a moment, and then relax again, a familiar and unfamiliar feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and he put his head on Ao Feng's shoulder. Well, I didn't make the wrong choice. The memory in my mind has disappeared, but the familiarity of my body will not disappear. I am very happy to know you again.

What I forget, I will try my best to remember.

The engagement went very smoothly. For Ao Feng, it was to go through a procedure with Ke'er to establish a relationship, and then to get to know each other's big figures, and then it was nothing to do with them. It's just an engagement, it doesn't need to be serious, communication and entertainment are the main things.

He Lujia stayed by Ao Feng's side, cast aside the rejection in his heart, and re-acquainted himself with this familiar and unfamiliar human being. Although his memory has never been restored, he chose to believe what his friends said, and became closer to Ao Feng. , and gradually returned to its pre-evolutionary appearance.

Ao Feng also participated in the following several college competitions. Not to mention anything else, it was just for the place where the elf lived. He must also win the first place. At the same time, there are six more badges to start fighting with the curator who is temporarily stationed in the academy. As long as he is in the academy, Ao Feng will still go back to challenge.

Half a year later, in the Shenno area, Alamos Town.

"It's so beautiful." Sitting on the back of the fossilized pterosaur and looking down, Ao Feng couldn't help but admire.

Just after a big competition, Ao Feng was not idle at all. After choosing a place, he dragged Ke'er out together, not to do any quest, but to simply travel, and come out to spend the two-person world.

"Is that the Tower of Time and Space? The world's largest musical instrument, I really want to hear the music it plays." Ke'er's eyes were drawn to the Tower of Time and Space from the very beginning.

"The Tower of Time and Space, the record was made a hundred years ago. The two connected towers represent time and space respectively. In some respects, they also reflect the God of Time and God of Space. I don't know if this is true. From this tower, it seems to be a very great building." Before coming, Ao Feng read the information in great detail, "Also, according to the inside information, there are phantom elves in this town."

"Draculei? The little elf that will make people have nightmares if you get close." Kerr looked a little hesitant, and girls always subconsciously want to stay away from scary things.

"Really?" Ao Feng smiled and didn't say anything, but from the look of his expression, he didn't really care about such rumors, "Would you like to go up and have a look?"

Ke'er shook her head: "I'm afraid it's not good to go up without the master's consent. Let's go for a walk first."

"Okay, follow the advice of my wife." Ao Feng grinned and snapped his fingers. Bi Diao and Fossil Pterosaur accelerated at the same time, and landed towards the bridge connecting Alamos Town to the outside world.

Ke'er spat lightly, her face blushed, and she glanced aside.

The town is very lively, probably because of the upcoming Pokémon Festival, which is the reason for the gorgeous contest, and even many people in the town are fighting.

Ao Feng declined their invitation and went touring the town with Ke'er.

"Wait a minute." Ao Feng greeted Ke'er, bought a cotton candy by the road and came back, "Nuo, it's for you."

Ke'er took it with a smile, took a bite, felt the slightest sweetness spread in her mouth, her eyes couldn't help but bend: "Aren't you going to eat it?"

"Eat." Ao Feng smiled and grabbed the short stick between the cotton candy and Ke'er's hand~www.readwn.com~ pulled the cotton candy over and took a big bite at the place where Ke'er was about to pass. "Well, it's delicious."

"You..." Ke'er glared at him with a blushing face, then ignored the villain and ate slowly while holding her own marshmallow.

"Hey, boy, do you want to fight?" The two were flirting with each other when a yellow thorn head came up, with short hair standing upright, not afraid of being struck by lightning.

Ao Feng looked at Ke'er, but Ke'er blinked and didn't express any opinion. With a sigh, he took out the Poké Ball: "Just hit it, don't come back if you lose."

The elf released by Huang Mao first is a fragrant ape. No matter from the color of the coat or from the state of mind...it's not very good, I'm afraid it's not even the elite. The wave guide swept over, and Ao Feng's idea was confirmed, and the energy fluctuation was weak.

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, and come to us after you've dealt with him." Ao Feng threw the Poke Ball, and then prepared to leave with Ke'er. He didn't even bother to watch this kind of battle, and his strength was completely unequal. The opponent, Ao Feng, will respect him, if this Huang Mao who is looking for faults is considered an opponent.

Seeing that Ao Feng was about to leave, Huang Mao became anxious: "You look down on me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a big fireball engulfed the Sao Xiang Ape. When the flames dissipated, Sao Xiang Ape had lost its fighting power.

Liebite Lu Shark deliberately stepped on heavy footsteps, making a heavy, muffled sound with every step he took. When he walked to Huang Mao's side, he deliberately glared at him, so frightened that he hurriedly backed away and almost sat on the ground.

"Is it a bit of a bully?" Ke'er looked at Huang Mao apologetically.

"Such a person should teach him a lesson." Ao Feng shook his head, "Looking at him like this, you can see that he is not a serious person, who is not a serious person, who is the type to cause trouble all day long."

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