Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 400: nightmare

"You, are you really not afraid?" Seeing Ao Feng again, Dakulai didn't react, but the little guy was a little surprised. It wasn't that he didn't believe Ao Feng, but the elves who played with him in the beginning also Don't be afraid, in the end, isn't there still no one left? Even if Ao Feng said he was not afraid, he was still worried that he would scare away this new friend.

"I'm afraid I won't know tomorrow. I want me to try my best to control my ability without having nightmares." Ao Feng smiled and didn't care. It won't be so scary anymore.

"Well, I see." Little Dakulay's eyes flashed with brilliance, "Thank you for being willing to help me."

Ao Feng waved his hand: "If you really want to thank you, let's wait until you can control your abilities."

Dakulay turned his head silently and looked up at the sky. For some reason, a sense of unease arose in his heart, thinking that nothing had changed in the past few days. After fading away, he stopped here and said to Ao Feng, "I'll leave this place to you first." Then he hid in the shadows and left quickly.

Little Dakulay didn't show anything about his father's departure, and was obviously used to it.

He didn't respond, and Ao Feng naturally didn't have any objections, so he found a place to rest. He didn't choose to release the elf. Dakulayi's nightmares affected not only people, other elves would also have an effect, and now the little Dakulayi did not let him have nightmares like his father did. Ability.

Ao Feng went to sleep first, and the little Dakulai was suspended beside him. According to the method in his memory, while controlling his abilities, he looked at Ao Feng from time to time and observed his expression, for fear that he would not be able to control it well. But the more so, the more unstable his control becomes. In fact, it is not difficult for him to control whether his characteristics work or not. The real difficulty is that his mentality is difficult to maintain. In the midst of worrying about gains and losses, this mentality has become his biggest obstacle.

The more you try to control it, the more you get out of control.

Darkness, endless darkness, silence around, nothing to see, nothing to hear. Standing quietly, Ao Feng asked in confusion, "This is... where?"

The surrounding environment seemed to be closed, and soon after the sound came out, it returned to Ao Feng's ears.

I don't know how long it took, Ao Feng was suddenly startled, and his memory went back: "Yes, Dakulai, is this a dream? It seems that the little guy is doing pretty well, at least nothing terrible has happened after so long. matter."

I don't know if it was in response to his words, but just after he finished speaking, a very penetrating sound wave surrounded Ao Feng from all around him. Ao Feng couldn't help covering his ears, looking up, a gray blurred figure rushed towards him, just as he was about to dodge, the black shadow passed through him, and before he could react, a pinkish purple The light blade was in front of him.

Suddenly sitting up, Ao Feng gasped violently. Fortunately, the fright was not that serious, and he quickly returned to normal.

"What is that?" Ao Feng frowned, the vague figure was somewhat familiar to him, and the attack, even if he had never seen it before, he had learned about it in books and other people's introductions.

"I'm sorry..." Little Dakulaiy's timid voice entered Ao Feng's ears. Ao Feng looked back, but found that he was constantly retreating.

Ao Feng couldn't help shaking his head with a smile, and beckoned: "It's okay, come here, I'm not afraid of what you are afraid of."

Little Dakulay paused: "You don't blame me?" The elves who used to play with him would reprimand him and even attack him after having nightmares.

"What's so strange, did I get scared? It's just a shock." Ao Feng looked very natural, glanced at his phone, it was just after twelve o'clock, "You haven't slept, don't try it today. , go to sleep, and talk about the rest tomorrow."

Little Dakulai came to Ao Feng's side: "However, what if I relax my control after falling asleep and make you have nightmares again?"

"I said it's alright, don't worry, if you sleep at ease, maybe tomorrow morning you will find that I don't have nightmares." Ao Feng comforted, "And if you don't sleep, you won't have the energy tomorrow, we won't take you to play. what."

"Don't, I'm going to sleep." Little Dakulay waved his hand quickly and lay down on the mat that Aofeng had laid beforehand. I kept talking in my heart, I must control it, I must control it well, I can't let him have nightmares anymore...

Ao Feng saw that he closed his eyes and lay down, continuing to think about the question just now, what is it? Although most dreams are untraceable, the eight words "thinking in the day and dreaming in the night" still explain the origin of dreams. If you don't want anything and there are no external factors, even if it is a nightmare, What kind of nightmare could you have?

In other words, if you have nightmares, the things you dream about should also be related to what you think about. Although Ao Feng had not had a few dreams, he still believed in this theory.

Thinking back carefully about the day's events, I don't seem to have thought about the relevant things. Then this dream... Ao Feng glanced at the little Dakulai, and recalled the dream again, but found that the memory had begun to blur, and the identity that was difficult to determine is now even more difficult. Hard to tell.

Thinking about it, Ao Feng felt sleepy and fell asleep again.

In the early morning, the biological clock woke Ao Feng on time, rubbed his eyes, sat up, and checked the time, it was exactly half past five.

His movements were very light, but he didn't know whether little Dakulai was woken up or had enough sleep, and opened his eyes at the same time.

"Didn't you do a good job? I didn't have nightmares again yesterday." Ao Feng stood up and said.

"Really?" Little Draculai floated up and said in surprise.

"Of course it's true, why did I lie to you?" Ao Feng stretched, "Believe in yourself, you can do it."

Release all the elves, even if it is traveling, the most basic exercise is essential.

"Brother Feng." As soon as the morning exercise was over, Ke'er came over.

"Ke'er, you slept well last night." Ao Feng smiled and made an ok gesture.

Dakulay didn't know where he went, and he didn't come back after he left last night. Ao Feng guessed if Dakulay had noticed something. Thinking of the dream he had last night, he was a little undecided in his heart. He didn't know if there would be danger. He was not afraid, but Ke'er was here, he had to be cautious .

It's just that there is no problem at the moment. Ke'er has already played with little Dakulai at this time. Ao Feng temporarily suppressed the worries in his heart, went back to the Elf Center to clean up, and then found Ke'er and the others to play with them.

The courtyard was as calm as usual, with elves running by from time to time, and it didn't seem to make any difference.

The lunch at noon was settled in the courtyard, and Ke'er showed her virtuousness fully. In the morning, she borrowed the kitchen of the Elf Center to make lunches, and woke up even earlier than Aofeng.

When the two and the elves were halfway through their meal, a burst of music came, and they couldn't help but stop and listen carefully.

"What is this? It's not like a musical instrument, but this song is very nice, and it can easily calm people down." Ao Feng looked at Ke'er, he just talked about his feelings, and he needed to be more specific. to analyze.

"This is a grass flute. The player's skill is very good. He should have practiced for a long time. At least on the grass flute alone, I can't compare to this person." It contains a very strong comfort, and I don’t know who the person who wrote it is, no matter what era, this person can be said to be a master.”

"Let's go look for it, it should be nearby." Ao Feng suggested that Ke'er was obviously interested in this song. If possible, he hoped that person could teach it to Ke'er.

"No need!" As soon as Ke'er spoke, a strong wave spread, but Ke'er didn't stand firm and sat back down.

Ao Feng quickly grabbed her with one hand and protected Little Dakulay with the other: "Be careful!"

The light blue mask protects them inside, they can't see the energy fluctuations, but they can see the ripples on the waveguide shield, it is easy to see that it is suffering a strong impact~www .readwn.com~Ao Feng was about to investigate the source of the energy shock, but he didn't expect that the energy fluctuations disappeared as soon as the wave guide perception dissipated. Looking at Lucario, Lucario also shook his head at him, indicating that he didn't notice either.

"It's alright." Ao Feng's heart sank, and he let go of Ke'er and Little Dakulay.

"No, what happened just now?" Ke'er stood up straight and asked.

Ao Feng shook his head: "I don't know either, Ke'er, let's leave, I'm afraid... there is danger here." He was always uncertain, but this energy wave seemed to confirm his thoughts.

Ke'er was stunned for a while, but she seemed to shake her head in Ao Feng's surprised eyes and said, "If there is really danger, the residents and elves here will suffer. We're gone, what should they do?"

Ao Feng was silent. Since he was here, it was impossible to turn a blind eye to the impending crisis.

"Ke'er, I'll send you out first. I'll think of a way to deal with the matter here." Ao Feng chose a compromise.

Ke'er held Ao Feng's hand: "Brother Feng, I'm your girlfriend and I'm already engaged, how can I go by myself?"

Looking at Ke'er's eyes, Ao Feng knew that he couldn't persuade him, and sighed: "Okay, but the premise is that you must protect yourself."

"Understood." Ke'er smiled sweetly, "Let's tell the people here first, so that they can prepare early."

Ao Feng smiled bitterly: "It's going to be said, but I don't know if they believe it or not."

"Dakulai, you can stay here, or hide it yourself, no matter what the situation is, don't come out. Let's find someone first, go this way." Ao Feng ordered, and walked forward first, Bird's Probing can easily find people nearby, and it seems that there are acquaintances here.

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