Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 406: orachion

"Xanaduo, Hua Beibei, and wind chimes, use the wish!" Ke'er is not only good at assisting, but also good at treatment.

With the use of the skills of the three elves, a pale green light emerged from the three elves, quickly recovering most of their physical strength.

"What should I do now?" Ao Feng smiled wryly, the method just now obviously won't work, and the elves can't stand it if they are bombarded again, "I hope they will hurry up, this is the so-called fight between gods and mortals."

There is no doubt about the flight speed of the fossilized pterosaur and the eagle, and it will take about ten minutes before "Orahion" will sound. He doesn't know if it will be useful, but now he can only hope that it will work. Now I just hope that Palkia and Dialga don't make more moves.

But the truth was not as good as he thought. When Ash and Xiaoguang climbed to the top of the Tower of Time and Space, the two super beasts once again accumulated their strongest power.

The familiar alarm sounded in their ears, Ao Feng and Ke'er turned their heads, Tonio did not know when he had come over, and the sound came from the notebook in his hand.

"If that one collides again, this space will not be able to hold it!" Tonio's eyes were full of worry.

"Dakulayi!" Out of the corner of the eye, he noticed a dark shadow flashing past, and Ao Feng was startled, he immediately reacted, and shouted.

Dakulai didn't stop, but lowered his head and glanced at Ao Feng. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was clearly conveyed.

Ao Feng smiled wryly, are you so reassuring to give your child to someone else? Knowing that he couldn't stop Dakulai, he could only shout in his heart: Come on!

Seeing that Time and Space Roar and Yakong Slash were about to collide, Dakulai suddenly rushed into the middle of the two skills, isolating the two skills.

"Drink!" Draculei shouted loudly, withstanding all the attacks abruptly, the brown cover spread out, covering Dialga and Palkia inside.

The loud noise spread along with the fluctuation of the mask, and the energy fluctuation was forcibly suppressed by Dakulayi, but the more this happened, the more Ao Feng worried about Dakulayi's situation. Suppressing the energy is equivalent to sustaining all the energy attacks.

"Black hole." Ao Feng murmured, Dakulayi's unique skills are on the same level as Space-Time Roar and Akong Slicing, but they are not as aggressive.

Draculei, who was in the black hole, tried his best to control, outputting all his physical energy, forcibly controlling Palkia and Dialga, causing them to fall into a nightmare.

"Bite Lu Shark!" Ao Feng shouted, and Bite Lu Sha immediately lifted into the air, hovering under the mask, waiting to catch Dakulai.

Dakulai's own state is not very good. Forcibly restricting the two super divine beasts put him under a lot of pressure. The injuries that have not fully recovered have become more serious. After about one minute of the event, the hood formed by the black hole fluctuated. After a while, it shrank quickly. Dialga and Palkia also retreated to the sides.

Dakulay reappeared in everyone's sight, suspended in the air, one eye exposed outside was tightly closed, panting violently.

It was impossible for Palkia and Dialga to let go of their postures, destroying Death Light and the wave missiles slamming towards Dakulayi in the middle.

Liebite Lu Shark moved for the first time, and it was too late to take Dakulayi to run, so he could only protect him in front of Dakulayi, curled his body, and fully opened the protective shield.

The Hippo King and Lucario on the ground also launched attacks, intercepting the Destruction Death Light and Wave missiles, weakening their attack power as much as possible.

A powerful attack was poured into the passport formed by the protection, the shield completed its mission, and when it reached the limit it shattered. As soon as the attack landed on them, Shanaido's teleportation was ready, and the super power covered the two elves. , take them out of place and land on the ground.

Ao Feng hurriedly ran over to investigate the situation of the two elves. The strong bite of the land shark was fine, but he was injured a little, and Dakulayi was in a very bad state, to an extremely weak state.

Ke'er called his little elf to treat him, but Ao Feng didn't hesitate. The waveguide poured into Dakulai's body to stabilize his condition and save his life.

"Oops, they want to..." Tonio's voice made Ao Feng feel in his heart. When he looked up, the two Pokémon had already made a big move.

Hurry up... Ao Feng looked at the Tower of Time and Space. At this time, he could only pray. If he didn't want to pay attention to the battle situation, he would definitely go by himself.

It seems to be corresponding to Ao Feng's thoughts, the Tower of Time and Space lit up at this moment, a faint radiance radiated out, and the sound of ding dong spread from the tower.

At the same time as the voice sounded, the movements of Palkia and Dialga also stopped. Ao Feng and the others were relieved. Fortunately, they caught up.

Dakulai opened his eyes and nodded to Ao Feng, indicating that he was fine, so he flew up, not looking at the Time God and Space God standing opposite each other, but looked up at the Tower of Time and Space.

Almost the same as his actions, the eyes of others were all attracted by the Tower of Time and Space.

During Orahion's performance, the Tower of Time and Space was bathed in a dazzling brilliance and began to undergo a special change. The two sides are like branch growth classes, extending six branches, three pairs at the top and bottom.

At the top of the tower, the tower peaks of the two towers of time and space also have three short branches with patterns. One flower bone flower, and then a golden flower blooms. Even if the distance is very far, Ao Feng and others can see that countless crystal powders are scattered on these branches.

Beautiful and ingenious. Besides, Ao Feng couldn't find a more suitable word.

The music slowed down, but it wasn't the end. The scattered light spots on the Tower of Time and Space seemed to be attracted at the next moment, and quickly gathered on both sides of the Tower of Time and Space. The huge golden light wings wrapped in appeared, accompanied by the sudden high music sound, slowly fanning.

Shocked, everyone and the elf were filled with shock, looking at the Tower of Time and Space, bathed in the golden brilliance, as if forgetting all troubles, calming down and forgetting the passage of time.

In the brilliance, both Dialga and Palkia regained their senses, and lowered their noble heads to the Tower of Time and Space. restore their injuries.

The light wings gradually disappeared, Palkia and Dialga looked at each other again, no longer the previous anger, and after a few conversations, Dialga left the space.

Palkia moved forward, floated in front of the Tower of Time and Space, bowed to the Tower of Time and Space, and made a series of screams. Maybe it's a real repentance for what he's done, maybe it's a thank you to the builder of the Tower of Time and Space.

With a roar to the sky, the space suddenly pulsated, the town of Palkia River was moved back to its original space, and the destroyed town was restored to its original appearance.

Ao Feng looked up again, and Palkia had disappeared.

"That's great, it's finally back to its original appearance." Alice's face filled with information.

Ao Feng and the others couldn't help laughing. They looked at Dakulai, who was beside him, and nodded.

Before they could say anything, a dark shadow came through and swooped towards Draculei. Dakulay turned around, stretched out his hands and hugged him tightly: "Dad, Daddy..."

Geng Gui behind him was not slow at all, he was relieved when he saw that Ao Feng was safe and sound, but he was a little embarrassed and refused to let him see anything, so he turned around awkwardly. God knows how worried they were when they saw the town disappear.

Ao Feng rubbed Geng Gui's head, but Geng Gui didn't dodge, he glanced at Ao Feng, turned his head away, and stopped looking at him.

With a sneer, Ao Feng walked over to Alice, scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "Well, can I ask you one thing?"

"What? Just say it, as long as I can do it, I will help you~www.readwn.com~ Alice was stunned for a moment, and then said without hesitation.

"That..." When the words came to his lips, Ao Feng felt a little embarrassed. He thought it was nothing at first, but after he really saw the Orahion played by the Tower of Time and Space, he felt a little inappropriate, but thinking of Ke'er , he will try anyway, "Can you teach Orahion to my girlfriend?"

Saying that, Ao Feng pointed to Ke'er who had closed his eyes beside him, as if he was still reminiscing about the music just now.

"Of course..." Before she finished speaking, Alice stopped because the familiar sound of music spread.

Ao Feng turned his head to look, Ke'er took out the harmonica at some point, and played it slowly. Isn't it Orahion? Although not very smooth, the melody has been played.

Blinking his eyes, Ao Feng smiled wryly, should he be called Ke'er?

"It's amazing, Miss Ling'er is Miss Ling'er. When I was a child, I learned this tune and practiced it for several months before I mastered it." Alice murmured, her eyes full of admiration, she turned her head and said to Ao Feng , "Ao Feng, I will tell Ke'er the score and playing points. Don't worry, teaching this piece to her will make it even more radiant."

Ao Feng nodded in thanks, but in his heart he was talking with the other two thoughts. Ao Feng was introduced into a different dimension, he couldn't contact them, Chaomeng and Yandi couldn't feel his breath, then time really thought he died suddenly. Emperor Yan was unable to come over, and was worried for a while, Chaomeng even rushed directly to Shenao Continent, looking for the trace of Ao Feng.

Knowing the news of Ao Feng's safety, the two Pokémon can also feel at ease. Ao Feng was talking to them, listening to their worried words, his heart warmed, this feeling of being cared for is really good.

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