Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 412: dark and fire

"The next contestant, please!" Momoan raised one hand and pointed to the gate where the contestants came on stage.

Ao Feng took a deep breath and strode onto the stage. When he saw Ao Feng, Mi Keli's brows twitched obviously. He knew Ao Feng, but in his impression, this guy from the fire family is not the coordinator, right? What are you doing here? But after thinking about it, he did have some interest.

Standing in the center of the stage, after bowing slightly, he took out the Poke Ball. At this moment, all the lights went out, and the entire venue fell into darkness.

Not only the audience and the judges were startled, but even Ke Eryuning and the other contestants were startled. Is the power outage? No, the power supply in the preparation room is still intact. Could it be a circuit failure?

"Heh, it's bad luck to see that you are still a bully, right?" There are many people who gloat over the misfortune, whether it is the blond man from before or other people who have some ideas about Ke'er. They didn't dare to do anything on the bright side, but now no one can control them while giggling.

Without the lights, Ao Feng didn't panic, because this was originally a part of his plan, but because they arranged their own performance plans, Ke'er and the others didn't know Ao Feng's arrangements. He doesn't know what effect such a performance will have, but he just needs to make sure to show what he wants to show, in other words, have fun.

Ao Feng waited quietly for three seconds, estimating that the audience's emotions were almost over, raised his hand and gently tossed the Poke Ball into the air.

Thanks to the stickers, it's no longer the usual blue light when the pixie is released. The light effect became a flame that surrounded the surroundings, beating around, becoming the only light source here, and instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

In the flames, the huddled body of the flaming chicken unfolded, rolled over in the air, landed on the ground, and stood tall. Against the background of the flickering flames around, the figure of the flaming chicken also appeared flickering. In the change of light and darkness, the flame chicken's eyes are extremely sharp, it seems that the flame chicken has a very oppressive force, giving people a sense of oppression, making them feel that they are holding their breath and focusing their attention. And as the light quickly dimmed, this pressure became stronger and stronger, as if the next moment would return to the boundless darkness again.

Mikuri blinked, this kid, how dare he use fire elves to perform in such a venue. However, I have to admit that this kid used people's habits and hearts quite well. Through the change of light and darkness, he caught the attention of the audience as soon as he played. In the darkness, even the faintest trace of light will be very obvious, so people pay attention to it subconsciously, and the same is true for the current venue.

But even if they know that there is such a method to attract attention, not many people dare to do it. The purpose of the elf's performance is to show the charm of the elf. Without the light source, who can see it no matter how you use it? And the flame of the fire element just made up for this.

With this appearance, even if the flaming chicken hadn't moved, Aofeng's performance had already aroused Micheli's admiration, and he was looking forward to Qi Aofeng's performance later. If the light is used well, then the performance will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; When the light dims, what will you choose?

"Flaming Chicken, mega evolution!" shouted Ao Feng, who had already stepped back a few steps. The dazzling brilliance connected him with the Flaming Chicken, and the sudden flash of light once again captured the audience's attention.

Momoan actually forgot to explain at this time and watched Ao Feng's step by step movements.

The time of mega evolution is quite short, but the light of mega evolution was quickly replaced. The flame chicken was on fire with both hands and feet, and the flaming flames completely reflected his body. Ao Feng had already retreated beyond the range of light. At this time, the flaming chicken was the only performer in the venue.

Next, the flame chicken's movements were very simple. He bent his knees slightly, twisted his body and threw a punch to his side. The movement is not fast, but the power of punching is very strong, and the sound of breaking wind can be heard by almost everyone in the audience. When the action stops, you can see the flames on his fists turn into sparks and extend along the discovery of his force. Going out for a distance of more than one meter, and it did not go out immediately, it was suspended in the air, the last light of the releaser.

This is just the beginning of the flame chicken movement. What he wants to perform is very simple. It is what he is most familiar with, and many people have even seen it. It is almost the same as the martial arts movements that the elves usually train. It is precisely because of the familiarity that the flaming chicken can better show its ability-strength.

Punching, kicking, every form is done extremely standardly, and the time interval is also well grasped. When each movement is completed, it is the time when the spark swung by the previous movement is extinguished.

As time went on, his movements became faster and faster, and the sparks lasted longer and longer. Gradually, the entire surrounding of his body was rendered into a red space, and the red sparks appeared and disappeared, releasing himself. The brilliance illuminates the body of the flaming chicken, setting off this area like a red night sky.

The white light gradually emerged from the flame chicken, and at the back, the audience could hardly capture the flame chicken's figure. All they could see were the afterimages he left behind, making one by one with the flame chicken's movements. Action, people are dazzled to see. Knowing that the time was almost up, Ao Feng raised his hand and released a wave missile, which exploded in the Martian, dispersing the Martian.

For a moment, darkness shrouded again, and the next moment, the audience saw a five-quarter blue ball of light flying out.

It was still Aofeng's wave missile. Five wave missiles flew out in a vertical semi-circle in turn. When the first wave missile flew to the side of the flame chicken, the flame chicken once again burst into flames, and the wave arrived in an instant. Next to the missile, he kicked a leg on it, and with a bang, the wave missile burst, and the intense flames showed a surging trend, with the wave missile as the source point rushing out to the outside, like a blooming flower of flame.

The flaming chicken didn't stop, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and at the next moment next to the wave missile, the same action, the same flame surged. The wave missiles released by Aofeng are not thrown from left to right, but left, right, upper left, upper right, and upper, as far as possible. The purpose is to show the speed of the flaming chicken.

The audience was slower to react and even saw five flaming chickens appear in an instant, and the flames gushed out at the same time.

After completing this action, the flaming chicken actually jumped onto the water surface with a whole body of flames. People were surprised that they walked on the water under their eyes. Where he said, a string of red marks were left on the water surface. After running around the stage for a week, the flaming chicken jumped back to the stage, and then, with a rumbling sound, he remembered that the water surface was actually blown up, and under the effect of the flame mark left by the flaming chicken, it quickly transpired, leaving only crystal water droplets. Glittering in the flames.

At this time, the flame flower that the flame chicken completed just now had just completely 'bloomed'.

The flaming chicken returned to Ao Feng and saluted again under the background of the firelight. The flames dissipated and the lights were turned on again. The audience seemed to react at this time, and the cheers were endless.

Giving the flaming chicken a thumbs up, Ao Feng felt that the flaming chicken was gasping for breath. Although the movements were simple, he poured all the power into each stroke. The overheating acceleration and characteristic acceleration after the mega evolution were all invoked by him. That's why there is such a speed. In this performance, Flaming Chicken has spared no effort.

Regardless of what other people say, Ao Feng himself is very satisfied, and judging from the audience's reaction, the effect is not bad.

"The change of light and darkness, the control of flames, and the dazzling mega evolution made Moan forget to explain. It's so beautiful and shocking. Please forgive me for not being able to interject in such a performance." Momoan said this. When I looked at the flaming chicken that evolved from mega, I admired, "The evolution of mega is really beautiful, and the evolved flaming chicken is so handsome, plus the shiny pure white hair, I can't help but want to look for a new one. Only such a elf~www.readwn.com~ The perfect embodiment of strength, speed, and control, this performance completely caught my eye, I am lucky to be able to see such a performance!" Zhang Kong is too pertinent said.

"Mega flame chicken, I like it very much." This one still likes it very much as always.

"Although the whole performance was shown in the dark, the flames showed the flaming chicken very well. Whether it is from the movement, the luster of the feathers, or the body, this flaming chicken has been cultivated very well. "Miss Joy is indeed a lover of elves, and her focus is on training.

"A very bold performance, but also a very memorable and unforgettable performance. The bold abandonment of lights and the use of unstable flames as the light source shows that you are extremely confident in the flame control ability of the flame chicken. Facts have proved that this is true; Boldly performed on a water-based venue with a fire-type elf, and you did succeed, using the factors in the venue to create a scene that shocked me, whether it was strength, speed, control, or correctness. With the help of people's visual ability, the combination of light and shadow (afterimage) is quite a wonderful performance!" Michael stood up and said, expressing his own feelings, Ao Feng's performance really showed As expected, it was the first time he had seen such a performance.

"Master Michaeli gave a very high evaluation, but I think the audience agrees, this can be seen from the cheers and applause that everyone has not stopped, Momoan also thinks it is very suitable. , I don't know if I can see this kind of performance in the future. Okay, please Aofeng players go to the stage to rest, and the performance will continue. I hope that the next contestants will not be under pressure and play to a normal level. Contestants!"

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