Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 417: in the middle

"When?" Ao Feng asked with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"A week later, even if you walk to Luyuan City from here, you will have enough time." Yu Ning had obviously calculated the time. Xiao Zhi also nodded again and again.

Ao Feng did the math. When they came out, he had just finished a big competition. After that, he had about two weeks of rest. It took him two days to travel back and forth by plane. City, it will take seven days before the game, and the game will take about two or three days...

Drunk, let’s figure it out, when he finishes playing the doubles match in Luyuan City, he will immediately return to the academy and directly participate in the academy competition, without anyone taking a break.

But, forget it, they all came out anyway. Xiao Zhi and Yu Ning have both made invitations, so he can't refuse directly, let's travel.

The big deal is to end the game as soon as possible. Anyway, the number of games every day is fixed. After playing early and resting early, there will not be too many people willing to play with him at the beginning. After standing in the first place for a long time, the reputation gradually accumulated . Sometimes Aofeng would patiently feed and guide other trainers, but when Aofeng was in a bad mood, the situation would be completely different, and he would come up in seconds. Later, when he didn't want to fight, he just spoke directly, no one wanted to go up and let his elf find a fight, and conceited directly.

In the evening, I talked to Ke'er, and the next morning, I left a note saying see you in Luyuan City, and the two left alone. During this period of time, they all planned to walk over. During this time, Ao Feng decisively abandoned the others. The content of the note is only a few words, but the content is obvious: we live in the two-person world, don't follow you light bulbs.

The two of them are quite comfortable on the road. The seven-day journey is neither long nor short. Even if you walk slowly in the early stage, it's totally fine to speed up your footsteps or use a elf instead.

In addition to the flaming chicken, hippo king, and Goda duck who participated in the gorgeous contest, the elf carried by Ao Feng this time also brought three-headed dragons, Eluledo and flaming horses. Both the three-headed dragons and flaming horses can travel. The speed is also quite good if you concentrate on the road.

There is a forest between two cities. The area is not very large, but there are still many elves living there. When Ke'er is cooking, he can always attract a few greedy little guys. He doesn't grab it, just runs Go to Ke'er and look at her eagerly, hoping that Ke'er can share some of them. Some feel embarrassed, and they will exchange the fruit or useful materials they found, and some will chase after them and play with their elves, which is very interesting.

In Ao Feng's words, Ke'er is very attractive, not only attractive, but also has a strong affinity for elves. When he traveled by himself, he had never seen the elf find it by himself. Even if he found it, he was very hungry and wanted to grab something from him. He was caught and cleaned up before he could eat...

In the afternoon of the day they set off, Aofeng found the traces of Ash and others through the waveguide. Without saying a word, he took the little elf back to the poke ball, dragged Ke'er and ran for a distance, and then hid behind the bushes beside him. Just watched a group of people walk by, and came out after a while.

Ke'er smiled helplessly: "You really..."

Ao Feng's face was supposed to look like this, and his expression was a little puffed up: "I finally got rid of them, how can I be played by them again, usually in the academy, there are so many people, we have too little time to be alone. , listen to me, leave them alone, we will meet in a few days anyway."

"Okay, listen to you," Ke'er chuckled, and couldn't help being amused by Ao Feng's expression. As a girl, although Ke'er didn't say anything, it didn't mean that she didn't want to spend more time alone with Ao Feng, it was just that Ao Feng would be ridiculed and ridiculed when she met Xiao Zhi and the others in a few days. I feel a little sorry.

Ao Feng suddenly hugged Ke'er at this moment, kissed her face honestly, and laughed at Ke'er's blushing face. This made Ke'er angrily and stepped on his foot, this guy is too bad, he will make a surprise attack.

In the past few days, the two of them walked slowly, extending the few days they had as much as possible. Ao Feng was right, there were not many such opportunities.

"Ke'er, after this alliance conference, I will drop out of school and continue to travel." Ao Feng suddenly said.

"Well, I'll accompany you." Ke'er had already guessed what Ao Feng was thinking, and it would be strange for him to stay in the academy all the time. They are still young and have not yet settled down in one place. If Ao Feng said that he wanted to stay in the academy, that would be strange, Ke'er would have to wonder if he was aging before he got old.

"Well then, let's continue the two-person journey." Ao Feng brought Ke'er to him, wrapped her arms around her, held her in his arms, and sniffed her hair, "Hehe, my wife is the best. , After a few years, when I am an adult, we will get married."

Ke'er looked up at him: "You want to get married before you propose?"

Although the two were already engaged, the marriage proposal to Ao Feng had not yet been implemented.

"Don't worry, nothing will be missing." Ao Feng rubbed his chin on the top of Ke'er's head and said seriously.

"Yeah." Ke'er leaned against Ao Feng's arms, the corners of her mouth couldn't help rising. With him, no matter what you say or do, the mood is always involuntarily happy.

In the early morning of the fourth day, in the music of Ke'er's violin, Ao Feng, Flame Chicken, Elluedo, Goda Duck, and Hippo King stood in a row, slowly doing their movements one by one, but each movement was absolutely absolute. Standard, the movements of one person and four elves are exactly the same.

Yes, they are doing Tai Chi, and they have learned what Ao Feng can teach them. The required exercises do not need to be done in the morning exercise. The effect of Tai Chi is also very good, enough for them to stretch their muscles and bones to move their bodies. The Raging Flame Horse couldn't stand up, so naturally it was impossible to play Tai Chi with them, but he didn't idle with his feet stepping on special steps, and his body kept swaying back and forth. Although he couldn't learn fighting techniques, his footwork was still fine. Only the three-headed dragon with short arms and legs was left floating beside him, listening to Ke'er's music to cultivate himself.

Everyone dances when they smell the chicken. They dance when they smell the violin.

Kerr specially matched their movements and chose a soothing piece of music, which was also very suitable for the early morning atmosphere.

When the noise of rustling came, Ao Feng turned his eyes and focused on the place where the sound came from - but the movement did not stop, it was estimated that another elf came over.

Thinking like this, two pointed ears were exposed, followed by a small round head, all covered with brown hair, and two pairs of eyes looked at Ao Feng and the others curiously. To be precise, one stared at Ke'er and the other stared at the flaming horse, his eyes seemed to sparkle, but neither of them made the next move.

"Ibrahimovic?" Ao Feng raised his eyebrows, this time it was two Ibrahimovic. He didn't stop, the guide finished the whole set of movements, and Ke'er stood up straight at the end of his performance.

He walked to the grass, squatted down, and beckoned to the two cute little guys, "Come on, I'll treat you to a big meal later."

Seeing Ao Feng approaching, the two Eevee timidly ducked back, then turned around and ran away, disappearing from their fingertips within a few breaths.

"Am I that scary?" Ao Feng touched his face and looked back at Ke'er, "Come and see if I'm still so handsome, how could I scare the two cuties away."

Ke'er put away the violin and gave him a blank look with a smile: "Yes, you are the most handsome, narcissistic."

"What kind of narcissism, I call it self-confidence, okay?" Ao Feng rubbed his face.

"They should be afraid of life. Okay, let's tidy up, and I'll make breakfast." Ke'er went to the prepared kitchen utensils and got busy.

Ao Feng went to change his clothes honestly. It wasn't that he didn't want to help, but every time Ke'er drove him away, in her opinion, these should be prepared for Ao Feng, and he didn't need to worry about it. At most, Ao Feng would help her wash the vegetables, cut the vegetables, and wash the dishes~www.readwn.com~ No matter how much Kerr said, he would not let him do it.

After breakfast, he continued on the road. After walking a short distance, Ao Feng felt some noise behind him, so he spread out the waveguide to investigate, and the corners of his mouth twitched. It was the two little guys from the morning, who thought they had run away. , did not expect to follow again.

Deliberately slowed down, chatting with Ke'er while paying attention to the positions of the two little guys behind. Ibrahimovic obviously didn't notice that Ao Feng's speed was slowing down, and the distance between them and Ao Feng was getting closer and closer.

'Seeing' the two Ibrahimovic hiding in the bushes two meters behind him, he smirked in his heart, Ao Feng suddenly turned around, jumped in front of the bushes, and shouted, "Ha!"

Not to mention that Ibrahimovic, who didn't have any preparations in his heart, was stunned. Even Ke'er was taken aback by his sudden action. When he came over, he saw two Ibrahimovic who didn't know they had escaped. At a glance, he squatted down and picked up the two Ibrahimovic: "It's nothing to scare them, let's scare them."

Ao Feng stuck out his tongue, scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to scare them like this, I just wanted to tease them, I'm sorry, don't be angry."

The "I'm sorry" was said to the two Ibrahimovic who were slowing down, and at the same time reached out and held their little paws.

At this time, the two Ibrahimovic had different expressions. Although neither of them broke free, the one on the left turned his head away and looked like 'I ignore you'. Don't look angry. The other one on the right nodded to Ao Feng, his eyes still sparkling, as if the initial shock was over, and then there was excitement.

"Interesting little guy." Ao Feng took out the Eevee on the right. This time, he was no longer afraid, obediently lay down in Ao Feng's arms, and obediently asked Ao Feng to straighten his hair.

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