Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 422: vs Mo Shang Lingyan

Mo Shang shrugged, let go of his hand, gave Shinji a threatening glance, walked to the empty sofa and sat down.

Shinji rubbed his wrist, said nothing, turned and left.

In the third round, Ao Feng and Ke'er's opponents were Mo Shang and Ling Yan.

"Hehe, Brother Feng, be careful." Ling Yan laughed, with a serious look in his eyes. He was not worried because his opponent was Ao Feng, but looked very confident. In battle, Ling Yan is still very reliable. He is very casual in life and can show his extraordinary fighting power when he is serious. Especially after studying with Ao Feng, his overall strength has increased rapidly, and it has reached the point where Ao Feng cannot easily defeat him. .

People who truly love elves and can restrain themselves will not be too difficult to become strong. On the path of the elf trainer, Ling Yan showed his potential.

Since he left the academy, Ling Yan didn't wear school uniform anymore, but put on casual clothes. The center had a white T-shirt wrapped in a flame of elf balls. He put on a white jacket and a pair of blue jeans underneath. He looked very energetic. At this time, his eyes were burning like the flames in the pattern of his shirt, which was full of fighting intent.

Mo Shang also nodded to Ao Feng, thinking that he had discussed the tactics to deal with him.

"Come on." Ao Feng smiled unconcernedly. His goal was to be number one, but he could still accept the unexpected occurrence. They were all the people he had taught, and he would be happy if he showed stronger strength.

"Come on, duck-billed fire dragon!" Mo Shang first released the elf, the fire element as always.

"Go! Blazing Horse!" Ao Feng did not hesitate, and threw the Poke Ball that he had prepared.

Ling Yan squinted his eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, "Come on, giant marsh monster!"

Ao Feng immediately made a judgment in his heart. For these two elves, the effect of the fire element was not particularly good, but the Flame Horse was at a disadvantage. Winking at Ke'er, Ke'er nodded knowingly: "Please, Shanaido!"

Ke'er still sent Shanaido, not for anything else, but because Shanaido cooperated more securely.

The game officially started, the audience in the stands were all focused on here, and Shinji was also focused. This was the first time he saw Ao Feng use the fire-type elf in the official battle. Yesterday, the flame horse left a deep impression on him. The impression of him made him want to see what the flame horse would look like with all his strength.

"The game starts!" The referee gave an order.

Before the words could be heard, the flaming horse rushed out like the wind, with blue flames swirling around its body, leaving behind a string of flame shadows, and the smoke charged!

"Shanaido, mega evolution!" Ke'er pressed the mega evolution stone and shouted.

"Giant marsh monster, use Surf!" At the same time as the flaming horse was in action, Ling Yan, who had seen Ao Feng in many battles, knew that Ao Feng's first move was very fast, so he issued the command immediately.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, use the Qi-he bomb!" Mo Shang also issued an order.

The giant wave that covered the entire field horizontally surged up, and the giant marsh monster lay on the top of the wave, controlling the giant wave to swell forward.

The duck-billed fire dragon had already taken a step back, kept a safe distance, his hands converged in front of him again, and a white ball of light quickly formed.

Seeing that the flame horse and the surf were about to collide, the flame horse still did not stop, and the speed was even faster and faster. Ao Feng doesn't have any worries, you guys, you still underestimate Ke'er and her Shanaido, no matter what, she is also a super queen. She has received a lot of training, not to mention she is a mega evolution.

At this point, Shanaido has completed her evolution, and through perception, she has already understood the status of the two elves on the opposite side.

"Xanadu, use the illusion technique!"

Shanaido touched her hands in front of her chest, the pink light flashed, and she gestured to open the door. The huge wave that was surging forward actually became unstable. When it was about to touch the flaming horse, it was forcibly pulled apart, as if the elevator door was forcibly opened, and the giant marsh monster in the middle of the wave also He fell down because he couldn't take advantage of it, and was hit by the flaming horse that jumped together.

The giant marsh monster was unstable, and only had time to curl up, with his arms in front of him, to withstand the blow. Fortunately, even though he is protected and restrained by his attributes, the trauma he suffered is not very large.

The flaming horse hit the giant marsh monster with a single blow, but at this time, the duck-billed fire dragon's kihe bomb had already attacked, and in the current state of the flaming horse, it was almost impossible to escape.

But that was when he was the only one.

The pink light reappeared, and Shanaido's illusion did not stop. He raised two pedals at the feet of the flaming horse, and at the same time wrapped the Qihe bullets, trying his best to delay the time for the Qihe bullets to attack the blazing horse.

Such an opportunity was fleeting, and the flame horse's qualities were also manifested at this moment. Without the slightest panic, with the help of the pedal formed by the illusion technique, he jumped back and tried his best to quickly escape the bombardment range of the Qihe bomb.

However, in the end, he was unable to avoid the bombardment caused by the explosion of the Qihe bomb.

At this point, the first round of confrontation was declared over. The two sides were evenly matched, and it could be said that no one took too much advantage. The audience couldn't help but stand up and burst into cheers, not for anything else, but for their wonderful battle.

"What a strong cooperation. I didn't expect that we could see such a cooperation in the third round. It's great, it's wonderful!" Yuantai also shouted through the microphone.

The flame horse took two steps on the ground to relieve the discomfort on his body, and rushed out again under Ao Feng's signal, still charging with gunpowder smoke. Shanaido closed his eyes at this time, as if he no longer cared about the flaming horse. And only Ao Feng and Ke'er knew that Shanaido would use her perception of sound to probe into the movements of the duck-billed fire dragon and the giant marsh monster in more detail.

"You can't let his speed increase, control him!" Mo Shang said.

"Understood!" Ling Yan nodded, looking at the wet and muddy ground, a smile appeared in his eyes, "Giant swamp monster, use the tide spin!"

The tide spin of the giant marsh monster is obviously very skilled. It is no longer relying on itself to attack the opponent, but with the help of the water on the field, a water column is sent from the side of the giant marsh monster, surrounding the running flame horse. , attracting the muddy water on the ground, trying to trap the flaming horse in the blink of an eye.

The flame horse stopped charging when the tidal vortex formed. The purpose of acceleration has been achieved. The next thing to do is to protect himself, jump high in the air, and jump out of the tidal vortex with his jumping power. Still no problem.

"Oh, you're waiting for you to jump. Duck-billed fire dragon, use strange light!" Mo Shang's movements were as expected by the flame horse. Just like before, the flame horse in the air was a living target. As long as the speed was fast enough, it could Attack the Flaming Horse before Shanaido can help.

No matter how you think about it, you will never fail.

But, how could he be sure that Ao Feng and Ke'er were absolutely unaware of anything?

The flaming horse jumped to the highest point, and the colored light also attacked him, but Ao Feng shouted at this time: "Tread!"

The flame horse's eyes narrowed, completely ignoring the upcoming attack, and did not understand what Ao Feng meant, but this did not affect his execution of Ao Feng's instructions, the energy condensed to his front hooves, and stepped forward with force.

Just when he was about to move, Ke'er's crisp voice sounded: "Momentary movement."

Shanaido pointed to the air, and the flaming horse that was still in the air suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already beside the giant swamp monster. The trampling it launched did not stop, but stepped on the giant swamp monster with more force.

The characteristics of the high attack power of the Aofeng elves are reflected. In the past, the attributes were mutually restrained, and the giant swamp monster had a place. The attack power was completely poured out on him, and even the giant marsh monster with relatively strong physical strength could not bear it, the tide smashed into pieces, or fell to the ground as a splash. He himself was trampled on the ground, screaming in agony.

"Spray flame!" Mo Shang was a little stunned, but he still ordered immediately to choose the skill that the duck-billed fire dragon could use the fastest.

The duck-billed fire dragon didn't expect it to be like this, just after casting the strange light, he immediately attacked the flaming horse after reacting~www.readwn.com~ But when the attack hit the flaming horse, the flaming horse would not dodge or avoid it. , resisted this injury hard, and still kept going under his feet.

"Giant swamp monster, hold on, use protection!" Ling Yan had no choice but to give the giant swamp monster atmosphere. The giant marsh monster wanted to use his skills, but he was stepped on by the flame horse as soon as he got up. Is the flame horse's high attack so resistant? Want to cast skills while I'm attacking? Dream it.

"Duck-billed Fire Dragon, use the Qi-joint bomb!" Mo Shang gritted his teeth, the Flame Horse was so unexpected to him, he originally thought that with Ao Feng's style, the Flame Horse would definitely not be able to resist it, but he obviously miscalculated.

The Qihe bomb was fired, and the flaming horse didn't move, but he still disappeared. It was Shanaido's teleportation again, bringing the flaming horse back to him. Fortunately, the duck-billed fire dragon paid attention to the position of the giant swamp monster when it attacked, and the Qihe projectile rubbed the giant swamp monster's head and flew out, otherwise it would bring another heavy blow to the giant swamp monster.

"Pray." Ke'er said lightly.

Shanaido folded his hands together and made a wish. A beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the flame horse. In the time of breathing, the flame horse's physical strength returned to its peak state.

Cheating! You still have a nanny! Don't bully people like that!

Opening their mouths slightly, Ling Yan and Mo Shang looked at each other. They were really helpless. What was a perfect target tactic fell apart under the influence of Ke'er. One illusion, one wish, two teleportation, and they have no temper at all.

Do you want to bully people like this? Right now, the duck-billed fire dragon on their side is in a complete state, and the giant marsh monster has almost reached its limit. And the opposite side is full, how can you fight? If you insist, it will consume some of their physical energy.

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