Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 433: stop

"It's hard work." Ao Feng patted the little Dakulai's head and sighed that he was fortunately brought over, otherwise it would be really troublesome. Chao Meng is far away from here, and it is still on the way, and it is estimated that it will be there in five minutes.

Dakulay shook his head and disappeared in Aofeng's shadow. It is not difficult for him to hypnotize these people. Following Ao Feng, practicing until now, and having the skills and experience left by Dakulai, his strength should not be underestimated.

"Okay, you all go first." Ao Feng said.

"Aren't you going?" Xiao Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Someone doesn't want me to go, three-headed dragon, Dragon Wave!" Ao Feng threw out the Poke Ball and ordered. At this moment, a colored light attacked them.

The three-headed dragon appeared, and immediately released its skills. The two skills collided with each other and released a strong explosion, causing Ash and the others, who had not yet reacted, to be almost thrown out.

"Aren't you going to come out yet? Shadow." Ao Feng looked at the direction of the attack and said indifferently.

"Hehe, as expected of you, you can find out who I am. I originally planned to use this identity to continue in the future." The person who jumped down from the tree and shrouded in a black cloak was called out by his name and also No longer hiding, he ripped off the cloak on his head to reveal his true face. It wasn't the shadow, but the psychic puppet floating around him proved his identity.

"Yuying, what are you doing..." Xiao Zhi naturally knew this person who ranked in the top ten in the academy, and he had communicated with him on a regular basis, and the relationship was not bad, but he didn't expect to stop them at this time.

"I can't do anything about it." You Ying sighed, "But it's just this time, you stop here, save me from doing it again, and hurt peace."

"Do you think you can stop everyone? Xirona, bring Xiao Zhi and the others in, it's enough to have me here." Ao Feng turned around and said to the four of them.

Shadow shook his head slightly: "Do you think I'll be here alone? Or are you planning to stop them alone?"

As his voice fell, seven figures walked out from behind him, all wearing Team Rocket uniforms, and the first person said, "Ao Feng, long time no see."

Ao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Team Rocket, so your real background is Team Rocket, but no matter who you are, now we are all enemies. Shi Lanfeng, why do you still want to fight?"

"You Ying, if I can find you, I can also find them. When I say stop, of course it's not for you alone." Ao Feng's expression was very indifferent.

"Ao Feng, I'm with you!" Xiao Zhi ran over, already holding the Poke Ball in his hand.

Ao Feng rolled his eyes: "Okay, it's enough to have me alone, you hurry in, the three of you can get in touch with the three legendary elves, Xirona, they'll ask you."

"Understood." Hirona responded. Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, said a word of caution, and left with Shirona.

"Do it!" The shadow shouted loudly, and the Rockets all released elves and attacked the entrance of the cave, but without exception, they were all stopped by the three-headed dragon. In terms of firepower, even if you have more people, you can't compare.

And this short period of time also gave the Rockets no chance to stop him.

"Hmph, forget it, let's go in when they go in. I guess they won't have a chance to stop them." As they looked up at the gloomy sky, the dark clouds gathered towards Tianmian Mountain formed a vortex directly above them, and lightning appeared from time to time.

Ao Feng clenched his fists. He could only hope that Xiao Zhi and the others would hurry up. If Palkia and Dialga were to be controlled, I don't know what would happen.

"You're embarrassed if so many people hit one." A sneering voice suddenly remembered, making Ao Feng, who didn't notice him, startled.

Light blue broken hair, wine red pupils, Ao Feng turned around and smiled, another acquaintance: "Bing Ye?" At this time, the clothes on his body were not as neat as before, they looked messy, with dust and dust on them. page.

"Don't look at me, I was passing by." Bing Ye was as expressionless as ever, and when he looked at Team Rocket, a mocking smile suddenly appeared, "Team Rocket is such a waste, so many people chase me and let me run to I'm here, and I don't know how to make it so big."

Only at this moment did Aofeng realize that the one who was chased just now was Bing Ye, but he was really good at getting here smoothly.

However... Ao Feng turned on the waveguide again and detected... Nima and a bunch of Team Rocket members chased after him: "I said, is it really good for you to bring so many tails?" more trouble.

"Uh." Bing Yu's expression froze, but she didn't say anything.

Depend on! Ao Feng scolded inwardly, knowing that he could not drag it on. When the members of Team Rocket who were chasing the fire came, they would really be in trouble: "Do it!"

Dakulai quietly appeared behind the shadows and the others, raised his hands, a black sphere appeared, and the next, dozens of black spheres flew out, submerging into the Rockets and their elf bodies~www.readwn .com~ Nianli Tudou reacted very quickly, knocked the shadow out and took the attack for him. The Rockets entered the nightmare without any accident.

"Go!" Ao Feng didn't care about You Ying anymore, and Bing Ye turned around and ran into the cave. Dakulai quickly followed, and the shadow who had just climbed up from the ground also took back the psychic puppet and followed.

Sensing that Chao Meng had arrived at Tianmian Mountain, Ao Feng didn't let him come over. Team Rocket was here, let Chao Meng show up and don't know what would happen. It's better to let him hide and take action when needed.

The inside of the mountain is dark, only the floating ladder exudes a white light, it is not clear how big this space is, but in the darkness it is indeed impossible to see the end.


"Red Sun! How dare you lie to me!" At this time, before the pillar of spear, the members of Team Rocket and their elf all fell to the ground, Palkia and Dialga were suspended in the air, with a line on their chest and abdomen. The red chains, the eyes of the two super divine beasts radiated red light, and there was no emotion in their eyes.

"Haha, I can only say that you are too stupid. You didn't have all the information to get things. You deserve to be unlucky." Chi Ri sneered.

"Palkia in charge of space, Dialga in charge of time, unleash your power and build a new universe!" Chi Ri opened his arms and shouted loudly, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

Palkia and Dialga exhaled emerald green light toward the center, forming a sphere that expanded rapidly.

Ash and the others had just rescued the three legendary elves including Aknorm and asked their elves to stop Palkia and Dialga, but before their attack came to pass, they were killed. The time-space roars and Yakong slashes of the two super-divine beasts under the control of the sun were all blocked, and there was still enough power to attack them like them.

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