Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 40: Thunder Fire

"It's my turn, I'll trouble you." Ao Feng replaced Chen Xin.

"You can challenge again tomorrow, even if I don't use all my strength, my next elf is not so easy to defeat. It is too difficult for a new trainer." Ma Zhishi suggested.

Ao Feng shook his head: "No need, let's not say whether I will fail or not. Even if I lose, I can still challenge again."

"Okay, then come on, come on, Electric Beast!" Ma Zhishi threw his Pokeball. A yellow elf with a black lightning-shaped pattern appeared on the field and shouted at Ao Feng as soon as he came out.

Facing the somewhat oppressive roar of the Electric Shock Beast, Ao Feng was unmoved, this kind of aura was inferior to that of the wind speed dog that used to lie beside him at home and play with him occasionally; "Li Zhuang chicken, this Come on, come on!"

The light powder exploded, and the pure white Lizhuang Chicken appeared on the field. Feeling the pressure coming towards him, Lizhuang Chicken took a step forward with his left leg, his eyes were clear, and he took a fighting posture.

Seeing such a scene, Ma Zhishi was no longer calm: "Damn, another flash, how did you all find it?"

"It's just luck, strong chicken, big characters! Go and fight freely!" Ao Feng waved his hand and issued an order that Ma Zhishi didn't understand.

"Do this move as soon as you come up? Electric shock beast, 100,000 volts!" He didn't understand why Ao Feng gave such an order, but it didn't hinder his order.

The electric current, which was obviously thicker than the 100,000 volts used by Raichu before, suddenly rushed out, bombarded the large characters, detonated in advance, and the attacks canceled each other out.

"One more time, 100,000 volts!" Ma Zhishi ordered when he saw that the strong chicken was still running. One hundred thousand volts attacked the front of Lizhuang Chicken, blocking his path.

"Exploding flames!" Ao Feng had no plans to stop or avoid Lizhuang Chicken.

The red fireball spewed out and collided with the 100,000 volts. It was another violent explosion. The shock wave swept out, and the electric shock beast paused slightly to stabilize its body, but the 100,000 volts stopped.

Li Zhuang Chicken was still moving forward, and the shock wave didn't stop him. He leaned over, exerted force on his feet, rushed forward, and withstood the impact. With his hands on the ground, he turned over and reached the sky above the Electric Shock Beast. The waist forced the body to rotate in the air, and the right leg was wrapped in flames, and it was violently drawn towards the head of the electric shock beast.

Ma Zhishi didn't have time to issue an order, the Electric Shock Beast crossed his hands to block the top of his head, blocking the blow, and his body slid back a distance.

"Are you playing close? I'm not afraid of you, Electric Shock Beast, Thunder Palm!" Ma Zhishi touched his chin with his hand, not showing any signs of panic.

Li Zhuangji didn't stop attacking, raised his right fist wrapped in red flames, and collided with the lightning palm of the electric shock beast, it was the flame fist.

The body of the electric shock beast paused for a while, and its body involuntarily leaned back a little, but the strong chicken was completely unaffected by the collision just now. He called out.

"How could that be?" Ma Zhishi was a little surprised, looking at Ao Feng's confident expression, his eyes moved slightly and he thought.

Of course, Ao Feng was confident. The basic training for so long was not for nothing, especially the horse stance. His body stability and control ability were already very strong, and he could stabilize even against attacks stronger than himself.

Under the instillation of Aofeng's fighting concept, Li Zhuangji has long formed the idea that the opponent can't stop attacking without falling down. He closed his fist and breathed a little, then opened his mouth and made a big character explosion.

"Come back? One hundred thousand volts!" Ma Zhishi ordered when he saw that the electric shock beast had recovered.

The Electric Shock Beast was also provoked by the attack of Lizhuang Chicken. With a roar, it released a powerful 100,000 volts to detonate the big character explosion in advance and the remaining electric current hit Lizhuang Chicken who couldn't dodge.

"Strong chicken!" Ao Feng shouted worriedly.

Li Zhuangji shook his head vigorously, his hands formed fists, and a red light appeared again.

"Lightning Palm!" Ma Zhishi continued to order, it seemed that he wanted to carry out the melee battle to the end.

He rushed out, thunder and lightning swirled around both palms, and collided with the strong chicken who rushed over. I don't know if it was the support of anger in my heart or the electric shock beast didn't use all of its strength before, but this time, with the attacking power and strength of the strong chicken, no one took advantage of it.

The whole palms were connected, and the banging sound kept coming out. Ao Feng frowned when he saw it. The strong chicken was already a little tired. After all, he was young and the training time was far less than that of the electric shock beast, and his physical strength and physical fitness were poor. a lot of. Fighting can't completely offset the damage. Now Lizhuang Chicken has many scars on his body. In addition, he has not been able to attack for a long time, and there is some agitation in the attack, and it would be bad if he was paralyzed by bad luck.

"Strong chicken, don't fight recklessly!" Ao Feng reminded.

Li Zhuangji's flaming fist had just hit halfway, when he heard Ao Feng's words, his body subconsciously took a half step back, avoiding the electric shock beast's attack by a tiny margin.

"Want to run away? Electric shock beast, tile cut!" Ma Zhishi's eyes were full of admiration. The elf has such a strong independent combat ability, and can almost instinctively obey the trainer's orders when fighting against each other. It can be said that he is proud Feng passed his test even if he lost.

Seeing that the palm of the electric shock beast was about to attack, Li Zhuang chicken subconsciously tried to block it with a flame fist, and at this time, Ao Feng's words reached: "Li Zhuang chicken, don't force it, burst flames even Kick and sweep him!"

Hearing Ao Feng's order, Ma Zhishi and Chen Xin were a little stunned. What does this sweep of him mean?

They didn't understand it didn't mean Lizhuang Chicken didn't understand, and immediately stopped the flame fist, and at the same time wrapped the flames around his legs, squatted down before the electric shock beast's tile cut, and swept his left leg over. This sweep is, of course, sweeping the legs.

And when it failed, the electric shock beast's center of gravity was unstable, its body leaned forward, and before it had time to stabilize, it was swept under its feet, and its entire body 'flyed' at a low altitude.

Of course, Li Zhuangji would not miss such an opportunity, and while turning around, he kicked the Shock Beast's chest hard, kicking him into the air.

Next, the strong chicken also knew what to do, opened his mouth and spewed three fireballs, flying towards the electric shock beast in the air.

"Hundred thousand volts to block it!" Ma Zhishi shouted anxiously, the scene was out of his control now.

The electric shock beast roared in the air, controlled its body in front of it, and quickly emitted a hundred thousand volts, colliding with the bursting flame.

"Boom, boom!" Three explosions followed by a roar, the 100,000 volts of the electric shock beast did not block all the bursting flames~www.readwn.com~ was attacked after all.

At this time, Lizhuang Chicken was already in the air, and burst out with a big character, and then his body quickly followed.

"Block it!" Ma Zhishi shouted, it's too unfavorable in the air, especially in a passive situation.

Lizhuang Chicken's attack was behind the electric shock beast, and now the electric shock beast couldn't turn around completely. Before he could attack, the big character explosion hit, and another explosion occurred.

"Come on, give him the final blow!" Ao Feng said, now he has the chance to win.

"What?" Ma Zhishi looked into the air.

Previously, Lizhuang Chicken was hidden behind the big character explosion, so he didn't notice it. Only then did he realize that Lizhuang Chicken had shrunk his body into a ball, withstood the impact, and then performed a forward somersault, and Bakugan kicked the beast's waist. between.

"Boom!" The smoke filled the air, and the electric shock beast was kicked into the ground. The strong chicken turned over lightly and landed in front of Ao Feng, panting violently. His consumption was not small.

The smoke cleared, and the electric shock beast had lost its combat effectiveness, and its eyes rolled in small circles. The referee was stunned. It took a long time to see that the owner of the pavilion lost so thoroughly. He still announced: "The battle is over, and the electric shock beast has lost its combat effectiveness, so the winner is Ao Feng!"

Hearing the referee's announcement, Li Zhuangji's body swayed, and he was about to fall down. Ao Feng took a step forward and put Li Zhuangji's hand on his neck, letting him lean on him. Looking at Li Zhuangji, Ao Feng stretched out a thumb with a smile on his face.

Lizhuang Chicken also laughed, his right hand formed a fist, and touched Ao Feng's left fist~www.readwn.com~ Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at~www. readwn.com~

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