Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 438: rain against

"Go! Elluiduo!" Ao Feng released the first elf. In order not to let attribute restraint become the main factor in the game, Ao Feng chose only two fire-type elf for this game.

"Come on, Pylast!" Shi Yu thought about it and chose Pylast, who was inflexible in movement.

"Devil Leaf Slash!" I didn't quite understand why Shi Yu would use a low speed to deal with the fast and teleportation Elu Leido. For the sake of stability, Ao Feng chose a long-range attack.

The three blades wrapped in purple light were thrown out by Elluedor, and flew towards Pylast in a whirling motion. Shi Yu seemed to have anticipated Ao Feng's attack, and shouted very calmly, "Pylast, use Lianqi to block it!"

The pair of claws in front of Pylast waved quickly, drawing streaks of white light in front of him. The attack power of Lianqi itself is not high, but it is better than the number of stages. The speed of Paraste is low, but in exchange for a very good offensive and defensive ability. was cut into pieces.

She gave Elledo a wink, Elledo immediately disappeared on the spot, and teleportation was displayed.

"Right now, Pylast, use paralysis powder!" Shi Yu's eyes lit up, and he was waiting for this time. Pylast's small eyes emit a faint yellow light, and a rich yellow glow appears around his body, which is the result of the paralysis powder floating.

Ao Feng's face changed. It turned out that Shi Yu was waiting for this. Before Elluiduo appeared, Ao Feng immediately shouted, "Ellueduo, Jian Wu!"

At this moment, a silver cone-shaped vortex appeared beside Pylast, and Elleido crossed his arms in front of him, spinning quickly, creating a whirlwind, sucking the paralysis powder out.

"Pylast, let's do it again!" With the chance that Shi Yu finally created, how could Eluledo escape just like that? Although the sword dance that Elleido uses like this has certain offensive and defensive capabilities, there is no problem in causing damage to him.

Eluledo was still affected by the paralysis powder. The sword dance only lasted for a few seconds before being forced to stop. He was attacked by Paraster several times. Fortunately, the damage he suffered was not much, and the paralysis powder was only contaminated. After a bit, Jian Wu bought enough time for Ao Feng to move.

"Come back." Ao Feng took out the elf ball and took Elluiduo back, "Come on, fire-breathing dragon!"

There was a little helplessness in Shi Yu's eyes, Ao Feng's reaction was too fast, and his elf's ability to adapt is too strong. Originally, Elluiduo was definitely going to attack after teleporting. Paraste was hit, and then the paralysis powder hit all the way. This was its original best plan, but it was resolved at such a small price.

"Shiyu player has a good strategy. Seize the opportunity of Elu Leiduo to use the paralysis powder. Aofeng player's reaction is also unexpectedly fast. A sword dance is easily resolved. After changing the elf, the fire-breathing dragon faces Pylas. Teko has a huge advantage!"

"Pylast, take a rest, Marsh King, please!" Seemingly responding to the commentator's words, Shigure also changed the elf.

"Fly up, use jet flame!"

"Swamp King, use the water gun!" The two of them gave an order almost at the same time. The water gun and the flame collided in the air, and they were evenly matched. They faced each other in the center, and no one took advantage. The fire-breathing dragon has been adjusting his position in the air, approaching the Swamp King. The Marsh King could only change his direction constantly. Even if the damage of the fire-type attack was reduced, he would not dare to take it lightly.

Ao Feng kept looking at the fire-breathing dragon's position. Seeing that he was close to the Marsh King, he shouted, "Strike!"

The flame in the fire-breathing dragon's mouth suddenly disappeared, and the Swamp King's water gun rushed past, heading straight for the fire-breathing dragon's position. However, the water gun was empty. When the fire-breathing dragon stopped spraying flames, a black hook flew out of his hand, hooked on the Swamp King, his wings widened, and he pulled it hard, drawing an arc in the air, dodging the Swamp King's attack, and at the same time Instantly shorten the distance between the two by pulling.

"What a thrilling action, very accurate judgment, the fire-breathing dragon will be attacked by the water gun if it moves a little bit, but he succeeded, the great crisis of the Marsh King!"

Shi Yu's complexion changed greatly. He was already guarding against the fire-breathing dragon's shadow claws, but he never thought that Ao Feng would choose to interrupt the skill and risk being attacked to use it. Watching the Swamp King being pulled to the sky, panicked as he tried to break free from the shadow's claws, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. I thought to myself, but there was no pause in my mouth: "Swamp King, use protection!"

Marsh King reluctantly calmed down, put his hands in front of him to block, and a circular light shield appeared in front of him. Several people in the academy have fought with Ao Feng many times, and their elf also knows how strong the attack of Ao Feng's elf is. Please stop.

But he still miscalculated, the fire-breathing dragon grabbed the chain of the shadow hook with one hand, and when it charged towards the Swamp King, its wings swung a strange angle.

With a swoosh, the fire-breathing dragon was lost in front of King Marsh, and Shi Yu's anxious exclamation was heard in his ears: "Be careful, behind you!"

Marsh King was terrified in his heart, but he was in the air and had no room to move, so he barely turned sideways, and the green dragon claws slapped on his back.

A scream came from the Swamp King's mouth, and was knocked into the air, and the protection was unable to maintain it, and it dissipated.

Seizing the opportunity, how could the fire-breathing dragon give up after only one attack? The Swamp King was knocked into the air, and the fire-breathing dragon spun down, making a very fast circle in the air, and the dragon claws attacked the Swamp King again.

"Swamp King, use a rock to seal it!" Seeing that the Swamp King was knocked into the air again, Shi Yu hurriedly shouted.

The Marsh King gritted his teeth to hold back the pain, used his skills, and a yellow light spread around him.

"Shine!" Ao Feng shouted loudly, and the fire-breathing dragon stopped its claws and flew for a distance. The black light in his hand reappeared, and the shadow hooked his claws on Marsh King, dragging him over. At this time, a large piece of rock appeared in the air and fell to the ground, but did not hit any target.

Pulling the Swamp King to the front, the dragon claw patted it again. As before, the Swamp King was continuously knocked down in the air, and the fire-breathing dragons circled one by one below, attacking with dragon claws.

Shi Yu had no chance to take back the Swamp King. The red light emitted by the Poke Ball would always be blocked by the fire-breathing dragon's wings, so he could not touch the Swamp King's body at all.

After a few breaths, the fire-breathing dragon stopped, but it was quite righteous, caught the falling Swamp King, and sent it to Shiyu.

Shi Yu was a little dumbfounded. What kind of tactic was this? It was the first time he had seen it, and what Ao Feng had hidden was deep enough. I haven't played against him for three months, and I feel that he is much stronger again.

"The flying ability of the fire-breathing dragon is astounding, and the use of shadow claws is even more surprising to me. Even the flying elves will panic when they are hooked in the sky, not to mention the elves who cannot fly and are forcibly brought up. The flame monkey in the last game is still fresh in my memory, and the current fire-breathing dragon is also surprising. I wonder how the other elves of Aofeng will perform?" The commentator praised, "We look forward to it together. Let's fight later!"

How did he know that the fire-breathing dragon's flying ability was learned from Bidio under the load, how could it be poor. And if it is not for the restraint of the fire element of the Swamp King attribute, the fire-breathing dragon does not necessarily use the dragon claws. The feeling of a steamer.

"It's hard work, take a good rest, Swamp King." Shi Yu took the Swamp King back to the Poké Ball and released the third elf, "Please, Menggonia, use the sandstorm!"

Mengge Naiya appeared on the field, and the yellow-brown light spread on the field, the yellow sand filled the sky, and Meng Ge Naiya's figure loomed.

"Sandstorm has been successfully used, and Mengge Naiya's sand-invisible characteristics are reflected, hiding his position. How to solve the fire-breathing dragon? No, Aofeng player has replaced the elf!" The commentator is guessing what happened to the fire-breathing dragon in this game. After hitting, Ao Feng had already replaced his third elf with a very shameless face.

"The fire-breathing dragon will come back first, bite the Lu shark fiercely, this is up to you!" Ao Feng exchanged the Poké Ball in his hands, with a smile on his face, "Your sandstorm~www.readwn.com~ I will accept it."

Bite Lu Shark stood on the field, and in the sandstorm, Bite Lu Shark's figure also became illusory, and the same sand hidden feature was activated.

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, use Earthquake!" Ao Feng shouted. He didn't need to talk at first, but it's better to remind him when he thinks about it.

Shi Yu's expression changed: "Mengonaiya, use spike protection!"

The emerald green thorn mask appeared, but it shattered in the violent shaking of the earth in the next moment, and Menggonia fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Do you want to bully people like this? Shi Yu felt helpless. Ao Feng had told them before that he would not keep his hands at the conference. But the attack power of the fierce bite land shark is too strong, and even Mengnaiya's spike protection can't prevent it. The remaining attack power after being blocked made Menggonia unbearable.

And he wouldn't forget that the bite land shark's sense of smell is very sensitive, and it can even find its prey in the sand. It is obviously impossible for Menggonia to use the sand to hide from the attack. Sandstorms will also cause damage to Pokémon with non-ground, rock, and steel properties. If you replace Pokémon now, the sandstorm will be a cocoon. Not only does it have no effect, but it will bring burdens.

Aofeng, ah Aofeng, changing a little elf made my plan collapse. He didn't know that it was completely random for Aofeng to bring a fierce bite to Lu Shark. The elves all wanted to play. Aofeng only designated three places, and the remaining three were decided by the elves. So whoever you bring is random. It happened that he ran into a fierce bite Lu Shark, and it was impossible.

Changed from the habit of the main Pokémon in the past, Ao Feng chose the best in the battle to achieve the best effect. His elf and the main opponent behind him are very clear. It doesn't matter whether he is hidden or not, and he wants to do the best in the right place.

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