Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 442: Against Shi Yu (5)

"Come on, Bite Lu Shark fiercely." Ao Feng released Bite Lu Shark again. The biting land shark, who was still in a state of confusion, roared wildly, but fortunately, he did not launch an attack without authorization, "Use the wrath of the dragon!"

"Rakuten Kappa, use boiling water!" Shi Yu had no choice but to bet on the situation where his skills attacked himself in a chaotic state. Lotte Kappa's attack power is nowhere near as powerful as a land shark.

Unfortunately, the skill of biting the land shark was successfully used, and the crimson dragon-shaped energy swept away the water, and impacted it with unabated power. Unsurprisingly, the bombardment of Lotte Kappa was directly incapacitated.

Lie Bite Lu Shark returned to normal, shook his head, and stood quietly, waiting for the next battle.

"The strong attack of the strong biting land shark! Lotte Kappa has absolutely no power to fight. Shi Yu has the last elf left. Can he fight against such a strong biting land shark?" At this point in the battle, almost no one was there. Optimistic about the rain. Unless Shi Yu can use the last elf to pick four. But this situation is almost impossible.

Shi Yu bit his lip, and finally sighed helplessly: "Come on, Shuttlecock Mian!" His family knows his own affairs, and the result is already doomed. It is still possible for Shuttlecock to defeat Liebiting Lu Shark by some means, but he will be proud. All of Feng's elves were defeated, which is obviously a fool's dream.

Even though he was prepared to lose when he knew that Ao Feng was among the opponents in the first round, he was still a little unwilling when he really had to face it. Your own efforts, after all, can only go so far. If it was someone else in the first round, he would have won at least three rounds.

However, if he chose to participate, he must fight to the end. Bringing out the strengths of themselves and the elves, their efforts over the past two years are not in vain.

"Be careful." Ao Feng reminded. Some of Shiyu's elf's "dragon-slaying" ability is quite powerful, such as the moon attack of walking grass, and another example, the shuttlecock in front of him.

Liebite Lu Shark nodded cautiously, his eyes fixed on the shuttlecock floating in the air, and every detail of his movements was not overlooked.

"Shuzi Mian, use the energy ball!" Shi Yu launched the attack first, and Shuzi Mian turned vertically in a circle, spewing a green ball of light from his mouth.

Without Ao Feng to say hello, Lie Bite Lu Shark immediately unleashed the wrath of the dragon. He didn't rush forward, but directly charged towards the energy ball. After the energy ball was offset and dispersed, the Dragon's Fury attacked Shuzi Mian.

"Dodge, get close, and use the energy ball again." Shi Yu said calmly, he was very confident in Shuzi Mian.

Shuzi Mian didn't let him down. He turned around in the air, switched positions, and easily avoided the dragon's wrath. At the same time as he floated forward, the energy ball had accumulated again.

Although it is floating, but the speed is not bad, the energy ball is only a fleeting effort from accumulation to release, and during this time, he has already passed half of the court.

"Go!" After making a few gestures to Liebite Lu Shark, Ao Feng spit out a word, and Liebite Lu Shark stomped his feet on the ground and rushed out. Before the shuttlecock energy ball was formed, it arrived at him. before.

Shuttlecock was startled, but she didn't care whether the skill was completed or not, just like a stinging land shark that was close at hand and attacked away.

"Go up, use magic to shine!" Shi Yu clenched his fists tightly, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. Ao Feng let Lie bite Lu Shark close. This was obviously his chance.

"Dig a hole!" When Shi Yu just opened his mouth, Ao Feng, who had been watching his movements, called out. Lie Bite Lu Shark, who originally flew forward and was on the same level as Shuzi Mian, suddenly fell down, and regardless of the energy ball that had brushed past him, his two claws came together again on his head. Rotating and landing on the ground, a big hole was drilled in the ground, and the Bite Land Shark disappeared from people's sight, and also used the ground to avoid the magic flashing attack.

"Player Aofeng asked Liebite Lu Shark to use digging, which perfectly avoided the powerful magic of dragon-type elf, but digging has no effect on the flying elf like Shuzimian. What method is Feng Feng going to use to attack... The fierce bite Lu shark is coming out, it's a jet of flame!"

Although Ao Feng was not very fond of this commentator, he had seen many games and analyzed Ao Feng's intentions.

Before the narrator had finished speaking, Lie Bite Lu Shark stuck his head out of the hole he had dug, and a thick column of fire spewed out of his mouth. He had just finished using the magic to shine in the middle, and he couldn't judge Lie Bite. The shuttlecock in the position of the land shark.

There was exclamation from the viewing platform, Ao Feng's action was really unexpected. No one thought that Liebitu Lu Sha would stick his head out as soon as he used digging, and he was too bold. To be precise, he and Ao Feng were too bold.

What Ao Feng told Lie Bite Lu Shark before was to evade skills first, and then immediately counterattack. Ao Feng pays attention to Shi Yu's movements. If it is a continuous attack, he will immediately change the command. With the reaction ability and execution ability of Biting Lu Shark, it is no problem to dodge.

With a sudden attack, the opponent's reaction time was greatly compressed. The jet flame successfully hit the shuttlecock, but the shuttlecock couldn't stabilize its body, and it flew backwards due to the impact, and it was precisely because the distance continued to increase that the continuous damage of the jet flame was not dealt, otherwise this skill may make the shuttlecock fly. Mian lost the ability to fight.

"Shuzi Mian, are you alright, use the fairy wind!" Shi Yu asked worriedly, knowing that he could not delay now, and gave the order.

Shuzi Mian's body was scorched, but she still insisted that she would not relax, and a pink whirlwind blew up.

"Shi Yu, you made a mistake in your judgment." Ao Feng shook his head at Shi Yu, his last instruction was too unwise, "Bite Lu Shark, dragon's anger."

Another dragon's anger came out, passed through the wind of fairies, and slammed into Shuzi Mian. Dragon-type skills are invalid for fairy-type elves, and the same is true for skills. Dragon-type skills will not have any effect on fairy-type skills, and vice versa. The dragon's anger was poured out on Shuzi Mian without any waste. If Shi Yu asked Shuzimian to use other skills, he would be able to resist it for a while, giving him time to dodge, but the fairy skills would give him no chance to resist.

Liebite Lu Shark suffered damage from the Fairy Wind. For him, although the damage was not small, it was not difficult to resist. But the shuttlecock was no longer enough, and the fury of the dragon consumed all his remaining physical strength. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

"Shuzi Mian lost his ability to fight. Since none of Shi Yu's six elves could fight again, Ao Feng won and accumulated one point." The referee raised his flag and announced.

"Sorry, it's my fault." Shi Yu walked to the field and gently stroked the shuttlecock, "Let's rest, I'll take you to the Elf Center right away."

"Brother Feng, I made a mistake." Shi Yu scratched his head.

"It's good for you to be clear." Ao Feng patted his shoulder. Walk out of the field with him.

"Thank you Aofeng and Shiyu for bringing us a wonderful battle, and congratulations to Aofeng for successfully advancing! Next group of players are invited to play!"

"This kid, his strength is close to that of the king." At the top of the stand, across the floor-to-ceiling glass, a white-bearded old man and a blond beauty sat there watching the game. The old man stroked his white beard with one hand and said to the young woman beside him.

"President Damalan, Ao Feng's strength has been at the peak of the quasi-celestial king for a long time now. It is normal to have such strength." The beauty smiled. She said that on the surface, there was nothing wrong with her, but it was necessary to Without considering Ao Feng's age.

The person who can watch the game from this position is naturally Dama Lanqi and the champion of Shenao Shirona.

"Wu Yikuang has two good sons. One Aoyun is a leader among his peers, and now there is another Aofeng. The rapid progress in strength is even more amazing. There are people in the family." Damalan There was admiration in Qi's eyes, "By the way, Nana, how's that person doing?"

Shirona nodded and said, "It's basically been checked, you know~www.readwn.com~ The problems left over by the Galaxy Group, I got some clones of rare elves, and the strength is really good."

"Unfortunately, he is competing in the Shenao League. With the current strength of the players, it is difficult to beat him." Damalanqi sighed and shook his head. He did not want the champion of the league competition to escape from a Galaxy team and use the People who didn't originally belong to his elf got it, but it was really difficult to stop him.

"President, don't worry, his strength is estimated to be between the heavenly king and the quasi-celestial king. His elf is very powerful, but it is only a clone, and the real combat power is only suitable for the type of fierce bite land shark. The elves are quite equal, Bingyu and the others still have a chance." A clear voice came from behind the two of them.

Shirona turned around and said, "Dago, the game over there is over? Why did you come here?" The first round was divided into three venues, and Daigo and the others did not watch the game in the same venue.

"I've watched all the key matches, don't worry too much about the rest." Dawu smiled at her, walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass, and looked down, "Hey, the match between Aofeng and Shiyu is over? "

"They just left, you're late." Xirona extended her right index finger and bowed, "President, don't worry about that person. Ao Feng's real strength is not only that, if he is willing to use his own All the abilities are shown, and I'm not necessarily his opponent."

Shirona meant something, but didn't say it clearly. Damalanqi and Dawu became curious: "What ability?"

"This, I can't say it, I promised to help him keep it a secret." Shirona smiled charmingly, and she felt happy when the two were aroused by interest but could not get an answer.

"Nana!" Damalanqi's expression was a little displeased, and the little girl became more and more outrageous.

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