Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 444: against the moon itachi

Ao Feng remained calm, looked at Shirona, and motioned her to continue.

"Secondly, you are also a member of our alliance anyway. In the end, please explain to us that there is no problem. Our two-way proof is enough to change that concept. You can also publicize your way of dealing with elves. If you tell me They, it is possible to gain the favor of the legendary elves, what do you think they will do? Even if there is no legendary elves to appreciate them in the end, this can't be verified after all, right?" Xirona knew that Ao Feng was not so easily impressed, and prepared to There is more than one reason.

Ao Feng shrugged, noncommittal. In a big way, he should do something for those trainers and elves. It's okay to do what Shirona said. In a small way, it's none of his business.

Seeing Aofeng's incompetent appearance, Shirona was helpless, and continued, "The alliance can give you the rightful identities of the three little elves."

Ao Feng raised his eyebrows. This one seems to be no different from the previous one. Proving the source is right and belonging to Ao Feng can reduce a lot of things for him. But do these things find him? As long as he wants to put it on the bright side, his family is enough to help him settle everything, but the family will be more troublesome.

"Okay, what benefits do you want?" The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Shirona sighed and said.

"I didn't think about the benefits." Ao Feng smiled and said, "Well, three conditions, the alliance promised me three conditions, within the scope of your principles, not too much, how about it?"

Shirona stood up and squinted at Ao Feng for a long time before she said, "If it's me, I can say it myself, but I can't be the leader of the alliance alone. I'll discuss it with them, and I'll give you the result tomorrow."

Ao Feng nodded and said: "Okay, then it's settled. But let's say it in advance, I said they are not my little elves, I don't listen to me in any situation, it is up to them whether to play the game, if they don't agree, I can only send my own elf on the field."

"I understand, that's it, I'll return to my life." Shirona waved her hand.

Ao Feng removed the waveguide shield and sent Shirona away.

"Brother Feng, you're not going to tell them." Ke'er didn't speak until Shirona walked away.

Ao Feng buried his head in Ke'er's ear: "My wife understands me."

Ke'er's face suddenly turned red, and there were many people around. She pushed Ao Feng away with all her strength, and ran upstairs without looking back at the center of the elf.

He chuckled lightly and rubbed his nose. The fragrance he smelled just now hadn't dissipated. He couldn't help but feel happy and walked back to his room.

He really didn't tell Yandi and Chao Meng what he thought, it was just a relationship between friends, and he had no reason to let them fight for him in this situation. It is estimated that they will not agree. Since he guessed the result, he will not touch the bad guy. Instead of thinking about that Dakoto, it's better to think about how to deal with Itachi Tsukishima.

On the second day, there were still three games a day. The second, third, and fourth rounds were played in sequence. From morning to night, the rhythm was very tight. When the players knew that the game was going on in a row, there was a lot of resentment. But they had no choice but to accept their fate to prepare. This news made many people have to change their plans, and the lineup must be changed. The main elves try to stay behind as much as possible, and those who have not experienced such high-intensity battles are in a hurry.

These three rounds are still divided into three venues, and the second round can be completed in one morning. The third and fourth rounds will be held in the afternoon and evening respectively. If you are fast enough, you can get it all done in the afternoon.

"I believe that the first two wonderful games have left the audience and friends unfinished. The next game will start immediately. Below are the players from the second round and the third game, Ao Feng and Itachi!" Unfortunately, the venue of the second round and the first The same round, the commentator did not change.

Ao Feng went to the commentary room above the stand, rubbed his temples, and resisted the thought of complaining. Amid the cheers of the audience, stand on the field.

"It seems that the audience is very welcoming to Aofeng. It seems that yesterday Aofeng left a deep impression on the audience. I believe he will still show a strong fighting ability today. Entering the second round, Aofeng Itachi's opponent also won two consecutive battles in the first day of battle, although it is not as shocking as Aofeng's two battles, but his strength cannot be ignored!"

Itachi Yuexia looked at Ao Feng with a smile with smart eyes that did not match his ordinary appearance. He was already holding a Poké Ball: "I won't let you pass this level so easily."

"Then wait and see." Ao Feng pulled the corner of his mouth, flicked his hand on his waist, and a elf ball popped up, spinning in the air to return to its normal size, falling into his grasp, and releasing it together with Yuexia Itachi. Elf, "Come on, Lucario!"

"Please! Moon Elf!" The voices of the two entered each other's ears, Ao Feng's smile widened, but Yuexia Itachi's complexion changed drastically.

On the cliff in the distance, one red and one silver gray, two little elves stood quietly, looking at the venue from a distance. Purple ripples swayed, sending distant sights and sounds into their ears.

"This guy, I really don't plan to look for us, I've been waiting all night, this kid, do you want us to look for him?" Emperor Yan sighed, his eyes full of helplessness. For such an important game, Ao Feng was definitely coming, but he specifically asked Feng Wang to ask for leave, and handed over the task to Sui Jun and Lei Gong. I thought it would take a lot of work, but I didn't expect Feng Wang to agree without thinking.

And with Mewtwo's help, he doesn't have to get too close to get information on the field. Just like yesterday afternoon, even if Ao Feng blocked the transmission of the sound with the waveguide shield, he still couldn't stop Chao Meng's super power. After all, the capabilities between the two are far from each other.

"He doesn't want to trouble us." Chao Meng's tail swayed and shook his head slightly, "Look, at least he doesn't need us now, just cheer him on, his strength is not that of the guy who uses Dakulai. Basically, you won't lose."

"As for that person." Chao Meng's eyes fluctuated, "I went to investigate yesterday, and he still has the remnants of those in the Galaxy Group. He should have escaped from the Galaxy team, and none of the elves on his body are common. Elf. If Aofeng sends all the main force, there is a chance of winning, but it is too slim. If I didn't want to alert him first, I would like to ask him if he wants to find that Dakulai."

"It's enough to have us. That little guy's strength is not bad, and he won't be at a disadvantage in a fight with that person's Dakulai." Emperor Yan smiled and turned his eyes to the field again.

Chao Meng nodded, stopped talking, and focused his attention on the game.

Naturally, Ao Feng didn't know that there were still two elves watching him, with the look of "I know" in his eyes, but he said without any hesitation: "Bo missiles!"

Before the start of the game, he had already guessed the tactics that Itachi Tsukushita might use, and after discussing it with Kerr, he came up with the most likely ones. In the end, it was decided that it was the safest to send Lucario to play, and the situation on the court was just as he wanted, and Lucario was able to defeat the Moon Elf. If you can kill one of his main players at this time, the game will be much easier.

"Moon Elf, use a stand-in!" Itachi Tsukasa's eyes flashed, Lucario's attack was too fast, there was no other way, he could only choose a stand-in, otherwise he would be hit by a wave missile, and itachi lost his physical strength. More than a quarter.

With the help of the stand-in to block the attack of the wave missile, the moon elf was still swept away by the violent airflow, and rolled around on the ground before standing up.

"Moon Elf, baton!" Itachi Tsukishima didn't dare to delay any longer this time, and immediately shouted after blocking the wave of missiles.

"Bo missile!" Ao Feng snorted, the moon elf's baton couldn't be interrupted, but if the elf was replaced, he would also suffer damage.

A pale pink light emerged from the moon elf, and a stick about ten centimeters long appeared in the air. The next moment the moon elf turned into a streamer and returned to the elf ball of the moon elf in exchange~www.readwn.com ~ A stream of light flew out of the spirit and landed in the position before the moon spirit.

The baton melted into his body, and his body suddenly emitted a ray of light. But then, screams came from his mouth, and the wave missile hit, causing quite good damage.

"Is this luck? Or is it Aofeng's accurate judgment? Lucario was dispatched at the beginning of the game, and the rapid attack forced the Moon Elf to use a stand-in, losing a quarter of his stamina, and using the baton to replace the tank skunk. After that, we were facing the wave missiles, and there was no room to dodge. The tight rhythm gave Aofeng players a great advantage at the beginning of the game!" The commentator only spoke at this time, both of them were moving too fast. Before he could open his mouth to explain, the scene changed. With the experience of the first day, he learned to wait for the scene to stabilize temporarily before explaining the situation.

Tank Skunk? Ao Feng raised his eyebrows, this little elf... took out Lucario's elf ball: "Come back, Lucario."

"Kill him as soon as possible, Gengar!" Ao Feng immediately threw out another Poké Ball and chose Gengar, of course, because he was immune to the stench of a tank skunk, he didn't want his elf to suffer this kind of crime, So it is more suitable to send Gengar. And Gengar, he also brought it specially to deal with the tank skunk.

"Oh? Player Aofeng changed Genggui. Could it be that he was afraid of the tank skunk's odor attack? Also, not many elves can withstand the smell released by the tank skunk." The commentator laughed, making the tension tense. Soothed a bit.

Seeing Gengar, Itachi Yuexia frowned again. Ao Feng's Gengar, like his path, is notoriously difficult to deal with. During the academy competition, no one wanted to fight with these two elves at first. The tactics were so disgusting that they couldn't even use them. It wasn't until Aofeng's tactics changed a bit that they were much better off.

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