Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 453: vs Charm (3)

As the absolute main force of Charming Spirit, Geng Gui's ability should not be underestimated. He resisted the explosive flame kick after the increase of the flame chicken, but he was not interrupted by the skill. Chickens fly away.

"Continue to attack, hit hard!" Clearing the smoke has the ability to lower the opponent's enhancement level. Each hit of the mud ball will reduce all enhancements by one hit. If they are hit a few times, the previous enhancements will all be invalid. Including ignition, and acceleration. But instead of letting the flaming chicken dodge, it continued to attack.

After the Mega evolution, the strengths of Charming Spirit's Genggui and Aofeng's Flaming Chicken are actually almost the same. They are both the peaks of the quasi-king of heaven. After the evolution of the mega, they have the fighting power of the level of the heavenly king. It is impossible to easily decide the winner. In this case, the Charm Spirit actually let Geng Gui take the Flaming Chicken's attack, which is definitely a problem.

Flaming Chicken put his hands in front of him, blocking the three or two pieces of mud in front of him, and a gray light appeared on his body, almost completely canceling out the power of the increase. But this is the case, the flame chicken is still burning with a strong purple flame. He doesn't know how Geng Ghost will make a move, but at this moment, he doesn't need to think more about it, Ao Feng has already ordered, he just needs to follow him Judgment is all it takes.

Such a keen sense of smell, the Flaming Chicken is definitely a desperate play. It will output all of its strength. Once the opponent does not fall, he will fall into absolute passiveness within the time of his recovery. Meiling was amazed, Ao Feng's judgment made the situation a little bit deviated from what she expected, but the result would not change. Purple eyes condensed: "Geng ghost!"

Ao Feng's heart suddenly burst, here he comes! A careful blurted out, but there is no good effect.

Bang Bang Bang——, two muffled sounds in an instant followed by an almost continuous burst of flames. In the eyes of the audience, it was as if fireworks were set off from Gengar's position.

Ao Feng clenched his fists. If he can knock Geng Gui out in seconds, then everything is easy to say, if....

Just as he was thinking about this, a pink circle of light spread from Gengar's position, and the Flaming Chicken, which had just completed the attack, swayed and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the hypnotism was successfully performed, Charming Spirit breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Gengar's current appearance, it was fortunate that the increase in the flame chicken was completely eliminated by clearing the smoke. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether Gengar's hypnotism can be used or not. .

"Flaming Chicken!" Ao Feng's heart sank. All he can do now is to encourage the Flaming Chicken, hoping that he will wake up as soon as possible, even if the possibility is very slim.

"Dream-eating!" The conventional routine, the Charm Spirit's instructions, and the so many attacks of the flaming chicken, how could it be so easy to wake up from the sleepy state you fell into?

A black mist rose from around Gengar's body, and the same mist rose from under the Flaming Chicken. The Flaming Chicken screamed in pain, and a green light emerged from the Flaming Chicken and injected it into Gengar's body, and his condition immediately improved a lot.

"Misfortunes don't come singly." Meiling's cold voice came out again, and the flame chicken has not woken up yet, so there is no chance to wake up.

Four or five black **** of light appeared and slammed into the flaming chicken in sequence. The last light ball sank into the flaming chicken, and the flaming chicken completely lost its fighting ability.

"The Jedi Counterattack! The large-scale hypnosis did not give the Flaming Chicken any chance to escape, and the next attack was completely one-sided. Now there are four Pokémon left in Player Charming and five Pokémon left in Player Aofeng. Both players please cheer!"

"It's hard work, rest well, and leave the rest to your friends." Ao Feng took back the flaming chicken, and the strength of the charm spirit should not be underestimated. Only then did he grow up, "But even with Dream Eater's recovery, Gengar still has less than half of his stamina, go! Heluga! Use scent detection!"

"Geng Ghost!" Charming Ling shouted, Geng Ghost nodded and disappeared. The effect of the previous scent detection has disappeared, even if Heluga still casts scent detection as soon as he comes into play, but this time is enough for Gengar to do a lot of things.

A red light emerged from Heluga's body. He lowered his head, as if searching for Gengar's position. There was no extra movement for a while. At this time, Gengar had quietly approached him, but he still did not respond.

how come? Charming was puzzled in her heart, but she soon felt that something was wrong. She dismissed the idea of ​​using hypnotism, and immediately shouted: "Fast back!"

"It's too late." Ao Feng sneered, "Purgatory!"

The red on Heluga's body immediately turned purple. He lowered his head, and a purple pillar of fire spewed out to the ground below him. In the blink of an eye, half of the field was submerged in a sea of ​​fire. Rao is Aofeng who has a waveguide shield and has to retreat again and again.

"Gengar, use the same fate!" After the flames were emitted, Charming Ling knew that Gengar couldn't run away, so instead of being taken away like this, it was better to drag the opponent down together.

Ao Feng vaguely heard Meiling's voice, her heart tightened, but she was helpless, Meiling, ah, Meiling, really powerful, a Gengar killed two of my generals.

The black light flickered in the sea of ​​​​fire. When the flames dissipated, there were two elves lying on the blackened ground. The referee announced: "Gengar and Heluga are both incapacitated!"

"Dazzling purple flames, Heluga's purgatory attack caught Gengar off guard, and at a critical moment, the Charm player asked Gengar to use the same skill to defeat the almost intact Heluga!" Accompanied by the referee's commentary , cheers resounded in the audience, and up to now, the splendor of the game has been recognized by them.

Ao Feng gave Meiling a thumbs up from afar. It was very powerful. It was only after two members were cut that Geng Gui was taken away. The price was indeed a bit high.

The two exchanged pixies at the same time, Meiling released a soul-sending pumpkin (pumpkin monster), while Aofeng chose a fossilized pterosaur that had not yet appeared in the scene.

The huge size appeared on the field, even compared with Ao Feng's fossilized pterosaur, it was not too much to let go, casting a shadow on the ground while swaying and floating. After the fossil pterosaur appeared on the stage, it fluttered its wings and flew, and the strong wings brought a strong wind, which made the soul-sending pumpkin unexpectedly.

"Send the Soul Pumpkin, use the shadow ball!" Charming Spirit attacked first

"Yan Hui!" The opponent has grass attributes, and the effect of using flying skills is naturally the best.

Needless to say, the Fossil Pterosaur's flying skills, the shadow ball of the soul-sending pumpkin can't trouble him at all, and he easily turned and left the shadow ball behind.

"Charging beam!" Failed to make a single blow, Charm Ling continued to issue orders. The fossilized pterosaur is too flexible in the air, and the speed of the right arm is much faster. The soul-sending pumpkin is very difficult to deal with. It is impossible to hit the opponent directly with a direct attack.

As soon as the soul-sending pumpkin was accumulating electricity, the fossilized pterosaur had already arrived. The rendered milky white wings were cut on the soul-sending pumpkin. Following the momentum, it flew past the soul-sending pumpkin.

That does not work! Charming's eyes flickered, and she patted her forehead. She was really, too persistent. It's true that Soul Sending Pumpkin uses electricity skills to have a better effect on the Fossil Pterosaur, but in the face of the Fossil Pterosaur's attack, this skill can't After it was successfully displayed, the speed at which the Soul Sending Pumpkin was displayed was too slow. After all, it was not a skill from its own department. No matter how much training, there must be a process of energy conversion.

"Soul Pumpkin, use Scare!" While thinking about it, the Fossil Pterosaur had already turned around and attacked back. It was still Yan Hui, and the angle was very tricky, and it was heading towards the place he attacked just now.

The frightening speed is much faster than the charging beam, the soul-sending pumpkin screams, and the black ripples spread. It is a pity that the effect of cringing was not reflected. The fossilized pterosaur cut through the side of the soul-sending pumpkin, and the cry of the soul-sending pumpkin turned into a scream, and the skill was interrupted again.

The Fossil Pterosaur shook his head. The impact of the sound wave made him very uncomfortable. He was about to attack again when Ao Feng's voice came: "Rock sharp blade!"

Without hesitation, I waved my wings, and a yellow light appeared, followed by ten khaki-colored stones with sharp edges, spinning and shooting at the soul-sending pumpkin~www.readwn.com~ I originally intended to let the soul-sending pumpkin use it once The frightened Charming Spirit immediately changed the order when he saw this posture: "Send the soul pumpkin, continuous shadow ball!"

With so many sharp rock blades, a shadow ball obviously couldn't resist it. She did not dare to underestimate the attack power of the Fossil Pterosaur, because she had suffered this loss long ago.

The sharp rock blade collided with the shadow ball, black smoke and rock dust spread, and it exploded three times in a row.

When the soul-sending pumpkin was resisting the sharp rock blade, the fossilized pterosaur had already rushed out again. At this time, it was just covered by the smoke and dust, and a white light could be seen faintly emerging.

"Dragon Claw!" Ao Feng ordered.

The faint white light turned red, and Meiling immediately understood that the situation was not good, and just wanted to remind it, but it was too late. The soul-sending pumpkin was knocked out of the smoke and fell to the ground with a bang, and his eyes rolled in circles.

Charming Spirit couldn't help but feel annoyed, it's a ghost, the rock blade is just a cover, but it's a cover that the soul-sending pumpkin has to guard against. If it is not guarded, the rock blade can consume most of the stamina of the soul-sending pumpkin, and if it resists, the soul-sending pumpkin will not have the energy to take over the follow-up skills of the fossil pterosaur.

Originally, the soul-sending pumpkin had no problem with two swallows, but I didn't expect that Aofeng added dragon claws at the end. The combination of swallow and dragon claws was also one of the few fossil pterosaurs. Its body structure The skills that can only be used by special elves, the fusion of flight and dragon, the tyrannical explosive power, coupled with the continuous attack in one place, the effect has a certain superposition, so that there is no chance for the soul-sending pumpkin.

In the whole battle, except for the shocking attack in front of him, the Fossil Pterosaur was never hurt again. It can be said that he took the soul-giving pumpkin away without any damage.

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