Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 462: Match Point, Fire-breathing Dragon vs. Armored Bird

He quickly flapped his wings, adjusted his state, and the chief swan took the initiative to attack the bite land shark.

The fierce bite land shark used the same skill, the iron tail, collided with the steel wings, and made a crisp sound. The fierce bite land shark rushed past, but the chief swan was just swept away.

Is the difference in strength too great? Yuken pondered secretly, but directly ordered: "Chief Swan, the foam light is connected to the freezing light!"

The chief swan flying upside down lifted its wings, and countless bubbles flew out. Then, ice blue light came out of his mouth and swept over the bubbles. The bubbles made of water immediately turned into ice crystals. Under the control of the attack, Xiang Lie bites the land shark.

"Can this still be aimed at attacking?" Ao Feng raised his brows slightly and shouted, "Protect!"

Lie Bite Lu Shark didn't even look at the situation behind him, he just curled up in the air, a green mask appeared around him.

bang bang bang-

The successive bombings sounded, and it exploded into a fog of ice in the air. The Bite Land Shark fell down, curled up and rolled in the air and landed on the ground. There were some scars on his body. It seemed that the protection failed to completely resist the damage. Using the freezing light to change the water-type skill to ice-type, the attack power is still so high that it can't even withstand the protection of the fierce bite of the land shark. If it hits the body directly, it is enough to bite the land shark.

However, that's it: "Dragon Charge!"

The bite land shark took off again and rushed towards the chief swan at full speed.

"Dodge, use the freezing light!" The flying speed of Liebite Land Shark is very fast, but it also has flaws. If the speed is fast, the flexibility will inevitably decrease, and I am afraid it will be difficult to change direction. As long as the chief swan can dodge the attack , then there is an opportunity to attack the bite land shark.

The chief swan watched the action of Bite Land Shark, and when the distance from him was too short to change the attack direction, he flapped his wings and moved at a right angle to the direction of Bite Land Shark.

But the next moment, he saw the metallic-colored tail constantly enlarge in front of his eyes.

I never thought that the stingy land shark would use the iron tail at this time, and the chief swan without any preparation was directly drawn into the ground. This is not the end, the bite Lu shark and then fell down, this is the real display of the dragon charge, slammed into the depression that the chief swan smashed on the ground, and hit the depression that was not big into a a deep pit.

Is it over so soon? The referee didn't react for a while, and after a while, he checked the situation of the two elves, and announced: "The chief swan is incapacitated!"

"The unexpected iron tail of the fierce bite of the land shark made the chief swan lose the ability to resist last, and the next dragon's charge completely made the chief swan unable to stand up again, and the feather mark player was in danger, and now there is only one armor in good condition left. Bird, can we turn things around?" Although the commentator said so, he was no longer optimistic about Feather Mark, and Ao Feng's elf's strength is not weak. wheel battle.

In the end, Feather Hen changed into the armored bird, and Aofeng also changed into the elf. Feather Hen didn't want the armored bird to come across the fire-breathing dragon.

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon landed, it let out a roar. It was too embarrassing. The opponent was still that guy. This time, we must make him look good!

However, the armored bird was not afraid to face the extension of the fire-breathing dragon's threat.

"Armored bird, light weight!" Feather Mark ordered. In the face of the fire-breathing dragon, the armored bird can no longer maintain its original weight. Although the attack power has increased, it has restrictions on its own actions. Taking off part of the body weight will help the armored bird improve its dexterity to avoid deadly attacks. Otherwise, if he was shot twice by the fire-breathing dragon, his game could end here.

"Dragon Dance!" Ao Feng showed a wicked smile, it was definitely a good thing for him to use his opponent's enhanced skills.

Feather Mark stared at the fire-breathing dragon, and when the Armor Bird skill ended, he shouted, "Breakthrough (Air Blade)!"

"Spray flames!"

The two wind blades flew out rapidly and met the jet flame in mid-air. They dissipated after advancing a certain distance against the flame. The jet flame was continuously supported by the fire-breathing dragon, and attacked the armored bird with undiminished attack power.

After the speed was increased, the armored bird easily dodged, and the fire-breathing dragon could not catch up with the armored bird at the speed of the change in the direction of the flames. offset. The armored bird took this opportunity to approach the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fly!" Ao Feng shouted. Although the flying skills of the fire-breathing dragon are not as good as that of the flying armored bird, it is not bad, and it is far more flexible in the air than on the ground. Standing on the ground is simply a living target.

The fire-breathing dragon stopped spraying flames, shook its wings, and floated itself in the air. A black shadow had already formed on its right claw. The shadow hook was ready and could be used at any time.

Although the armored bird kept approaching the fire-breathing dragon, it did not approach rashly. He still had lingering fears about the power of the shadow claws. He had been caught a lot in previous battles, but this time he could not be caught easily, his friends He has already fallen, and he can only see himself.

In Feather Mark's instructions, the armored bird constantly changed its position and direction, preventing the fire-breathing dragon from judging its destination. At best, not attacking yourself is also a kind of protection.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, the fire-breathing dragon dodged the attack of the air-piercing slash, narrowed his eyes, guessing where the armored bird was about to reach, and released the shadow claws in his hand.

The shadow claws slid through the air, but didn't grab anything.

wrong! This is the thought that emerged in the hearts of Fire-breathing Dragon and Ao Feng. It turned out that after the fire-breathing dragon released the shadow claws, it was discovered that the armored bird flew in another direction. Immediately afterwards, after the fire-breathing dragon's shadow claws were released, there was no danger of being hooked, and the armored bird flew at full speed and charged towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Yan back!" Accompanied by the sound of feather marks, the armored bird's wings cut into the belly of the fire-breathing dragon. It hits without stopping, flutters its wings and leaves, just avoiding the flames that the fire-breathing dragon spewed out.

Afterwards, the armored bird continued to fly around the fire-breathing dragon irregularly, but every time it flew, it left more energy and was ready to change direction at any time. fly away. After cheating out the shadow claws of the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon will 'receive' the attack of the armored bird. Every time the armored bird attacks, it can send as much attack power as it can with less attack power. Covetousness.

But after three or four times like this, the fire-breathing dragon also had a lot of injuries, and the roar became more and more angry. Although the armored bird was also swept twice by his jet flame, but after all, it did not actually attack, and the damage was not much.

To him, the armored bird was like an annoying fly, buzzing in his ears endlessly, but he couldn't catch it or hit it.

"Fire-breathing dragon!" Ao Feng shouted, this time must not be chaotic, the more chaotic, the more likely to lose.

The fire-breathing dragon froze for a while, then lowered his head and glanced at Ao Feng, the somewhat manic look in his eyes gradually calmed down.

"Go!" Ao Feng suddenly shouted.

The fire-breathing dragon subconsciously fluttered its wings and flew up, only to find that the armored bird had already attacked by the time just now, and it was no longer the yellow light of Yan Hui, but a yellow-brown light, passing through his position just now.

Ao Feng wiped the cold sweat on his head. Is it a rock-type skill? Fortunately, he missed it, otherwise the fire-breathing dragon would be in danger.

Taking a deep breath, the fire-breathing dragon observed the flight path of the armored bird again. He was not fighting by himself. When he was observing, Ao Feng was also watching, but he was not 100% sure and never spoke. Knowing that the fire-breathing dragon was showing signs of losing control of his emotions, he made a sound to stop it.

Just now, the fire-breathing dragon had actually forgotten about Ao Feng. The fire-breathing dragon, who was swayed by his anger and irritability, would only know that he was attacking~www.readwn.com~ The feeling of fighting alone is completely different from the people who have been standing behind him and supporting him.

The action of the armored bird made people dazzled, but the fire-breathing dragon and Ao Feng were still staring unblinkingly, any action was not wrong, and the direction of the armored bird's next move was estimated.

This is the first time that Aofeng and the little elf have focused their minds on the same thing. Before they knew it, the frequency of their eye movements became exactly the same. Gradually, even the breathing rate was completely agree.

"Hey, do you feel that there is something wrong with Ao Feng's situation?" In the stands, Chen Xin, the strongest, felt an unusual aura, and bumped against the shadow with his elbow. Only the shadow's strength is closest to him here, and he believes that if he can detect it, the shadow can also.

Sure enough, Shadow nodded: "Well, he may have to advance."

"What are you talking about?" The people around were a little confused when they heard their conversation.

"Don't ask, just keep watching." You Ying waved his hand, without turning his head, he kept focusing on Ao Feng and the fire-breathing dragon.

"It's right now, Shadow Claw!" Ao Feng suddenly shouted.

Even if Ao Feng didn't speak, the fire-breathing dragon knew what he was going to do. At that time, he already knew what Ao Feng was thinking. The black chain was thrown out.

With a bang, in the disbelieving gaze of the armored bird, the shadow claws tightly grasped his wings, and the next moment, the fire-breathing dragon wrapped in flames has arrived.

"Armored bird, use the rock collapse!" Yu Hen's pupils shrank, knowing that it was too late, but he still did not want to give up and was doing his last struggle.

The power of the skills that the fire-breathing dragon uses now is not comparable to that of the jet flame, especially under the increase of the dragon dance and the flame that has turned purple.

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