Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 489: Feel sorry

After taking a shower, she sent Kerr a text message, she would see it tomorrow morning, so that she could feel at ease.

As soon as he lay down, Xiaolu rushed to the bed and lay beside Ao Feng.

Ao Feng looked at him helplessly, flicked his fingers on his head, and turned to look at Lucario. Sure enough, this guy also looked at him a little embarrassed. After all, he is not young, and he has experienced a lot more things than Xiaolu, and is more stable. It is impossible to be as willful as him.

She patted on the head of the road: "Get up."

Xiaolu was a little puzzled, and got up with a little grievance. Ao Feng got up, put the two beds together, and then lay down. He didn't speak either. He put his hands behind his head and didn't speak. Although the single bed was wide enough for two people to lie down, he and the two elves couldn't squeeze together, and the two beds were just right together.

Xiaolu's eyes lit up as he lay beside Ao Feng. Ao Feng hugged his neck and rubbed his head.

"Haha, brother, brother, don't do it." Xiaolu tried his best to shrink his neck, struggling in vain.

Lucario sat down on the other side, watching them frolic, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, go to bed." It's getting late, and if you don't sleep, it may affect your state tomorrow.

"Are you interested in Rock Dogs?" Lucario asked.

"Hmm." Ao Feng responded without giving a clear answer, but the meaning had already been conveyed.

"It seems that I'm still lucky, it was too early to meet you." Lucario said with a smile. At that time, Ao Feng didn't have to think so much.

When the topic was over, they didn't speak anymore. Ao Feng listened to the gentle and regular breathing of the two little elves in his ear. Ao Feng opened his eyes and looked down at them. Although it was said that I knew each other early, it didn't make me worry.

Of course he wouldn't say this. Although he has experienced unpleasant things, thinking about it now, it is also a good memory. And what they experienced, not only did their feelings not decrease, but they became deeper.

"I'll ask you all in the future." Ao Feng said in a low voice.

Rock Dog woke up in the early morning, but he lay on the bed and didn't move. The injury on his body has not had much impact, but now he does not dare. He stared blankly in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

So much so that when Ao Feng came, he didn't even notice.

"What's wrong? Isn't it stupid?" Ao Feng raised his hand and waved in front of Yan Dogg.

Yan Dogg came back to his senses, and when he saw Ao Feng, he subconsciously shrank back. Yesterday, Ao Feng was really scary, but now Yangou is still a little scared and dare not touch it easily.

"You know you're afraid?" Ao Feng sat down beside the bed, "Then remember not to run outside in the rain when you're injured, or be careful to hang outside."

Raising his hand to touch the rock dog, feeling the trembling on the rock dog, Ao Feng sighed in his heart, why didn't he see that this child was so timid before: "Okay, don't you know why I'm angry? "

The rock dog licked his palm. He is also very conflicted now. He knows that Ao Feng cares about him, but he is still very afraid of what he saw yesterday. When he thought he was about to die, Ao Feng appeared to him. In front of him, there was no comfort, but when he came up, it was a sentence that made him feel chills.

"I'm going back, can you leave?" After a while, seeing that Dog Yan had no other reaction, Ao Feng didn't force him, stood up and said.

The rock dog raised his head and moved, but in the end he didn't jump out of the bed.

"Okay, then you can rest here." Ao Feng touched his ear, "Sorry, I scared you yesterday."

"Brother, you..." Walking out of the center of the elf, Xiaolu followed and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ao Feng.

"I was a bit fierce yesterday, but if I shrink back like this, then we may not get along in terms of character. Even if we subdue him, it will not be smooth in the future." Ao Feng shook his head and said.

"But, didn't you plan to give him a chance?" Xiaolu hesitated.

"Yeah, the opportunity is always there. If he comes to me, I will naturally let him live in the villa. If he doesn't come, then that's it."

It was never his style to take the initiative to show affection under such circumstances, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. This is also an opportunity for Yangou, an opportunity to learn more about Ao Feng, if you feel that it is not suitable, it is too late to find other trainers now.

But Rock Dog did not disappoint him. At night, Rock Dog reappeared in the villa with injuries on his body as always, but when he saw Ao Feng, the fear in Rock Dog's eyes had disappeared.

This time, the rock dog was not seriously injured, just treat it yourself. I don't know if Yangou's strength has become stronger, or he has listened to Ao Feng's words~www.readwn.com~ Be careful not to hurt yourself too much.

In the next few days, Ao Feng noticed that the dog was gone for longer and longer, and the injuries on his body became less and less, but his eyes became sharper and brighter.

Gradually, Ao Feng also felt relieved, Yan Dogg knew how to protect himself, and his strength was gradually increasing. This was enough. When he really started to evolve, even if Ao Feng disappeared for a few days, he could rest assured. he goes.

Aofeng and Ke'er's journey is still going on. It's another half a month, and they will turn around the more interesting places. During the period, at the invitation of Dr. Kukui, Aofeng and Ke'er went to Kaqi's class. lecture.

What he was talking about was not knowledge, but some information about elves. The main thing he needed to introduce was the elves that Alola was very rare or even didn't have. Let Kachi and the others add some experience. And this knowledge, it is more appropriate to be told by Ao Feng from other regions. After all, he has personally come into contact with many elves.

Of course Aofeng would not refuse such a thing, but he had to ask Ke'er to prepare lessons and so on. The collation of materials and the selection of elves were mainly done by Ke'er. Otherwise, Aofeng would definitely go empty-handed. It will be a mess.

Fighting Aofeng is good at fighting, but when it comes to lectures, he is a lot worse.

The two also became acquainted with several teenagers and girls. When they were on vacation, they would also invite them to play.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, he will be fine." At night, Ao Feng sat in front of the window and looked down, without moving for a while.

"It's impossible to be completely at ease." Ao Feng sighed, the rock dog has been gone for three days, Ke'er checked the information, usually the rock dog will come back after leaving for a day or two, not seeing him for such a long time, I really feel nervous.

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