Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 498: unexpected news

The small and dense gypsophila closely surrounds the large flower in the middle. The length of the pruned gypsophila is less than half of the large flower, but it has a hint of support. Trust, attachment, support, and some low self-esteem and caution can all be read from these two kinds of flowers.

Gradually, Ao Feng's movements slowed down, and he continued after the Maneyan Werewolf completed the first part. As it extended to the surroundings, Ao Feng deliberately cut the flower stems shorter and shorter. When he reached the edge of the flower pot, it was already Basically the same as the sky full of stars.

The Maneyan Werewolf raised his head and felt that it was not just Ao Feng, but he also sensed what Ao Feng meant.

Pat him on the head and let him finish the rest.

"Crack, snap, snap..." Elijah stood up and applauded, "Awesome, although you didn't know the main points before the assessment, but now you should understand, congratulations on your successful clearance, the work is very good, I like it already."

"Good job, thank you for your hard work." Ao Feng hugged the Maneyan Werewolf and said with a smile. Now he really understands that the first few times he couldn't pass it was too rigid, and let the elf do exactly what he wanted, which was completely different from the original intention of this assessment.

The reason for choosing the non-combat method is that one is the reform of the Kanto region, and the other is that the trainer should not issue orders like in the battle, and let the elves do the same. This assessment focuses on the reflection of the trainer and the elf's personality and tacit understanding. This is also the key point to be implemented by the entire Alliance Conference. As long as the method is right, this assessment is really simple for Ao Feng, which is very consistent with his own philosophy, and winning the badge is not a problem at all.

However, this is also for him. In recent months, dozens of trainers have returned from Erica without success. On the surface, the requirements of the alliance seem to be relaxed a lot, and you can participate without a badge, but in fact, whether it is relaxed or not is open to question.

After successfully obtaining the rainbow badge, the relationship between Aofeng, the elves and the mane rock werewolves has become much closer, making him realize that this family already has a place for himself.

The next morning, Ao Feng and Ke'er said goodbye to Elijah and set off for the next city. Just like when they traveled in CD, they marched in a hurry in the morning, Ao Feng and Elf ran on their way, Bidio flew with Ke'er in the air, and after lunch, they concentrated on training and continued until the evening, spending most of their time on training.

Without the pressure of the badge, Ao Feng's schedule is much looser. It doesn't matter if the badge can be obtained or not. Having a large number of badges is just an advantage, not a victory. The main event must be placed at the official conference.

It took a month for Ao Feng and Ke'er to enter the next city - Light Red City.

Just as Ao Feng sat down on the sofa in the Elf Center, the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and when he saw Chen Xin's name on it, he raised his eyebrows. He connected the phone and put it to his ear. Just as he was about to make fun of him, he heard Chen Xin say, "Ao Feng, Jiu Minye is dead. already."

"Ah?" Ao Feng was startled by the sudden news. He heard that Chen Xin's tone was wrong and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know the specific situation, I just received a notification, but the disappearance I got was killed by someone." Chen Xin said.

Ao Feng frowned. It had nothing to do with him whether Jiu Minye died or not. There was only a conflict between them. Ao Feng and Chen Xin should be happy when he died, but if he was killed, then this matter would be irrelevant. So simple. In any case, even if Jiu Minye is an illegitimate child, he is also the descendant of the patriarch of the Feng Che family. If someone dares to attack the children of the family, it is absolutely impossible to suppress this matter.

Not only is it related to the Fengche family, but Jiu Minye's strength is almost as good as it is without the Heavenly King. Such masters have all died unexpectedly, so what about the descendants of other families? It is estimated that it will not be long before many people receive the news of the family requesting to go home.

Besides, Jiu Minye was the heir that Chen Xin's father, Feng Che, had identified, suddenly disappeared. Chen Xin was the first to bear the brunt.

"What did your father say?" Ao Feng asked.

"He told me to go back immediately." Chen Xin's voice was low and full of anger.

"He thought it was your hand?"

"Yes." Ao Feng almost heard Chen Xin's teeth grinding.

Mina's voice came from the phone, it probably really comforted him.

With a sneer, Ao Feng said, "Don't worry about him, go back to my house first, I'll see what he can do. Oh, do my parents know?"

"I told them, and they mean the same thing. I guess they will call you in a while." Chen Xin's tone softened.

"Well, then go back to my house first. Ke'er and I will rush back right away. Be careful on the way."

"Understood, I'm not that waste of Jiu Minye." Chen Xin said confidently.

Thinking about it too, now his body is not as fragile as it was a few years ago~www.readwn.com~ The use of superpowers is quite good, and self-protection is still no problem.

"Brother Feng?" Ke'er asked when he saw that he hung up the phone.

Ao Feng said a few simple words in Ke'er's ear, and then said, "Let's go back now, call your family, and report safety."

No one knows whether the person who started the attack is only targeting Jiu Minye, or in other words, only targeting the Fengche family. Before things are clear, one cannot relax their vigilance.

As soon as Ao Feng finished speaking, the phone rang again. Unsurprisingly, it was his mother who called. Qingxi didn't say that he must go back, but just told him to be more careful.

It is clear how much Qingxi is in Aofeng's side, Yandi Chaomeng plus Dakulai, such a lineup has a bodyguard and a waveguide. If they can't protect Aofeng well, then Aofeng will return home. It didn't help either.

Asking for the Poké Ball from Miss Joy, Ao Feng contacted Chao Meng and Yandi and asked them to be ready at any time. Chao Meng had better come over.

Find the family business and fly back.

When Ao Feng arrived home, Chen Xin and Minai had already returned. Seeing that he was safe and sound, Ao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"What does Feng Che mean?" Ao Feng asked when the four of them sat down in the room.

"He suspects it was me." Chen Xin rolled her eyes.

"Well, it's also possible." Ao Feng touched his chin, "Jiu Minye died, and the one who benefits the most is you, the only heir to the Feng Che family."

Chen Xin raised her foot and kicked him: "Go to hell."

Ao Feng stepped aside and said with a smile, "I didn't expect him to treat you to such an extent that he would think that you did it."

"Then what can we do? Let him doubt it." Chen Xin shrugged and said nonchalantly.

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