Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 505: Doubles, 5 badges

The elves released by the two gyms are the Flying Mantis and the Electric Shock Demon respectively, while Ao Feng sent a combination of leaf elves and flaming monkeys. Although there is restraint in their own attributes, but with their tacit understanding, there will be no problems in cooperation. What's more, if it goes well, Ye Elf doesn't need to attack.

Obviously, the two gym owners have also practiced doubles, otherwise they wouldn't let the electric-type electric monster and the flying mantis play together.

After the battle started, the flaming monkey rushed towards the two elves on the opposite side, while the leaf elves did not move, waiting for the opportunity to activate their skills.

The Electric Shock Demon and the Flying Mantis also acted under the orders of the two pavilion owners. The Flying Mantis's wings vibrated and flew towards the Flaming Monkey quickly. The sickle-shaped arms were crossed in front of the chest, and the white light condensed on it. among.

The electric shock monster can't fly. The speed of the two legs alone is not much slower than that of the flying mantis. The electric light condenses between the palms, and the electric ball is gradually expanding.

However, the opponent's attack, the flame monkey, didn't seem to see half of it. It landed on all fours, ran at full speed, and quickly narrowed the distance between it and the flying mantis. At this moment, Ye Elf, who had not moved all the time, shot.

With a clear cry, Ye Elf raised his forefoot and then dropped it down, stepping on the ground lightly, shocking the beast's feet, and immediately a grass ring appeared, which was tightly bound to the foot of the beast, making the center of gravity of the beast unprepared unstable. He fell to the ground, but even so, the electric ball in his hand was thrown out, and the target was still precisely pointed at the flame monkey.

At this time, the flaming monkey and the flying mantis were already facing each other. The man stood up and jumped forward with the momentum and speed of the forward charge. The blue fire in his hand condensed and formed a blue long stick in an instant. , collided with the sickle arm of the flying mantis exuding a white halo, and while holding it firmly, it also made the flying mantis almost unable to resist the force from the flame stick and flew out backwards, and had to tremble its wings to stabilize Body shape, in the air to suppress the past in reverse.

At this time, if the Flying Mantis is repelled, the electric ball of the electric shock beast will no longer be effective. On the other hand, as long as the flying mantis suppresses the flame monkey, the electric ball will definitely hit.

A leisurely melody sounded and reverberated on the field. The flying mantis and the electric monster subconsciously looked in the direction of Ye Elf. At this moment, the notes around Ye Elf's body floated, floating in the air, and their minds were blurred in the blink of an eye. up.

The owner of the pavilion saw that it was a grass flute and did not dare to let it continue. He ordered the Flying Mantis to stop taking care of the flaming monkey, and used insects to chirping. It was the sound that resisted the grass flute.

The power of the Flying Mantis to suppress the flame monkey weakened, and turned to use the same sonic skill to compete with the grass flute. The effect of the grass flute is weakened, so that its hypnotic ability cannot be exerted, but at the same time, its own power is also reduced, and it has little impact on the flame monkey.

Before the flaming monkey fell to the ground, the electric ball had already arrived in front of him, from bottom to top, attacking the abdomen of the flaming monkey, but the flaming monkey still seemed not to see it at this time, and the long stick in his hand immediately pushed forward, Attack the Flying Mantis.

Unexpectedly, the Flaming Monkey would not defend and counterattack at this time, the Flying Mantis was repelled, and the insect chirping stopped abruptly. At the same time, the flaming monkey's flame stick was extended, blocked in front of him, and followed the electric ball. Although the explosion also caused it to retreat, it did not suffer any damage.

On the other hand, the Flying Mantis and the Electric Shock Warcraft lost their resistance to the chirping insects, and quickly went to sleep, lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

The leaf elf was not polite, the straw knot rope was used again, and strong vines drilled out of the ground, tying the two elf tightly together.

The pavilion owner didn't give up like this, but although they kept trying to wake up their elf, it didn't work until the leaf elf's straw-knot rope was used up. The flaming monkey stepped forward three or two to deal with the flying mantis, and the rest The Electric Shock Monster woke up and used the electric skills to smash the vines, but he was unable to fight the combination of the flaming monkey and the leaf elf, and he was defeated without doing anything.

After successfully getting the third badge, as usual, they took a night’s rest in the dark city. Ao Feng and Ke’er went to the golden city, which has a super power gym.

The assessment of the Golden City is very special. It doesn't need Ao Feng and his elf to do anything. As long as he and one of his elf undertake the super illusion that Nazi and her Hudi release together, it will be fine. ruling.

Ao Feng only felt that he woke up after taking a nap. Na Zi didn't explain anything to him, and threw the fourth badge to him directly.

Ao Feng didn't know why, and his elf didn't know anything, or it was Ke'er who asked about it later. Na Zi was examining the depth and trust between the elf and the trainer~www.readwn.com~ Create negative scenarios through superpowers and observe their choices.

And in order not to affect the trainer and the elf, Nazi's super power on the challenger is like a short-lived dream to the challenger, and most people will not have an impression of it.

Since there was not much time left, and there must be a lot of people participating in the Alliance Conference this time, Aofeng and Ke'er decided to arrive earlier, occupying a room at the Elf Center, and then rushed directly to the Quartz Plateau. The last gym on the route is Nibi City. Xiaogang is still traveling, so the gym is managed by his father Wu Neng. The assessment here is a sculpture closely related to rocks. In the rock-type gym, Aofeng naturally sent Maneyan Werewolf, and made their own works after the demonstration of Wu Neng. Although it looks a bit rough, it is still recognized by Wu Neng. Get the fifth badge.

The Quartz Plateau has changed a lot from what Aofeng remembers, especially the main venue, which is more than twice the size of the original. The entire Quartz Plateau has been remodeled, and all kinds of buildings are readily available. The area is divided into several parts, but there is a high wall blocking it, and it is not allowed to watch in advance, so Ao Feng can only give up.

They came relatively early, and Ke'er and Ke'er each asked for a room, and the two settled down here. After more than half a year of travel, there was finally a time to rest, Ao Feng and Ke'er did not go out for a few days.

After Ao Feng rested, he gathered the elves together for a week of training, and sent them home for the rest of the week on standby. In addition, they had a good rest and were ready to fight at any time.

During this process, Ke'er was always by his side, so that Ao Feng could focus on training and not think about other things, and those Ke'er would do well. Now, Ao Feng also has time to accompany her out for a walk.

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