Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 507: The official opening of the conference

"I can't say that." Ao Feng glanced at him, and his subordinates kept saying, "Of course we have to use effective resources. They are not weak. It is better to pull them over than to be opponents. If they cause us trouble, it will be easy to deal with them. It takes a lot of time, and it's not harmful to give advance notice. Also, do you know how we're going to get there? There's no guarantee that we'll be together. If we do, the chances of meeting will be higher, even if we don’t get together, three or two people will achieve their goals.”

Feather Hen knew it, but he didn't think much about it. However, if he knew that Ao Feng's reasons were all made up of temporary nonsense, and he originally planned to start a group with a dozen people, he would definitely not think so.

It was already late when Ao Feng came. He put down his cell phone and counted the fur on the flaming horses. The speakers in the preparation room notified them that they were ready to appear, and then some staff came in to arrange their actions.

The trainer brought his elf to the square outside the main venue to assemble, lined up according to the arrangement of the staff, the flying Pokémon were all arranged in front, and the staff conveyed the requirements to everyone.

About ten minutes later, the front door opened, and the contestants entered in sequence. Soon, Ao Feng heard the cheers of the audience. Although this arrangement was a bit troublesome, it was more attractive than the simple trainers standing in a square team. the eyes of the audience.

On the back of the flaming horse, Ao Feng followed the team into the arena, waving to the surroundings as he circled the arena, scanning the crowds in the auditorium, looking for Ke'er's figure.

Although the venue is very large, according to the impression of Ke'er's position, when he walked over, he laughed.

Ke'er also stood up and waved at him. Aofeng's index finger and **** were put together and placed between his lips, and he made a gesture of blowing a kiss. The flame horse cooperated very well to stir up the flames. The girls around Kerr exclaimed. The flame horse can be said to be one of the most dazzling elves present, and Ao Feng is already very handsome, those single girls thought that Ao Feng was blowing kisses to them.

"Ao Feng!"

"It's really him, he's waving to me!"

After the last conference, Aofeng has gained a certain reputation. He is young and rich, strong, and recognized by the legendary elves. Many people have raised the standard of mate selection, but they don't seem to know that Aofeng already has. lover.

Ke'er was wearing sunglasses, so she couldn't see the panic in her eyes, but Ao Feng still questioned the red glow on her white and tender face with sharp eyes.

She smiled contentedly and continued to walk forward.

"Ao Feng? Cut it." Beside Ao Feng, a young man with yellow hair gave him a disdainful look, with jealousy and contempt in his eyes.

The people around also looked at him with bad expressions. Originally, this guy riding a flaming horse made them not very happy, but now he has stolen all the limelight, so he is happy.

For their gazes, Ao Feng could only express helplessness and depression. It seemed that before the game started, he was about to become the target of public criticism. No matter who knows him or not, he will probably remember him after this scene is over, and he doesn't know how to fight in the game. I thought to myself that I had to be more careful during the competition for a while, otherwise it would be miserable if I was plotted against it, and I had to quickly pull the alliance over.

Fortunately, the people who knew him did not dare to act rashly, and won the championship for two consecutive times in the league conference. Such strength made them not dare to act rashly. Those who did not know him would definitely not have any precautions against him. vegetable.

After walking around the venue for a week, the contestants stood up in sequence in the center of the venue. After President Damalanqi gave a speech, the torch was lit, announcing the official opening of this Pokémon Kanto Quartz Conference.

Immediately afterwards, the host introduced the details of the first game: "Part of the first game, the players should already know, that is, crossing the desert Waha, but there is another very important thing, collecting items, the staff has already Hide this crystal in various places in the desert, three thousand in total."

Saying that, the host took out a red crystal, which was immediately projected on the big screen. It was a red polyhedron, the whole body was red, and the middle part was white.

"Trainers can only choose two elves, and use their strength to travel and search for the location of crystals. Let me talk about the arrangement of points. The first is speed. The first trainer to reach the key points can get 100 points. The second place is ninety, the third place is eighty, and so on, until the tenth place is in descending order, and the eleventh place all the way to the last place has a unified accumulation of five points."

In this way, there is a gap of 90 points between the first and tenth places~www.readwn.com~ Xiang Aofeng has only 50 points for five badges. If the nouns are opened, the gap between the points will be widened in an instant. The advantages that used to be there now seem to be nothing.

"I'll talk about these crystals below. Each crystal is worth two points. The more you accumulate, the more points you get." The host continued.

Ao Feng frowned. He was rushing through the desert. If he traveled at the speed of a flying elf, he would be able to reach the finish line in a day or two at most. Of course, this was without considering the resources and physical strength of the elf. The crystals that need to be collected are also big, one is two points, as long as there are fifty crystals, it is equivalent to the first person to reach the end of the point, not to mention a total of three thousand.

Although it seems that everyone can be divided into about five yuan, in fact, it can be divided equally, not to mention whether they can find them all. Even if they are found, most of them will still be concentrated on the strong or those with special On the trainer of the power elf.

However, with this constraint, the competitors will not move too fast. The two little elves that Ao Feng had previously identified remain unchanged. With their abilities, whether it is to hurry or find things, it will be very easy.

"In the first competition, the requirement is to only use the resources we provide, including water, sunglasses, cloaks, etc. The trainer is not allowed to carry anything except two elves. Once they are found to be used, they will be disqualified from the competition immediately. "The host finally said, "Later, please come to the front in order to collect the supplies, and then send them together."

Ao Feng didn't bring anything with him. While waiting to receive the supplies, he released Xiaolu and asked him to bring his bag and the other four Poke Balls to Ke'er, and then wait here for him to come back. Since there is no chance to take action, it is better to rest here and recharge.

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