Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 50: fighting

Although A Ju was successfully evacuated, the Heipao people didn't worry too much. Wouldn't Chaomeng personally go out and complete the mission?

The underground research institute has become a battlefield. The trainers and the personnel who specialize in guarding the research institute are all here to defend the last line of defense, keeping the Rockets out, but it will not last long depending on the situation, and the front line is constantly being compressed. .

"The Fang Lu Shark, Dragon's Wrath!" Ao Feng and Chen Xin released the Fang Lu Shark as soon as they came out, and released their skills at the Rockets who hadn't reacted yet.

The fireball exploded on the ground, telling the story that a Team Rocket player blew up, and their elf temporarily stopped attacking because of the master's condition.

The Rockets were affected, and the defensive trainers immediately seized the opportunity to start a counterattack to bring the situation back a little.

Ao Feng's sneak attack was successful, but their situation was not very good. The leader of the other party immediately responded: "You guys, go and deal with those two little devils!"

"Yes!" The four Rockets brought their little elves to surround Ao Feng and Chen Xin.

Ao Feng and Chen Xin stood back to back and were surrounded by ten elves at once, which seemed to be really troublesome: "Come on, one and a half, see who finishes first!" Less is more, whether your level is very high, but you can't wait to die.

"Come out, mini dragon, ink seahorse, mosquito coil tadpole, big milk tank!" Chen Xin directly released her elf.

"Xiaolu, Fang Lu Shark, Lizhuang Chicken, Bibi Bird, and almost dolls, you guys too!" Ao Feng smiled and released his five elves. As long as the operation is done well, this battle seems to be a chance. .

"Huh? There are three shining elves, mini dragon, strong chicken, Leo Lu, boys, give you a chance, give your elves to our Rocket team first and join us, I will let you go, How's it going?" Team Rocket didn't recognize Ao Feng and Chen Xin, or he didn't look carefully at all, the situation was too chaotic, and most of his attention had to be on the battle situation.

Ao Feng snorted coldly: "Want us to surrender? Think beautifully, Chen Xin, hurry up and fight, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no chance to make a move."

Chen Xin nodded, his idea was very simple, let the mosquito coil tadpoles and the big milk tank block the attack, and then let the mini dragon and the ink seahorse perform combined skills behind. The big milk tank has a certain healing ability, if you have enough time, try to kill them with one move.

Ao Feng faced Rada, pangolin, Dudu, Big-billed Sparrow and a King Nido. From the breath, it was obvious that King Nido was the biggest threat. Aofeng's fighting method was completely different from that of Chen Xin. the same.

"Almost the doll uses the help of the fangtooth land shark, then uses the angel's kiss on the king of Nido, and then uses the howl. The fangtooth land shark charges the dragon's wrath, Bibi bird stops the sparrow, and the small road strong chicken comes on, One piece to deal with King Nido!" Ao Feng quickly issued an order.

"King Nido, use the poison needle!" a Rocket team member shouted, but as soon as his order arrived, the almost doll's angel's kiss fell on King Nido, and the chaotic effect was activated immediately. However, Chaos failed to prevent King Nido's skills from being used, and a piece of poisonous needles sprayed in the direction of the path and the strong chicken.

Xiaolu and Lizhuangji did not seem to panic. Just as King Nido's attack was about to arrive, a wall of light appeared in front of them, halving King Nido's attack, and the healing bell immediately eliminated possible poisoning. Effect. It's almost a baby. After King Nido attacked, he stopped howling and released the safety output of skills to support the path and the strong chicken.

And the speed of Xiaolu and Lizhuang Chicken did not weaken at all, and Xiaolu directly used high-speed movement, leaving behind afterimages, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of King Nido.

Don't look at the attack ability of the doll is not strong, but his auxiliary ability and healing ability are not weak, how can the king-level elf trained by the champion trainer and the breeder with the strength of the king be weak?

"Quick, stop them!" The Rockets immediately gave instructions to their elf, and Lada, Dudu, and Pangolin were about to attack the path.

Li Zhuangji paused, opened his mouth and spewed out a pillar of fire, and began to shoot, from left to right, even the elf and the trainer did not let go, and stopped the three elf's footsteps. The pillar of fire made a circle and landed on King Nido again, sustaining damage.

Xiaolu had already jumped up, and the explosive kick hit King Nido, sending him into the air.

Temporarily suppressing the opponent's counterattack, Bibi Bird's side is relatively easy to deal with. Facing the elf who is more advanced than him, he can't fight recklessly. .

Seeing that all the elves on his side were turning their backs to him, and turning to the three elves who were just about to move, Ao Feng smiled: "It's almost a baby, Shining!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes. At the same time, a dazzling white light flashed out, followed by several screams. The Rockets and their elf temporarily lost their eyesight, and they were no longer organized for a while. No effective counterattack. This flash not only affected the five people that Ao Feng was facing, but also affected Chen Xin's opponent~www.readwn.com~ No one noticed that a faint shadow appeared in the flash not far away. disappear.

After the strong chicken sprayed flames, a large character burst onto King Nido, causing him to scream again and again, and the flying knee of Xiaolu also hit King Nido in the back, causing King Nido to kneel on the ground. But at this time King Nido also woke up.

"Almost a doll, fascinated!" Ao Feng let out a sullen smile, my family's almost doll is a sister paper.

Sure enough, almost after the doll skill was released, King Nido gave up his resistance and rolled his eyes with pink hearts.

The strong chicken ran out quickly and kicked the three elves who were trying to rub their eyes and the five Rockets players opposite to King Nido. The compressed version of Dragon Fury flew out, producing a violent explosion.

Ao Feng whistled, and a mushroom cloud could be faintly seen at that location.

At this time, Chen Xin's side had almost finished the battle. With the help of Ao Feng's side Shining, he released his combined skills, dropped three elves in seconds, and then besieged the remaining two.

At this time, the leader of the Rockets had no time to pay attention to the situation here, because there was an unexpected situation in the big game, and the Rockets players fell to the ground one by one, but no one noticed anything abnormal, and the inexplicable situation caused Out of panic, even the elves lost their due combat effectiveness, and they were counterattacked by the trainer.

"What's the matter!" The leader yelled angrily, and suddenly he caught the black shadow against the wall. Before he could react, the shadow flashed by in a silent smile, Back to Ao Feng's side.

"Ghost Stone, you've done a good job." Ao Feng laughed, and Ghost Stone perfectly completed the task he had given him.


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